Saturday, December 28, 2019
Lolita vs. Frankenstein Free Essay Example, 1500 words
The novel Lolita consists of multifaceted themes such as love, pain, sex, puritanical ideas, art, psychology, exploitation, use of language and so on. The basic content of this novel is the desire for sex that permeates all throughout the story and the author knits together the other themes into it very nicely. The strong passion of Love is the basic instinct of sex that is displayed on various forms on this novel. A close reading of the text reveals that almost all the characters in the novel are seeking for love and this tends many to underestimate the book as pornographic. Here the characters, both Humbert and Charlotte, are seeking love but not from each other. For instance, Humbert looks love from the young girl Lolita, the mother of Lolita, while Charlotte seeks love from Humbert. In the same way, one can also come across multitudes of themes in the book Frankenstein too. The basic theme of Frankenstein is most widely accepted as ignorance is bliss. The novel also posses chall enges to many conventional precepts about the nature and one’s beliefs of god through science and technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Lolita vs. Frankenstein or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The author mixes the emotions of love, hatred, guiltiness, romance, sadness and so on into the novel extremely well. Frankenstein and his cousin Elizabeth loved each other with the permission of his parents. He wanted to marry her after the completion of his study in Germany. â€Å"Tears gushed from the eyes of the Elizabeth†as she is unable to control herself when her lover Frankenstein leaves her (Shelley 67). Here the author mixes up the emotion of sadness, sorrow, and the affection and the pain of separation very effectively. The narrative style of both the novels also deserves one’s attention. The novel Frankenstein starts with the communication between Captain Robert Walton and his sister passing across letters. These letters consist of the story of Frankenstein and his creature as Frankenstein describes it to Robert. The novel Lolita, on the other hand, is totally a record of Humbert Humbert. He always lives in his fictional world and he spends his maximum duration of time in different sanitariums. He has undergone a mental treatment that made him hungry for teenage girls. The narrative structure of Lolita is as similar as Frankenstein because the main characters of both of the novels are conversing theirs past behavior to future occurrences as a form of confession. For instance, utterances like â€Å"I was born in 1910. In Paris†(Nabokov part 1: 2) and â€Å"I am by birth a Genevese. †(Shelly, 39) depicts similarities in the narrative styles even though different motives prompt the characters.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Increased Levels Of Physical Activity - 2932 Words
During increased levels of physical activity, the human body responds by altering various cardio-respiratory variables to supply the skeletal muscles with an adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients to sustain the increased metabolic demand. If individuals engage in frequent exercise, the cardio-respiratory system and targeted skeletal muscles become stronger and more efficient relative to individuals that do not engage in exercise. It was hypothesized that at rest athletic individuals would have a lower resting heart rate and at peak performance athletic individuals would have a higher VO2 and a-v O2 difference with a lower TPR, compared to non-athletic individuals. Both male and female subjects, between the ages of 20-23, were placed into two groups based on their weekly amount of time engaging in exercise (Group 1 being zero hours per week, and Group 2 being more than ten hours per week). These cardio-respiratory variables were measured as each subject, sitting on a cycle ergometer , went from rest to peak performance. It was found that athletic subjects did not differ significantly from non-athletic subjects for any of the tested cardio-respiratory variables. However, it was seen that both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems displayed an increase in efficiency for athletic subjects compared to non-athletic subjects. This increased efficiency is not only beneficial for exercise performance, but also for sustaining and improving a healthy life.Show MoreRelatedCardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases779 Words  | 3 Pagesbaseline measurements [20]. Thus, increase in physical activity will decrease cardiometabolic risk factors [8]. Several studies indicate a positive correlation between physical activity and decreased cardiometabolic risk markers [2,4,11,16]. 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Heart Disease and Stroke nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;DailyRead MoreAchieving Better Health For The American Population1501 Words  | 7 Pagesconditions of the American population ensures the increased quality of life. People eat for various reasons with the fundamental reason being for survival purposes. However, the issue of eating to live and living to eat affects people in different manners as most people develop poor eating habits that affect the body’s nutritional intake and affects their health. Being healthy involves careful considerations of what one is eating and engaging in activities that contribute to better healthy lives thatRead MorePhysical Activity versus Extra Sleep700 Words  | 3 PagesPhysical Activity versus Extra Sleep Obesity and overall health can be affected by both the amount of sleep you get, and with the amount of physical activity you do. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Johnny tremain free essay sample
Read to find out how Johnny and other characters play important roles in historical events. BACKGROUND Time and Place Bostonians responded with outrage to the closing of their port and the arrival of British soldiers and warships. The Committees of Correspondence that Sam Adams began in the early asses evolved to play an even more active role. In September 1774, all the colonies except Georgia sent representatives to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. The Congress decided on a boycott of British goods and promised to stand together in defense of Boston.One result of this promise was the forming, arming, and training of Leonia militias. The Congress also prepared a summary of its complaints for King George. The king, however, was not interested in reviewing these complaints and sent more soldiers and ships to Boston. Did You Know? Colonial militiamen had no uniforms and had to supply their ovum guns and ammunition, as well as food and other accessories. Many had learned to shoot while hunting for food or fighting Native Americans in the countryside.As you read, follow the progress of events by noting the main actions of the characters listed below. Paul Revere Sam Adams and John Hancock A silversmith and a rebel. He eventually becomes a spymaster for the rebel event and fights bravely in the Revolution. Continue as leaders of Patriot movement; in March, leave Boston for Concord to attend Provincial Congress Johnny Arab An apprentice to Mr.. Alphas, a silversmith. After his hand is burned by some melted silver, Johnny starts working at the Boston Observer and apart of the rebel movement A printers apprentice at the Boston Observer.Arab becomes a friend to Johnny. He participates in many rebel Acts and movements, including the Sons of Liberty and the Boston Observers. Dove Dry. Warren One of Alphas apprentices, He is fired and goes to work as a stable boy for Colonel Smith. A skilled surgeon that offers to give Johnny back the use of his thumb by cutting away the scared skin Colonel Smith General Gage A high-ranking British officer who employs Dove as a stable boy and leads the assault on Lexington and Concord. How is later wounded.A general that replaces Governor Hutchinson as the person in charge of Boston, General Gage, to the surprise of the townspeople, is not as strict as they expected him to be. Responding Personal Response Think about Esther Forbears statement that she wanted to give Johnny room enough to change and grow. Do you think she succeeded? Why or why not? Way think she did. She gave him a lot of places to fit in and to come out as he wanted to be in the end. Analyzing Literature Recall and Interpret 1 . What are some ways that the Patriots prepare for war?How would you describe the mood between Bostonians and the British troops occupying their city? Well the Patriots prepared in the form of minute men and acts of defiance. Such as the Boston tea party 2. Explain how the Minute Men learn Of the British armys actual battle plans. What do these efforts reveal about the Patriots commitment to independence? Johnny takes his job as a spy hanging out at the African Queen. Dove lets slip that he has been ordered to polish Colonel Smiths campaign saddle rather than his usual saddle.Johnny pieces together that the Brats are going to attack Lexington and the Minute Men are alerted. This small band of patriots are willing to flight the mighty British army for independence. 3. Summarize what happens after Johnny finds Arab at Lexington. At the end of the novel, what decision does Johnny make about his future? What does this decision reveal about his values and character? By this point in the story, Johnny has come full circle. He no longer shies away from physical pain or ark, as he did in the early chapters set at the Alphas house.He is also able to think rationally about his behavior rather than surrendering to his first impulses; he is stoic about Arabs death and agrees to the operation because he knows that doing these things will be better in the long run, even if they are difficult now. Responding Analyzing Literature (continued) Evaluate and Connect 4. How does the author create suspense during the final chapters of the novel? Throughout Chapter Eleven, Johnny remains in the dark about Arabs fate. The emotional anguish he experiences from not knowing shows that one f wars greatest costs is the psychological toll it takes on the living. . According to Johnny, at sixteen he is A boy in time of peace and a man in time of war. Do you agree with this statement? Do you think more is expected of young people when a country is at war? Explain. Yes, Johnny is just a teenager. In times of peace, he can go about his business with a limited amount of responsibility. Unfortunately, at sixteen, he is also expected (and wants) to fight for the independence of his country. He is a boy fighting in a mans war because he is needed. Literature and Writing Battlefield Report Imagine you are a reporter for either the Observer or for a British newspaper.Write a news report about the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Remember to cover the facts by answering these questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Though a news report should be unbiased, you will want to consider your audience. For example, a London audience would be more interested in the brave deeds of its own troops than in those of colonial troops. Share and compare your report with those of your classmates. Extending Your Response Literature Group as Though the Battles of Lexington and Concord are historical events, in the evolve you learn of them largely through Johnnys personal experience.With your group, review the text. Try to distinguish between Johnny s experience Of events and the objective events themselves. How might the events in the novels final chapters be different without Johnnys presence? Review your response to the Focus Activity on page 20 as you discuss these questions. Share your ideas and conclusions with the members of another group. Performing: Impersonation When Billy Dates impersonates a drunk and sneaks out of Boston, he succeeds on the strength of his acting ability. Try your hand at impersonation. Choose a character and a passage of dialogue from the book. Using minimal props, try to re-create your characters personality with body language and tone of voice. Share your impersonation with class members. Can they tell who you are? Save your work for your portfolio. Johnny Terrain Johnny Terrain is full of real-life people who changed their world-?and ours-?with their Ideas and actions. Which of these people did you find most fascinating? Why? In your opinion, which ones played the most important roles in the historic events of the American Revolution?
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Travel and Tourism in Society Tourist Experience
Question: Discuss about theTravel and Tourism in Society for Tourist Experience. Answer: Introduction This study focuses on providing tourist experience by highlighting the scientific description of culture and people with their habits, customs and the mutual differences in Batam, Indonesia. Thus, this study covers the trip details and the literature review in regards to this study topic. Moreover, this study also analyses the destination, trip as well as the motivation with the help of the proper theories and models. The Trip Itself The major and the most important aspect of this trip is to be familiar with the culture, customs as well as the people of a certain place (Miller, 2016). This trip was planned for visiting Batam in Indonesia, which is referred to the place of combination of island and municipality. It is an industrial boomtown, a part of a free trade zone and an emerging transport hub. Figure 1: Geographical Map of Batam, Indonesia (Source: Nahman, 2013) Ferry has been chosen as the mode of transport to travel the Island, Batam from Singapore as the ferries are available almost in every hour and it takes 50 minutes to reach Batam. The overall experience to travel Batam, Indonesia is good. The transport system from Singapore to Batam is well-available and comfortable enough. On the other hand, this island is a very good place to visit (Evans, Stonehouse Campbell, 2012). There are several tourist spots located in Batam such as Sentosa, Waterfront City, Galang Island and many others. Literature Review Ethnography Ethnography is study for the cultures as well as people, which is made in the systematic manner. It has been designed for exploring the cultural incidents where the researcher can make an observation regarding the society from the viewpoint of the subject of the study. According to the viewpoint of Hammersley, (2013), Ethnography was pioneered in the cultural, social as well as biological branches of anthropology as the presentation of the empirical data on the human cultures as well as societies. Howe, it is also famous in the social sciences in general. The ethnographic method is mainly utilized over the range of several distinct disciplines by primarily the anthropologists but also by the sociologists occasionally. According to Pink, (2013), Ethnography is the study of the socio-cultural aspects, meanings as well as the processes within the cultural systems. Ethnography is the iterative process to learn episodes and the process of continuing inquiries, making inferences as well as the process of discovery in the attempt for achieving the emic validity. Cultural?Systems?Paradigm? According to Street, (2014), the purpose of the Cultural?Systems?Paradigm?is for defining the concept of culture as well as the way through which the concept is utilized in the Cultural Ecology of Health and Change for better understanding the broad notions of well-being as well as human health. On the other hand, another purpose of the Cultural?Systems?Paradigm?is for informing the comprehensive approach to the CEHC program in the research of community assessment that is utilized for analyzing as well as collecting the community data that is utilized for informing the evaluation, implementation and the planning of CBIs. Demographics of Batam As per the ethnicity, Batam is heterogeneous in the Indonesian context as well as it is very diverse. Chinese, Minangkabau, Batak, Javanese as well as Malays are the predominant ethnicities. On the other hand, as per the religion, in Batam, Islam is the majority religion with the 74.25 % of the population, followed by the Buddhists, Christians and Hinduism. Malay origin are the native people of Batam (Spindler, 2014). It is still the Malayan Culture as well as Islam, even if Batam is multi-ethnic that forms the root of the local culture. Application of the Literature to the Trip Experience The Botam trip has helped in gathering huge experience in terms of Ethnography. In other words, this trip has helped in understanding the scientific description of culture and people with their habits, customs and the mutual differences in Batam, Indonesia (Pink, 2015) . While people go for a trip in a different place then they can get the scope to come in touch with the culture by interacting with the local people of that particular spot. From the point of view of the ethnography, such a trip is always significant to the travelers to be familiar with the culture, customs as well as systems of the visiting place. Hence, this particular fact can be established with the help of the proper analysis of Cultural?Systems?Paradigm model, which has been discussed in the literature review. Cultural? Systems? Paradigm? The Cultural?Systems?Paradigm?is the prime conceptual framework or the attribute of the ethnography that is significant for both of the cultural and the social systems. Cultural?System?Paradigm?provides the framework in order to initiate the study. On the other hand, it also provides an effective paradigm to store the ethnographic data. Therefore, the boundaries of this particular framework are not rigid. Hence, in case of this Batam, this framework can easily provide the ethnographic view of this trip. Figure 2: Cultural Systems Paradigm (Source: Miller, 2016) As per the Cultural?Systems?Paradigm, stories, values as well as the rituals are the major factor of this particular paradigm of Ethnography with the help of which, it would become very easier for the travelers to be attached with the people in the place where they are visiting. Hence, in case of the Batam trip, it is very important for the travelers to know the culture or to study the culture of that place. In order to do so, it is important to be very friendly with the people live in Batam. In batam, people are very religious (Nahman, 2013). Both of the ceremonies as well as the daily lives of the people in Batam have mythical as well as religious elements expressed in music, dance or other forms of art. Therefore, in this regard, it must be stated that the visitors must observe the local practices as well as customs while visiting Batam in Indonesia (Street, 2014). The use of Cultural Systems Paradigm in order to analyze several social units of Batam as the cultural systems have made possible while these system have the few significant factors. These are as follows: The preferred social structures as well as relationships off Batam The preferred systems of idea as well as the patterns of behavior Valued as well as the other objects those have been synthesized with the help of the group The existence within the social as well as physical environments The shared sense of needs that the group attempts for meeting and The shared historical processes as well as events that the group members in the trip either know explicitly or are influenced by tacitly. Conclusion This study has a complete analysis of a tourist experience by highlighting the culture, habits of the people and some essential difference in Batam, Indonesia. According to this study, it can be concluded that it covers all the details of a trip in Batam, Indonesia. The culture of the Indonesia is discovered in this paper, and it includes a brief study of their transport system. They are moving many places such as Galang Island, Sentosa, Waterfront City, Singapore. However, the overall experience of this trip is concluded that Indonesia is much better than discovered other places. References Evans, N., Stonehouse, G., Campbell, D. (2012).Strategic management for travel and tourism. Taylor Francis. Hammersley, M. (2013).What's wrong with ethnography?. Routledge. Miller, K. (2016). The accidental carjack: Ethnography, gameworld tourism, and grand theft auto.Game Studies,8(1), 147. Nahman, M. (2013).Extractions: An ethnography of reproductive tourism. Springer. Pink, S. (2013).Doing visual ethnography. Sage. Pink, S. (2015). Mediated sensory ethnography: doing and recording sensory ethnography in a digital world. Spindler, L. (2014).Interpretive ethnography of education at home and abroad. Psychology Press. Street, B. V. (2014).Social literacies: Critical approaches to literacy in development, ethnography and education. Routledge.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Scarlet Letter Essays (513 words) - English-language Films
Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, delivers a powerful novel invoked with symbolism. Centered on Hester, a woman branded with a scarlet "A" as a mark for adultery, much of the Scarlet Letter's symbolism grows from the cruel, and shameful letter. The "A" symbolizes the "walking emblem of shame." (Hawthorne 6). Throughout the novel, the brand of disgust evolves around the characters influenced by Hester, including her illegitimate child Pearl. Even Pearl is subject to the shame her mother has bore, and is also shunned from the strict Puritan society. The close of the novel reveals that the symbol has given Hester strength to redeem her sin, rather then brake her spirits. The adulterous mark is almost replaced by the community as "able" due to Hester's deeds to the community. Scarlet Letter also uses nature's flowers as a way to symbolize growth in the novel. The opening chapter describes a rosebush growing by the prison. It shows how even a beautiful flower like the rose can be judged as sacrificial, with its petals near the jail. This relates to Hester, as her beautiful character is judged by sin, not by actions. Later in the novel, Chillingworth, Hester's husband, expresses to let the "black flower blossom as it may." (Hawthorne 14). This reoccurrence of the flower shows how Chillingworth accepts his tortuous soul. The flower's bloom is a direct symbol for the growth of character in Scarlet Letter. Clothing is a final source Hawthorne uses to symbolize. In chapter 7, Pearl is dressed in a red gown, with gold trim. The dress of Pearl is almost identical to the brand Hester must endure, with her scarlet brand. Chillington is dressed in black, which gives an insight into his sinister character, as revealed in chapter 14. Also, the use of bright color, like red, and gold expresses how different Hester and Pearl are viewed by the Puritan society, which mainly dresses in plain, emotionless colors. The brand of sin is reflected in all the aspects of Hester's life, which show how clothing in Scarlet Letter drastically reflects situation, and character. Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter gives a tremendous impression on the reader, filled with oppression, and historical opinion of the Puritans. Unfortunately, as the novel appears to mirror reality, situations in the storyline leave the reader skeptical about the actual ability to perform these actions. Hester's sudden removal of the scarlet brand bestowed upon her seems very unrealistic, considering it took seven years to remove it so quickly, and carefree. It almost makes the symbol of the scarlet letter obsolete at the end of the chapter 18, leaving insinuation that the letter did not have as much influence as formerly expressed. The Scarlet Letter also confuses the reader during chapters after 20. The final pages of the novel give a completely different perspective. Generally focused on the main characters, during chapter 21, and 22, the market gives a more broad insight into the community. While it makes for interesting reading, the sudden change of perspective leaves the reader strayed from the main characters, like Hester, and Pearl. The Scarlet Letter is a very intriguing novel, for anyone looking to find a tale of Puritan life, and the harsh reality of the times. Overall, the Scarlet Letter delivers an exciting, and interesting view for all readers.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Promotional Strategies
Promotion is a part of 4Ps of marketing business strategies, which is widely used by the companies to inform, influence, or persuade existing and potential customers about the company’s products or services. Marketing itself combines a broad range of business activities, where marketing mixes help companies to achieve its objectives and total customer satisfaction. Careful and thoughtful development of promotional strategies plays a significant role for business enterprises to maintain its leadership position in today’s competitive marketplace. Unique promotional strategies make companies different and better from those of competitors, and so, attract more new customers. It is important to understand that these strategies need to be effective to ensure the success of the campaign. Promotional strategies turn into campaigns whose objective is to let the market know that the company is prepared to serve it with quality services and quality products, while reminding about its existence through placement of the right message in the right medium and using the right strategy whether it is brand awareness, new product or service introduction, attractive offering or another event where existing customers and prospects can participate. A mix of promotional strategies brings an opportunity for every organization to get closer to its customers wherever they are, whether they are consumers purchasing products and services or partners helping promote and distribute products and services. The result should be to establish and maintain a long term and fruitful business relationship with all parties to ensure a successful business growth at the markets the company serves. â€Å"Companies and brands are very concerned with measurable and quick results in their marketing initiatives that promotion can deliver as promotional strategies can be designed to reach consumers where they are†, says Caren Berlin, president of Clarion Promotio, which is based i... Free Essays on Promotional Strategies Free Essays on Promotional Strategies Promotion is a part of 4Ps of marketing business strategies, which is widely used by the companies to inform, influence, or persuade existing and potential customers about the company’s products or services. Marketing itself combines a broad range of business activities, where marketing mixes help companies to achieve its objectives and total customer satisfaction. Careful and thoughtful development of promotional strategies plays a significant role for business enterprises to maintain its leadership position in today’s competitive marketplace. Unique promotional strategies make companies different and better from those of competitors, and so, attract more new customers. It is important to understand that these strategies need to be effective to ensure the success of the campaign. Promotional strategies turn into campaigns whose objective is to let the market know that the company is prepared to serve it with quality services and quality products, while reminding about its existence through placement of the right message in the right medium and using the right strategy whether it is brand awareness, new product or service introduction, attractive offering or another event where existing customers and prospects can participate. A mix of promotional strategies brings an opportunity for every organization to get closer to its customers wherever they are, whether they are consumers purchasing products and services or partners helping promote and distribute products and services. The result should be to establish and maintain a long term and fruitful business relationship with all parties to ensure a successful business growth at the markets the company serves. â€Å"Companies and brands are very concerned with measurable and quick results in their marketing initiatives that promotion can deliver as promotional strategies can be designed to reach consumers where they are†, says Caren Berlin, president of Clarion Promotio, which is based i...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Career Trends Assignment (Restaurant and Hospitality Management) Coursework
Career Trends Assignment (Restaurant and Hospitality Management) - Coursework Example (3) Social trends is another factor that affects career growth where fads and shifts in social philosophies outlines which industries are more or less demanding career-wise .(4) Population affects career trends given that people of different age, gender and, education have varying demand of goods and services. On this, people are able to outline what jobs falls on the path for them to satisfy their demands. (5) Politics and economic factors outline policies that direct the flow of goods and services in the market, and inflation factors that affect hiring rates. (6) Life roles apart from being employed people play other roles in life e.g. parenting, student, or childhood. How we think about them may influence how we look at careers in general and how we make choice in our lives (All Star Directories, 2011). The above factors are important in career trends, especially in the hospitality industry. Hospitality industry being a day-to-day industry requires skilled and trained personnel to be involved. Economic globalization in this industry, where people of different cultures need our services, provides room for career growth in linguistics. New technology brings about more skilled personnel to embrace it in the industry (Jitendra, 2008). It creates career growth for persons to take a career path in adapting the new technology in this industry. Demographic here means that more people will have high demand for our services. Social trends in philosophies influence peoples’ habits. It opens new doors, example on emphasis on living a healthy life or taking rest will make people look for hotels where these factors are essential. Careers will be open for people to learn on how the philosophies affect the industry (Jitendra, 2008). There are a number of career trends in the hotel with predictable outcomes. First is where employers are raising the educational bar. This has made many colleges that use
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Alternative Dispute Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Essay Example Anyway, there is no harm in so doing. Mediation is actually a class or a form of an alternative dispute resolution process.2 ADR therefore is the generic term. Arbitration, however, has a different meaning. We have to take notice of the variance because the case to be analyzed is also criticized for not distinguishing arbitration from mediation, although that aspect will not be included in this paper. Stated in another way, ADR is a collective description of methods of resolving disputes otherwise than through the normal trial process. It is one of several ways to resolve disputes outside the ambit of the courts or to make an attempt to settle the case if possible. It is a procedure where the parties are therefore given a chance to amicably patch up their differences over a certain dispute. This has to be done in view of the prospect that those involved in a controversy may be able to mend things without going to the court for a full-blown trial. That is why it is considered an alternative solution, meaning that it will take the place of court proceedings if the parties agree. The most logical reason for ADR is to stop the further clogging of cases in tribunals or judicial bodies and agencies. Courts all over the world are confronted by the humongous predicament of so many pending matters for the action or resolution of the judge or panel of judges.3 Why must the courts be unclogged of cases The simple answer to this is to give more quality time to the judges in deciding or resolving suits and other incidents brought before them for judicial determination. If judges have limited time to so decide or resolve, they cannot prepare good and well-studied rulings compared to when they have ample opportunity. From a macro viewpoint, decisions which are crafted under deadline pressures will not serve the ends of justice. It will become a matter of what is haste is waste. If courts are to make good decisions in a loaded environment, what will happen is that the more recent filings will have to wait. Resultant of that will be the slow disposal or resolution of cases. Of course, public opinion frowns upon tardy decisions under the caveat that justice that is delayed is like justice that is denied. A grievance that is addressed but not expeditiously as normally expected is the same as if there was no redress at all.4 How can ADR help the unclogging of cases in the courts The more cases that are resolved in the ADR or mediation level, the lesser the cases that will be forwarded to the courts for hearing or trial. Such a situation will give more elbow room and latitude for the judges in dispensing their functions more efficiently, effectively and speedily. What are the advantages of ADR Firstly, in resorting to the mediation process, the parties save on time, money and efforts if they finally come to an amicable settlement. And secondly, the hostilities among the enemies are reduced if not totally removed and amity, if there was any, is restored once the compromise agreement shall have been concluded. Halsey, in its paragraph 15, citing the distinguished Lord Justice Brooke in the case of Dunnett v Railtrack, credited skilled mediators for having achieved satisfactory results in many cases than could have been achieved in court proceedings.5 Taken altogether, the attendant features surrounding the use of the ADR process indicate that it is for the public
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Linguistics - The English Language (750words paper) - Cohesion Essay
Linguistics - The English Language (750words paper) - Cohesion Exercise - Essay Example By repeating it the reader must continue to read because they want to understand why the watch is so important. This is also the idea of repetition because the word is repeated over again. They also use synonyms for the missing watch and the watch itself like "bare wristed arm", "unique timepiece", and "threatening to tarnish". This last one indicates that the watch was silver and overtime would tarnish. There are also incidences of exophoric expression. In the first paragraph, "It is standard tourist advice" says that "it" is something the reader should immediately understand, and most tourists and people who live in the city will agree that this is a situation that everyone knows -- that they should look out for pickpockets. The word "pickpocket" immediately sets off in the readers mind a situation that is "seedy" and negative. This first paragraph sets the stage for the later cataphoic reference in that the watch is lifted from the president. The words "standard tourist" seems to imply that although tourists know this informant "the president" may not. The second paragraph starts off with "film" rather than saying something like "there was a security film" so the reader is not given what type of film, but it is another exophoric reference because the reader will know that some type of film could capture this situation. The use of the words "mobbed" and "plunging into an adoring crowd" seem to be juxtaposed to each other. We think of a "mob" as something out of control and at the same time he is "plunging into" the situation which makes it more positive. This creates a contrast between the words "plunging into" and "mob" so that it almost seems like someone being moved along in a crowd at a rock concert. In fact, the writer actually uses the metaphor phrase, "Mr. Bush†¦was received like a rock star†¦" in paragraph five. This was set up previously to make an endophoric connection. The article implies that the
Friday, November 15, 2019
The first sin and its punishment
The first sin and its punishment The First Sin and Its Punishment Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, Did God say, You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? 2 The woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; 3but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die. 4 But the serpent said to the woman, You will not die; 5 for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. [1] The book of Genesis is one part in an anthology of materials that have been put together over a considerable period of time. Pertaining to be part of a diverse oral tradition, it does not, according to Burnette-Bletsch, have any singular authorship.[2] The book of Genesis is known as the primeval history, as it is believed to be expressive of a time before, there were any recorded histories. As a result, these histories were often recorded at much later stages[3] However, there are some parallels with Ancient near Eastern literature which contradict this statement. As a result, this debate will, in all probability remain sterile. Regardless of the debate, Genesis is deemed to be an historical book. However, not in the modern sense, it is history with a purpose. It is a collection of instructional, educational, and religious material. The very fact that this tradition had been passed down through the generations, may even have led to omissions of material, however, this should not be viewed by the modern academic as a setback.[4] One must also take into account the fact that many people will not all share the same viewpoint. In this respect Biblical narratives are often a complex mix of sources, genres and interpretation, both in their written and oral formats.[5] Known as mosaic authorship the traditional Jewish and Christian belief denotes that the first five books of the Old Testament were Gods inspirational words which were written down by Moses. P J Wiseman somewhat supports this theory, however, he cites Moses as the redactor rather than its author. He also states that there are several clues within Genesis which reveal how it was written. He refers to the toledots or genealogies in Genesis and draws attention to the colophons, believing them to be a specific symbol of authorship. Thus, concluding that the people that are actually named, (Adam, Noah, Shem et al), were the ones who wrote on the clay tablets in cuneiform, therefore, making them the true authors. Moses, subsequently, as a result of his Egyptian influences, just brought together and edited this work from the tablets.[6] However, more liberal theologians generally accept the Wellhausen theory, or documentary hypothesis which asserts that Genesis and the remaining Pentateuch was written by a group of authors, from diverse locations throughout Palestine, over a substantial period of time. The theory is that these books were redacted or compiled from the texts of pre-existing documents. Within this theory there is also the belief that each author wrote with their own particular style. This effectively meant that the mosaic element contained many layers of material which overlapped in some places. These writers are also believed to have had both their own styles and narratives. For example the J writer, wrote with affection for the Hebrew name for God (YAHWH). The E writer alternatively favoured the divine name Elohim. Whilst the D and P documents were names for the Deuteronomic and Priestly writers.[7] The J, E and P authors are believed to overlap in the book of Genesis, which consequently gives both c omplementary and contrasting elements to the understanding of some of Genesiss abstract concepts. However, it is with critical consensus that the J writer is believed to have edited Genesis 3:1-7.[8] In contrast Wenham cites Rendtorff, in that he has challenged the mosaic theory by stating the heterogeneous nature of material in Genesis cannot be ascribed to J.[9] Indeed, who and to what writer, wrote which parts, still remains a contentious issue within theological debates today Some scholars, such as Freidman and Bloom, have also gone so far as to suggest and imply that the J writer was also a female. Bloom especially exploits the fact that she may have been someone who had access to royalty, perhaps the daughter of Solomon, Rehoboams sister. This would fit with the general consensus that J had royal connections and wrote during the tenth century BCE. However, Bloom argues that Rehoboam (922-915) was the king at that time, not David (1000-961), or Solomon. (961-922).[10] The importance of this is that the kingdom under Rehoboam was experiencing internal unrest and rebellion. This was a stark contrast to the kingdom under the reign of David and Solomon.[11] Similarly another interesting point is made by Alicia Ostriker on Blooms feminist perspective. She compares the male characters in The Iliad, The Odyssey, and the Gilgamesh with the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. In comparison she asserts that the biblical ancestors were family men who initiated negotiation and deflected potentially dangerous situations. Whereas, the characters in the above texts were warriors and fighters, this alone may make a case for the survival of a female perspective within the overwhelmingly male dominated traits contained within the Hebrew bible.[12] The book of Genesis covers the largest time period than any of the other books. It covers the periods from creation, up to the time when the Israelites arrived in Egypt and grew into a nation. The literary structure of Genesis is built around eleven separate units. Beginning with the creation and the origins of the universe, through to the early history of the Israelites.[13] This proprietary text also gives and puts the biblical patriarchs into a creation framework. Originally written in Hebrew the title bereshit translates to in the beginning and is a translation of the Hebrew word toledot. [14] As a result Genesis is a history of origins, births, genealogies, and generations. The primary intent of Genesis one to eleven is focused around the parables. These cover the two creation stories, the Fall, Cain and Abel, The Flood and the Tower of Babel.[15] These myths centre upon deep philosophical meaning as opposed to fable or mere legend. They are also far removed from scientific theory. Indeed, the parables of Genesis with its poetic imagery and symbolism must be read, according to Richardson, as poetry and not as prose. In this context, Adam, Eve and the serpent should be viewed as poetical, religious figures, and not as real individuals.[16] Genesis 3: 1-7 has been the subject of many theories and interpretations between scholars alike. It is taken by many as an explanation of original sin. However, the word sin never occurs. Disobedience and its consequences, however, do occur. Phyllis Trible sees Genesis chapter two and three as A love story gone awry. She identifies that the plot is simple and uncomplicated. However, she also believes it to be full of uncertainty and plurality. She identifies that some may interpret Adam as superior to Eve and be both dependant and worthy, of the description troublemaker. However, Trible also notes that Adam remained silent in this text, a sign of his passive weakness perhaps.[17] Schungel-Strauman believes that no gender can claim dominance over the other, as the author of Genesis clearly provided a male and a female, evident in Genesis 1:.26-28.[18] Richardson expresses the view that the serpent within the text is a personification of temptation and should not be thought of as external to that of human nature. However, the J writer does not attempt to answer the philosophical question of where and how evil came into the world, he just tries to portray humanity. For example, the serpent may appeal to ones vanity and may suggest that Gods goodness can be emulated.[19] The serpent appears to be impersonal towards God as he refers to him as God and not Lord God. This bold rhetoric may be a direct challenge on his divinity.[20]As a result this challenge introduces a sense of unease into the text and is possibly a preamble of manipulation and trickery, is thus, imposed upon the reader. However, in contrast the serpent asked Eve an inquisitive, innocent question. Did God say, You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? This could imply that it was God himself speaking.[21] There is also the question of how did the serpent know firstly that God had spoken and secondly, what God had instructed. This could again imply that that the serpent was indeed manipulative and had an ultimate objective. A common interpretation is that the serpent is identifiable as either Satan or the devil. However, the serpent in ancient times was a symbolic figure, prominent and adored around ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Palestine. There was also an opinion that the serpent was intrinsically wise. Indeed, they often guarded the doorways of Egyptian Tombs, which symbolically, represented the mansions of heaven. They were also kept in temples and in the tombs of Kings.[22] To some, the serpent was also seen as a religious emblem, phallic in nature, it was connected to life, especially everlasting, or continuing. This would fit with the theme of both lineage and fertility of beginnings, evident within the book of Genesis. Next the focus appears to be on Eve the woman. Eve begins a dialogue with the serpent and explains both the instruction and consequence of disobeying Gods word. Eve uses the word God just as the serpent had, which possibly could indicate that she felt it was a somewhat harsh command.[23] The fact that the fruit could not be touched or eaten denotes that the action of disobedience would result in death. This could be taken literally, given the fact that both Adam and Eve had not previously touched these items. However, when the serpent answers you will not die and God knows what will happen, implies that God knew that they were going to both disobey and become enlightened in some way. Death therefore, may not have meant physical death but an ending of another sort. Your eyes will be opened, could be where crafty, the description of the serpent fits, or it could be where a bilateral view of good and evil in the world becomes evident to man. In so much as God had decreed a death sentenc e and the serpent had predicted increased knowledge.[24] However, Eve choose to ignore Gods instruction and take those of a crafty serpent, lured by his promise of liberation, freedom and knowledge, rather than the consequences of death. Yet in her ignorance, disobedience and doubt become parallel processes in so much as, when we obey God we fail to assert ourselves. This failure can then cause doubt and consequently, disobedience. Thus, when the serpent suggests that God did not forbid the eating of the fruit, it may have signified Gods divinity or his concern for humanity. Comparatively, human assertion may have highlighted the need for them to be the central figures, and not God. As a result, this rebellion may have signified human pride, which in turn led to sin, and equated to them wanting a parallel and equality with God.[25] Eve again is the central figure in Genesis 3: 6 and rather than be under the guidance of God, she possibly tries to assert her independence. One interpretation comes from Clare Amos, who believes that this verse is a metaphor for the maturity of both society and human beings. She suggests that Paul in (Rom7.7-12) also supports this theory. She further highlights the idea by explaining that the use of the adjectives, pleasing and desirable draw upon the idea of sexual maturity .Indeed, under the guidance of the serpent, a phallic symbol, the bodys senses became more obvious. When the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. Amos, attributes this as a representation of them leaving an immature state of mind and thus, conforming to the constraints of society.[26] As in non biblical primeval narratives, clothing was a mark of civilisation.[27] In conclusion, Genesis 3 is the prologue to mans salvation, resulting from man disobedience towards God, However, it should not be read literally, but in context to ones own understanding. It serves as a theoretical text for the universal question of disobedience. However, it culminates in God not destroying man, but preserving his life. This redemption consequently sets him on a path towards salvation.[28] The book of Genesis is that path as it portrays a concept of human conduct, which both illustrates and illuminates our choices. It offers both subtle guidance and regulations and deals effectively and metaphorically with the possible consequences of noncompliance. Regulation is the backbone of any society, it cannot exist effectively without some controls. As a result the book of Genesis served as an interactive narrative that highlighted these issues and that in turn united the ancient societies. [1] Coogan, Michael, D, (ed), The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha 3rd Edition NRSV, (Oxford, 2007).pp.14-15 [2] Burnette- Bletsch, Rhonda, Studying The Old Testament, (Abingdon Press, U.S, 2007).p.8 [3] Ibid, p.125 [4] Vawter, Bruce, A Path Through Genesis, (London, 1957).p.21 [5] Edward L. Greenstein, The Formation of the Biblical Narrative Corpus AJS Review, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Autumn, 1990), p.162 [6] [7] Vawter, Bruce, A Path Through Genesis, (London, 1957).p.23 [8] Speiser,E,A, The Anchor Bible Series, Genesis, (New York, 1964). p. XXVII [9] Wenham, Gordon, J, World Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, (Nelson word Pub Group, 1987). p.xxix [10] Phyllis Trible The Bible in Bloom The Iowa Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Fall, 1991), pp.21-22 [11]Hill, A, Walton J, H, A Survey Of The Old Testament 2nd Ed, (Grand Rapids Zondervan, 2000). p.157 [12] Alicia Ostriker, The Book of J The Iowa Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Fall, 1991), p.16 [13] Speiser, The Anchor Bible Series, Genesis, p. LV [14] Burnette- Bletsch, Studying The Old Testament, p.25 [15] Richardson, Genesis 1-11, p.27 [16] Ibid, p.30 [17] Trible, Phyllis, God And The Rhetoric Of Sexuality, (Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1978). p 72 [18] Brenner, Athalya, (ed), A Feminist Companion To Genesis, (Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1993).p.75 [19] Richardson, Alan, Genesis 1-11, (Torch Bible series, London, 1953).p.71 [20] Burnette- Bletsch, Studying The Old Testament, p.30 [21] Wenham, World Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, p.88 [22] W. G. Moorehead, Universality of Serpent-Worship, The Old Testament Student, Vol. 4, No. 5 (Jan., 1885), p.207 [23] Wenham, World Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, p.88 [24] Burnette- Bletsch, Studying The Old Testament, p.30 [25] Richardson, Genesis 1-11, p72 [26] Amos, Clare, The Book Of Genesis, (Peterborough, Epworth Press, 2004).p.23 [27] Coogan, Michael, D, The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, p15 [28] Richardson, Alan, Genesis 1-11, p.79
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Metaphors in the Mechanical Engineering Field :: Language Linguistics
Metaphors in the Mechanical Engineering Field The Mechanical Engineering field involves multiple disciplines. The language from the disciplines converges into a complex dialect of sayings and metaphors. Metaphors are used in the field as â€Å"a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison†[1]. The Mechanical Engineering field entails different working environments and types of employment. The metaphors CAD jockey, cube farm, and worth his salt encapsulate different aspects of a Mechanical Engineer. In everyday life common metaphors like tie the knot, pass the buck, and pushing the envelope are used. Pushing the envelope means, â€Å"to approach or exceed known performance boundaries†[2]. The origin is from â€Å"US Air Force test pilot program of the late 1940’s.†The envelope refers to an aircraft’s performance and is difficult to comprehend. It is not clear why the envelope is related to an aircraft’s performance. This comparison is confusing and can mislead people in understanding the concept of the metaphor. The concept of pass the buck is â€Å"pass off responsibility to someone else.†In some card games a marker called buck is used. The marker is used to signify the dealer and the person responsible to deal the cards. Players take turns as the dealer by passing the marker. People familiar with the name of the marker will understand the meaning of this metaphor. The metaphor tie the knot has been used since ancient times to represent the act of marriage. During antiquity, in many parts of the world only, a priest or patriarch knotted together the garments of the bride and groom to symbolize a permanent union [3]. This metaphor has been used for years and is known around the world. It is hard to understand the meaning from the word usage. The meaning of a CAD jockey is a person that uses computer-aided design tools. The origin is around the 1990’s when computer-aided design tools became available to the general public. The metaphor is appropriate for a person that uses computer-aided design tools. Someone not familiar with the acronym CAD will be confused by this metaphor. The metaphor cube farm is â€Å"an office filled with cubicles†[4]. This metaphor began in the 1970’s when cubicles sprang up in the office landscape. The phrase usually has negative connotations about the working environment, which are that the environment is stressful and noisy.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
What Is The Value Of Keeping An Accurate Inventory
Inventory keeping plays an important role in the supply chain of many companies and organizations. Efficient inventory control and management to a large extent depends on the way and manner inventory records are kept. Good record keeping makes it easier for inventory to be kept properly, whereas bad or inaccurate record keeping unduly stalls movement of raw materials and finished goods in the supply chain. In this paper, an attempt shall be made to highlight the value of keeping one’s inventory accurate. Helps in achieving Operational excellence The value of keeping one’s inventory records accurate has been emphasized by several research workers (Kok and Shang, 2006; Smaros, Lehtonen, Appelgyist and Holmstrom, 2003; Cachon and Fisher, 2000). Commenting on this subject, Kok and Shang (2006) for example, pointed out that inventory record inaccuracy is a major obstacle to achieving operational excellence. To these authors, for one to achieve operational excellence, every effort should be made to keep one’s inventory records consistently accurate. Helps in lowering total distribution costs According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) (1994), total distribution cost is the summation of the costs incurred in transporting, warehousing, order processing and documentation, inventory, packaging, lost sales for failing to meet set standards of goods. The relationship between these variables and distribution can be expressed mathematically as: D= T + W + O + I + P + S where: D is total distribution cost T is transportation cost W is warehousing cost O is order processing and documentation cost I is inventory cost P is packaging cost. S is lost sales as a result of failing to meet required standards From this formula, any undertaking which lowers the cost of these variables in the supply chain would also contribute in making the total distribution cost lower and therefore more cost-effective. Keeping a company’s inventory accurate therefore helps in this direction. The reverse is what takes place when inaccurate inventory is kept. Distribution is component of the classical marketing model known as the 4Ps. Distribution can therefore be a good source of competitive advantage at the marketplace. Companies that make their distribution network more cost-effective can have a huge advantage over their competitors. Helps in building trust in the supply chain In today’s business world, it is not uncommon to find companies share their inventory records with partners, some of which could even be competitors. Some of these information exchanges take place in real time and also defies geographical boundaries. Many of these relationships and arrangements are founded on trust. As such, the value of keeping accurate record cannot be over-emphasized. This is because inaccurate presentations do not only undermine the work of the company in question but also all the significant others which used that piece of information to plan and manage their work. Helps in demand estimation For existing companies, past inventory records greatly assist in estimating future Demand for goods and services at the beginning of the financial year. From such information, the quantity of goods that should be manufactured at any given time can be estimated accurately. Helps in sourcing and procurement for cheaper raw materials. Accurate inventory records also help in sourcing for and procurement of cheaper raw materials for the company. The cost savings from such undertakings can then be passed on to the final customer in cheaper prices. On the other hand, inaccurate records hinder procurement departments in establishing present stock levels and the replenishments that must be procured. Helps in the arrangement of logistics Similarly, inventory records assist the distribution outfit of the company to arrange for transportation and other logistics to convey the manufactured goods to the final customers in the value-chain. In situations therefore, where the inventory information provided to the aforementioned departments are inaccurate, it can seriously hamper their work which can be lead to severe losses to the company. Let us consider a scenario where the company’s stocks are full at the storage depots but her significant partners are informed that stock levels are at 50 percent. A raw material supplier to this company would make arrangements for materials to be sent to this company, only to be told that the company does not need these materials until the present stocks have been cleared. Equally, the company’s outsourced logistics partner would restrict herself to transporting goods equivalent to half the capacity of the company’s warehouse to the retailing units. The transporters get to the warehouse to find that they are not adequately resourced to carry out the logistical task ahead. If they are not fortunate to find that all the available transports have been booked, clearing the warehouse of existing stocks would be a Herculean task, if not impossible to the outsourcee company. Helps in Business planning and coordination. Apart from helping to estimate demand accurately, keeping accurate inventory records also help in business planning and coordination itself. With accurate inventory records, it is easier for a company to plan its way forward. For example, if it is learnt from past inventory records that the company obtained its highest sales in the first quarter of the year and not the last quarter, it can plan to augment its sales personnel during this period. By employing several part-time and temporal workers, it can comfortably fulfill customer demands at such peak periods. Similarly, it can use the low- through periods to train its staff or allow them to take their vacations. Wilson (1995) has pointed out that susceptibility of materials planning systems to record errors reduce their effectiveness. Thus, in situations where remedial steps such as cycle counting programmes are not implemented to correct deficiencies, the performance of the company can seriously deteriorate. Helps in production scheduling The importance of keeping accurate inventory records to the producer in sourcing for raw materials has already been stressed. Another value such an undertaking brings to the producer or manufacturer is in the area of scheduling the production itself. Mass customization of goods has become the order of day in many market sectors and industries. Whereas this system de-emphasizes storage of goods, in some instances it depends on inventory records to determine whether a specific request should be manufactured or one is ready available to be sent to the customer. In that respect, accurate inventory records contribute greatly in scheduling production of goods cost-effectively. Helps in Inventory control. Accurate records help in controlling inventory itself. According to Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2000) an inventory control system develops and maintains an adequate assortment of materials and products to meet the demands of manufacturers and the final consumer. If the input furnished the inventory is inaccurate, that deficiency can seriously affect the manufacturer and the customer alike. A typical example of this distortion is when too many goods are kept in the inventory. This development leads to increases in storage cost and in some cases losses attributable to theft and spoilage. In the same vein, when goods are under stocked, it can lead to severe shortages and also angry and unfulfilled customers. A reflection of Managerial capabilities The way and manner inventory records are kept in a company is also a reflection on inventory managerial capabilities of the management team of the company or the logistics and distribution department. If available records are full of errors and inconsistencies, it simply tells any cursory reviewer that sufficient supervisory oversight is not being administered. On the other hand, an accurately kept inventory records is indicative that the managerial staff are up to the task. Helps in warehouse management Warehouse management plays a vital role in the supply chain of some companies. They serve as an effective link between manufacturers and market intermediaries such as wholesales, middlemen, retailers, etc. Accurate keeping of inventory records constitutes an integral part of warehouse management. It is difficult to manage warehouses properly if records of inventory are not properly kept. If that occurs the warehouses could be receiving newer stock when in fact they should be rejecting on the basis of present stock levels. In like manner they could be rejecting stocks when they should be accepting them. Any of these scenarios place additional costs to the warehouse manager. In the same vein, it also makes the handling of materials difficult. Helps in the identification, sorting and labeling of goods Accurate inventory records helps in identifying, sorting and labeling goods (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2000) either for storage or to the distribution and manufacturing centers. Goods that are properly identified sorted out and labeled are easier to handle than those which are not. They also save material handlers or workers valuable time and thereby increase their productivity. Helps in securing financial assistance As with every segment of a business entity, good record keeping, including that of inventory, helps greatly in securing financial assistance. For existing companies, the financing institution may review existing records to gain insight into how the company has been managed. If inventory records have been badly kept, it indirectly tells how the company has been managed. Furthermore, if management of inventory were one the criteria being used to decide whether financial assistance should be extended to the company or not, it is obvious that the company with an accurately kept inventory shall receive the assistance whereas those with improperly kept data refused the needed financial help. Inventory records themselves are also useful in the preparation of business proposals and plans for financial assistance. Helps in order processing Keeping accurate inventory records also helps in processing received orders correctly. If an order is received and the information is relayed to the manufacturing centre, whether that order gets fulfilled immediately depends on whether accurate inventory records have been kept. If the inventory records are inaccurate, the customer may be sold a good that does not match his requirements or the fulfillment of that order may be unduly delayed. Helps in Replenishment of stocks Accurate inventory makes replenishment of goods either at the warehouse or in store shelves easier to suppliers, be they manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers. Whereas, if doubts are expressed about inventory records, they make replenishment extremely difficult. The difficulty stems from the fact one is not entirely sure about the quantity of goods that should be supplied at any given period. Consequently, over- and under-replenishment becomes common. This development has cost implication to the supplier. For example, if goods are sent to their desired destination and it is found that there is no space to accommodate them because stock levels were understated, those goods would have to be transported back to the supplier. On the other hand, if inventory records were accurate, the goods supplied would be delivered with no extra cost to the supplier. Helps in lowering supply chain costs Generally, it has been established that accurate inventory records reduces order processing and supply chain costs (Cachon and Fisher, 2000). For example, if the time taken to identify inaccurate inventory records and have them rectified is 20 percent of the total time spent at customer-seller interface by the customer, that figure represents the extent of convenience and also loss of man-hours experienced by the customer and sales personnel, respectively. Helps in providing excellent customer service Accurate inventory records also help in providing excellent services to customers. It makes it easier for goods actually needed by customers to be known and supplied with. Furthermore, it enables the needs of customers to be identified and promptly catered for. It also prevents wastage of store shelves by filling them up with goods that are in great demand by customers. Conclusion From the foregoing account, it has been clearly shown that keeping a company’s inventory accurate is a valuable undertaking. Companies with inventory that adhere to set inventory practices reap several benefits, whereas those which do not incur losses. In an era where inventory building is being de-emphasized, the need for companies to keep their inventory records accurate has become even more paramount.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Louis Pasteur essays
Louis Pasteur essays My report is about Louis Pasteur and about the things he invented and/or discovered. About who he is and about hes life. I am also going to talk about why the things were invented and/or discovered. Louis Pasteur was born December 27, 1822, in Dole, France. He was the son of a tanner. In 1867 Pasteur left his job of director of scientific studies to focus on his research. In1868, a brain stroke partially paralyzed Pasteur, despite his poor health, he continued his work. Pasteur died in 1895 and was buried in a tomb at Ecole Normale. Pasteur came up with numerous medications and scientific discoveries. He changed hospital practices to help prevent the spread of disease by microbes. He discovered that diluted forms of microbes could be used for immunization against more virulent forms of microbes. Pasteur find that rabies were transmitted by agents so small they could dot be seen under a microscope revealing the world of viruses. He developed a vaccine to keep dogs from getting rabies and to treat humans that get bitten by dogs with rabies. Pasteur developed pasteurization to pre vent harmful microbes perishable food products use heat to destroy microbe with out destroying food. Louis Pasteur discovered rabies on Monday January 6,1885. So that people who do get rabies can get rid of them. They wouldnt have to worry about getting sick and maybe even dieing. And they can also get rid of the rabies if the dogs get them. That way they dont give them to anything or anybody. I talked about Louis Pasteur throughout my report and about the things he invented and/or discovered. He invented the cure for rabies. He discovered rabies in the year of 1885. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Social-Emotional Development In A Child Of 4Yrs Ol Essays - Learning
Social-Emotional Development In A Child Of 4Yrs Ol Essays - Learning Social-Emotional Development In A Child Of 4Yrs Old Chapter 2- Social - Emotional Development The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation. Ray L. Wilbur The typical four year old has a very good sense of humor. They love being silly and love to tell jokes that make others laugh. While observing Michael and the class having breakfast in the cafeteria, Michael and two of his friends were telling jokes. Boy 1: Knock! Knock! Michael: Whos there? Boy 1: Knock! Knock! Boy 2: He said whos there? Boy 1: Pizza. Michael: Pizza? Boy 1: Yeah I said pizza. Michael: Pizza who? Boy 1: Hmmm (pauses for a moment) I forgot. Boy 1, Boy 2, and Michael begin to laugh hysterically at one another. They are laughing so hard that other children around them begin to laugh as well. There are many different meanings for the term social development, but the one thing that is for sure is that it is a long and ongoing process This process begins in early childhood with self discovery and results in the ability to interact with others. During the social - emotional development of a four year old child, they are still continuing to learn about themselves. Their sense of identity includes knowledge that they are a boy or girl (gender) and a member of a particular family, racial, religious or ethnic group (Mitchell and David, 1992). However, their sense of self is unstable. Preschoolers are aware of how people feel about them. They want to please adults in their lives and look for approval and praise. Preschoolers are also developing new social skills. Friendships often have a momentary quality, although some friendships may be quite stable, especially if children have known each other for a long time (Pica, 1997). Play and social development go hand and hand. Play offers many opportunities to be with other children and to share, take turns, disagree, and compromise (Mitchell and Davis, 1992). Children enjoy each others company. While at play, they are increasing their self awareness, and are becoming more involved in cooperative play. Emotionally, children develop greater self awareness, characteristics, and actions. They are also able to predict the emotions of others. According to Huffnung (1997) children will develop empathy or the ability to appreciate the feeling of others and understand their point of view. If one child begins an activity, it is likely that his friends will want to follow along. Michael was sitting at the table in the cafeteria eating breakfast and he kept dropping his napkin on the floor because he knew that the college student would pick it up for him. Two other boys that were sitting with him saw what was going on and they started to drop their napkin on the floor also. This continued for a few moments until the college student yelled at the boys. She then began to ignore their behavior and eventually they stopped. Michael likes to play in a group with his friends. Michael, another boy and a college student were playing in the block area. They had a handful of different bugs and the college student suggested that they build a house for the bugs to live in. Michael and the boy went to get long blocks to start building the house. Michael: We need long blocks to build the house. Boy: Ok I will get them. Michael: Hey look! This can be a sliding door. Boy: We need to take the bugs out. Michael: Go over there and get those long ones so we can put them on top. A girl runs over from the snack table and sits down next to Michael. She grabs a bug and pretends to make it hop from one level to the next. Michael: Hey! What are you doing? Stop that were not done here! Boy: Yeah you cant do that. We need to build a house for the bugs to live in. Girl: Can I build with you? Michael: No! Girls cant build houses for bugs. No! College Student: Just because she is a girl Michael doesnt mean she cant play with you and help you make a house. Girl: Well hes not my friend anymore. Michael and his friend continue to build the house and do not pay attention to what the college student had said. The girl however did not get upset and she started building a house in a different area. Where she was building her house, Michael had an idea to build a road for the bugs to hop across. The road that they built connected the two houses together so that everyone could play. When
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Employed Person in Different Jobs Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1
Employed Person in Different Jobs - Case Study Example This paper highlights that wine is considered a luxurious drink. In addition, wine costing  £10 a glass is quite expensive and this means such person will have foregone saving just to enjoy a glass of expensive wine. The implication of such spending is reduced level of saving since money which could be saved in spent on luxurious drinks. Further, such spending has far-reaching effects on investments since they are largely financed from savings. Wheat is a raw material used in the production of bread. An increase in the price of wheat is attributable to decline in supply possibly due to low production causing the demand to rise. Increased demand, on the other hand, leads to higher prices for wheat. With the new increased price for wheat and assuming that bread manufacturers continue to buy wheat, they will, in turn, increase the price of bread. The following diagram shows the effect on demand and supply of bread as a result of the increased price of wheat. The above diagram shows the effect of a price increase on the quantity of bread supplied. Basically, bread producers are motivated to produce more at an increased price. For example, at  £5, seven pieces of bread are supplied. However, with an increase in the price of wheat which at the same time causes a rise in the price of bread. The above diagram shows the effect of rising in price on the quantity of brand demanded. Originally, the price of bread is at  £5 and seven pieces are produced. However, with the rise in price to  £6, the demand curve moves backward. This causes a decrease in quantity demanded to five pieces. Butter and margarine are complements of bread. Complements refer to products which are used together with the item in question.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Key Insights into Organizational Behavior Essay
Key Insights into Organizational Behavior - Essay Example The fundamental catalysts for why these situations occur are attributed to poor management philosophy, inferior cultural development and awareness principles, badly-implemented change processes, and a perceived lack of procedural justice. At the same time, psycho-social characteristics among a diverse group of employees and managers are considerably different and, therefore, each employee or manager at the organization responds differently according to their emotions or political objectives. The end result with all of these issues is conflict that must be mitigated in order for the organization to have a well-developed and unified culture where trust is found throughout the entire organization. Organizational Trust Organizational trust is characterized by the level of confidence and reliance that individuals within the organization maintain for their coworkers, managers or the organization itself. Several theorists offer the concept of authentic trust, in which employees start with s mall steps to gain trust, generally progressing upwards based on experience. â€Å"Building such a relationship in the workplace is a reciprocal process with both the employee and the employer voluntarily assume responsibility for its initiation, development, and maintenance through high levels of affection and respect†(Starnes, Truhon & McCarthy, 2010, p. 5). Breakdowns of trust-building in the organization can include individuals with highly self- motivated political objectives or those who illustrate poor integrity, essentially promising one action and then delivering opposite action or behavioral outcomes. Social learning theory provides the concept of role modeling in which individual in an organization will be attracted to those who are perceived to be credible and thus attempt to adopt their role model’s characteristics. This is akin to transformational leadership, where the manager or employee maintains very high morals, sets the example for others, and uses v ision and mission statements in communications to foster organizational support (Ackoff, 2008). If, at any time during interpersonal discussion or through social negotiations, the individual illustrates unreliable or conflicting action versus pledges, organizational trust is reduced between the two parties or groups. Ultimately, breakdowns in trust lead to long-term suspicion and perceived threats to social security and thus conflict positive teamworking and organizational culture unity. In general, employees in the organization have a very dark view of the term â€Å"politics.†Leaders and managers within the organization need to, oftentimes, abandon their own ambitions in favor of the organizational constituents. This is a form of emotional intelligence that is required to be an effective leader and also satisfy diverse employee needs at the psychological level. This often means rejecting self-motivated political objectives to illustrate a transformational philosophy that i s people-centered and focused on human development and honesty through both communications and actions. Kacmar, Bozeman, Carlson, and Anthony (1999) describe the true definition of
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Russia - Essay Example The Prime Minister heads the government, which the president appoints but at the parliaments approval. The crafty use of democratization agenda in the post-Cold War world has evoked a backlash against the whole notion of the expected transition to democracy. Democratization is also in question here as the ground reality has prompted rethinking because much of the post-Soviet region appears trapped between authoritarian past and a murky future. The experts use the term of managed democracy for the Russian system of government. The rise of political authoritarianism or managed democracy is an object of fascination for the West. The geopolitical realities such as Russian oil and gas reserves make sure that these Western interests remain engaged in evolution of the Russian democracy. It is hard to conclude whether Russia is still a democracy or not. But one thing is certain that it represents a unique version of democracy which is considerably
Monday, October 28, 2019
IT Business Outsourcing Essay Example for Free
IT Business Outsourcing Essay Outsourcing basically means a process of constricting to another party. It is done at the outsourcing client’s location under their supervision. There are many essential factors which are needed to decide whether to outsource the information process or not. First major factor is the activity or the process itself. Main concern should be the process, whether it’s really needed to be outsourced (Loh et. al, 1992). If it is core job to that organization, then its better not to outsource it. If the task really requires highly efficient skills which is not available in your organization, then it’s better to outsource it. Second most important factor is the financial strategy. While deciding whether to outsource, main goal of company is to save money. It’s essential to verify, what will be the total cost in both the cases, if the task to be performed within the organization or outside. Hence, the main factors for deciding why to outsource are outsourcers cost, their capabilities and the potential end product which ultimately will reduce the risk and increase organization profit. Influence of Risk Assessment on the decision making process when seeking to outsource information processes Risk is always associated with the process of outsourcing. Many organizations who went for outsourcing, failed and few of the reasons are like cultural misalignment, end product not as per the quality and deadlines or delivery times missed. There are mainly two types of risk associated with the process of outsourcing: external risk and internal risk. Read more: Essay on Business Process Outsourcing External risks are those risks which occur outside the organization and upon which organization do not have any control. these risks includes a search of outsourcer who will offer the required skills in a cost effective manner, an exchange rate fluctuation that can impact the cost savings, lack of ability to guard organization intellectual protection property and physical location of outsourcer which includes economic and political risk as well (Aubert, 1998). Internal risks are those risks which occur inside the organization while outsourcing. Language is the most targeted risk if outsourcing happen between two different countries where English is not the primary language and the ability of communicating to outsourcers in a remote location where technology is not so updated. Influence of change management requirements on the decision making process when seeking to outsource information processes One of the key factors for a successful outsourcing is the organizations effective change management policy. Organizations who failed to manage the changes effectively suffer a lot. Within an organization, the most important change management program is to create such a reliable communication strategy, so that the employees don’t feel scared about the job security. There should be proper redeployment and retention plans for all employees to make them feel secure. Proper training should be provided to make them understand how to deal with outsourcers. Few change management factors during this process are good leadership quality, crystal clear procedures, strategy safeguarding stakeholder’s interests, communication strategy and a change-over course of action for every step (Wullenweber et al, 2008). Inclusion of different entities by business when making decisions on the processes to outsource and the third party entity to outsource to Businesses include entities when time comes to decide whether to go for outsourcing or not. When an organization needs a process to be outsourced, decision of top level (CEO or a Director) is essential. Without their confirmation, company can’t think of moving ahead. After the confirmation, now its middle management turns to check whether all the important factors are going in favor of outsourcing or not. Here come different entities like finance, Hr, marketing, quality and third party. Finance department will check outsourcing in terms of cost saving, while HR will check if the company really needs outsourcing staff or it has its own (DiRomualdo et. al. , 1998). Marketing people will do a survey to acquire a list of best outsourcing companies and quality will judge whether the decision is anywhere hampering the quality and how to improve it in future. Third party will also play a vital role as their location, cost of doing outsourcing and few other factors will also effect the decision (W. McFarlan et. al, 1995).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Endangered Species - Causes of Endangerment :: essays papers
Endangered Species - Causes of Endangerment The term endangered is used by international and national organizations to define plants and animals currently in danger of becoming extinct. Although the term endangered is universally used, the definition of an endangered species is greatly varied. In most cases, the factors causing an organism to become endangered are human- related. When discussing the causes of endangered species, it is important to understand that individual species are not the only factors involved in this dilemma. Endangerment is a broad issue, one that involves the habitats and environments where species live and interact with one another. Although some measures are being taken to help specific cases of endangerment, the universal problem cannot be solved until humans protect the natural environments where endangered species dwell. Back in the fall of 1973 Congress passed the Endangered Species Act, the point of which was to identify the plants and animals in the most trouble and come up with plans for saving them. The effort has probably been as controversial as it has been successful (Institute of Advanced Studies 39). Of the more than 1,400 species designated as endangered, only 18 have recovered to the point where they've been taken off the list. Upon signing the Endangered Species Act on December 28, 1973, President Nixon stated "Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed" (Environmental Protection Agency). And now that scientists have cloned the last surviving member of a rare breed of cow, some fear that the public's sense of urgency regarding vanishing species might fade. Why not just clone more owls, the thinking goes; but that, say wildlife experts, would be only a quick fix. "Cloning would provide us with individual animals but not the home to introduce them to in the wild," says Jeff Flocken, endangered species outreach coordinator at the National Wildlife Federation. "Whate ver's causing a species to decline, whether it's exploitation or destruction of a habitat, would continue to put that species at risk of being exterminated" (National Wildlife Federation ). Today there are currently 1246 species of plants and animals that are either on the endangered or threatened list in the United States and 1804 worldwide. Of the 1804 endangered species worldwide, only 975 of them have approved recovery plans (Endangered Species Coalition).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics and Compliance Paper Essay
Starting in Seattle with one store, Starbucks has grown across the country and has become a household name delivering one of the best tasting coffees in existence. The first Starbucks opened in 1971, serving fresh roasted coffees. â€Å"Today, more than 15,000 stores in 50 countries, Starbucks are the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world†(Starbucks, para. 7, 2010). The organization has been successful because of excellent managerial skills and implementing sound business decisions. Starbucks mission statement reads as follows: â€Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time†(Starbucks, 2010, p. 1). The company values its relationships with communities, its stores, business partners, shareholders, and employees. Responsible ethical character and compliance helps the Starbucks brand protect its reputation. This paper will explain the role of ethics, procedures, Securities and Exchange Com mission (SEC) compliance, and evaluate the financial performance of the Starbucks organization. Ethics and Compliance Policies A successful organization builds its reputation on honesty and trust displayed to customers and business partners. Starbucks conducts business in an ethical manner that protects reputation and supports its culture by unceasingly striving to do what is right. Starbucks has a commitment to company values that successfully employs a Business Conduct Helpline and a Business Conduct Web-line for questions and guidance. Starbucks has incorporated an Anti-Retaliation Policy and does not tolerate retaliation against anyone reporting misconduct. The organization is an equal opportunity employer and use best practices in the hiring process. Business practices include and are not limited to accurate and truthful business transactions and comply with laws and regulations in any country the company operates in, and encourage partners to understand and adhere to the rules. Starbucks has an outside agent who facilitates and ensures an honest and ethical relationship with government officials throughout the international arena. Partners associated with the Starbucks brand must practice ethical conduct in sales, services, and promote fair competition. Matters dealing with conflicts of interest, gifts and entertainment, and securities are also addressed and implemented by the company. The company closely monitors proprietary information such as new ideas, company records including financial and audit details. Starbucks explains the Ethical Decision-Making Framework to identify ethical issues, give any possible solutions, pursue ideas from others, and take the best approach to resolve unethical matters and follow-up on results. The aforementioned framework empowers each Starbucks associate and affiliate to take responsibility to help maintain Starbucks ethical and honest reputation. â€Å"Ethical behavior is doing the right thing, and ethical dilemmas are everywhere in finance†(Keown, Martin, Petty & Scott, para. 1, 2005). Securities and Exchange Commission’s Regulations According to, (2010), Starbucks is one of the most ethical companies in the world for 2010. One of the key points to being an ethical business is to file reports for investors, government bodies, and the public to view. Starbucks complies in one way with the ethics policies set in place by the directors and organization by providing accurate data. The financial records of Starbucks are available to the investors, public and government in a timely manner via the website. The requirement set by the Securities Exchange Committee for a public business is to provide accurate reports in a timely manner. Starbucks publishes an annual report to the Starbucks website for anyone to find via the Internet. The annual report contains cash flow statements of income and expenses. The reports show that Starbucks is performing well even during a tough economic time. The annual report also contains a statement of Starbucks critical accounting policies. Starbucks believes that critical accounting practices are important. Starbucks considers its policies an asset impairment, stock-based compensation, operating leases, self insurance reserves and income taxes to be the most critical in understanding the judgments which are involved in preparing the consolidated financial statements, as stated in the annual report on Starbucks website, (2010). Financial Ratios for the Past Two Years Starbuck’s financial records allow investors, the government, and the public to have a firsthand look into the financial stability of the company. The financial records are available for several years; this allows the long-term financial success of the company to be easily accessible and available anyone wanting to know about the company. As an investor with interest in expanding into Starbucks there are several things the investor should look for. The current ratio allows investors the ability to measure how well a company can pay back short-term debt (Keown, Martin, Petty, & Scott, 2005). Starbucks ability to pay back debt in 2009, increased over 2008. In 2008 Starbucks closed several unprofitable locations (Starbucks Investor Relations- Financial Release, 2009) resulting in the decrease of overhead costs for those locations; allowing for additional funds and increasing the ability for Starbucks to pay back short-term debt. This increases the stability of Starbucks. The availability of extra funds allows Starbucks the opportunity to invest those funds in profitable time value investments. The funds could be invested in the company for improvements or costs for innovate new products. The extra funds could also pay necessary expenses outright. This allows the company to have lower amounts of outstanding credit or loans. The lower the amount of outstanding loans and credit allows for lower credit fees and lower costs. *Current Ratio 2009 2008 Current AssetsCurrent Liabilities 599.81581.0 269.82189.7 37.93% 12.32% Investors can also look at the Debt Ratio of Starbucks. The debt ratio shows the amount of debt a company carries in relation to their assets (Keown, Martin, Petty, & Scott, 2005). Companies must carry some debt to do business effectively. However, the company does not want to carry too much debt. Starbucks has expenses that must be paid for; some of these can be paid using credit. However, the company should ensure they are not charging unnecessarily. Starbucks must also show they are paying off their debt. Starbucks debt ratio decreased from 56.08% in 2008 to 45.38% in 2009 (Starbucks Investor Relations- Financial Release, 2009). Tends in the Ratios This shows a positive financial trend. The company had larger debt in 2008 and was able to repay a good portion of the debt without increasing debt somewhere else in the company, ultimately lower the overall debt of the company. This positive trend will increase the credit status of Starbucks. This will allow the company to have credit available if needed in the future. *Debt Ratio 2009 2008 Total DebtTotal Assets 2531.15576.8 3181.75672.6 45.38% 56.08% Investors can also look at the Return on Equity Ratio. The Return on Equity Ratio measure the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholder equity (Keown, Martin, Petty, & Scott, 2005). The main reason investors invest into companies is to make money!! If the investor does not make a sizable return on their investment, they may take their money and decide to invest elsewhere!! The investor wants to have confidence the company is going to make solid decisions that will increase the profitability of the shareholders. Starbucks has seen a decrease in Return on Equity. In 2008 Starbucks Return on equity was 21.10% and in 2009 it fell to 19.64% (Starbucks Investor Relations- Financial Release, 2009). This is a negative trend for Starbucks. Investors do not want to lose money! The decrease was minimal, yet it was a decrease. Overall the company has solid financials. This one negative issue can become a major problem if Starbucks continues to make decisions that allow shareholders equity to decrease. *Return on Equity 2009 2008 Net Income Common Equity 598.23045.7 525.82490.9 19.64% 21.10% *All numbers are in millions Conclusion In conclusion, Starbucks has proven itself to be a good investment for any investor. The organization has been in the business for 30 years and has showed substantial growth throughout. The organization started out with one location and has grown to over 15,000, which are located throughout the globe. The organization as a whole strives to uphold ethical behavior, not only set by the SEC but as well as for them. Not only does the organization uphold a high ethical behavior for them but as well only does business with those who have the same mentality. This was proven by being ranked one of the most ethical places to work and this was according to Even though there was a small decrease in the return on equity from 2008 to 2009, which consequently could be because of the recession that most businesses have been affected by, Starbucks has still proven strong that the organization is still a good investment. The organization has shown an increase in profit and a decrease in debt. All and all, Starbucks is a good investment for anyone who is interested in getting into the business, which the organization has shown through good business decisions and ethical behaviors. Reference Keown, A. J., Martin, J. D., Petty, W. J., & Scott, D. F. (2005). Financial Management: Principles and Applications. Pearson Prentice Hall. Retrieved online on November 22, 2010 located at Starbucks Investor Relations- Financial Release. (2009, 11 4). Retrieved November 20, 2010, from Starbucks: SEC. Gov, (2010). The Investor’s Advocate: How the SEC Protects Investors, Maintains Market Integrity, and Facilitates Capital Formation. Retrieved on November 22, 2010 online located at Starbucks. (2010). About Us. Retrieved online on November 22, 2010 from Starbucks website, (2010). Investor relations. Retrieved on November 22, 2010 from Starbucks website Starbucks website, (2010). Annual Report. Retrieved from Starbucks website on November 20, 2010:
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