Monday, September 30, 2019
Coolest thing i ever did Essay
The coolest thing I’ve ever done or should I say the dumbest thing I ever done was run my mother’s car into our house. It was the end of summer starting my freshman year at Destrehan High School and I wanted to do something that would have made me seem cool to the kids around the neighborhood so I decided to steal my mother’s car. My mom owned a 2002 Nissan Pathfinder that she didn’t really use, usually just my step dad would use it to go to work and my mom used the truck so I didn’t see a problem with them riding together one morning so I can have the car for myself for the day. One morning during the beginning of the week my step dad had set the key down on the table and it was just a key so I could have easily took it and have everyone else think he misplaced it. For two days straight my parents was looking for the key and I acted as though I had no idea of what they was looking for but he just used the spare key. The third day I woke up and I looked out my window and I saw the car outside knowing I still had the stolen key under my mattress. I was a little too anxious because I knew I had the car to myself and I couldn’t get caught for taking it. It was around eleven o’clock when I got up and went get in the car. A free adventure I took and I thought I was a grown driver driving on the road with other drivers but I wasn’t it was very illegal but I didn’t care†¦ I felt cool. An hour went by and I traveled all over Destrehan I felt like my cool patch should have been given to me that day because it took a lot out of me to do something that crazy. I arrived back to my place without being stopped by the police or pulling up to the truck in the driveway, I felt so bad even hammer couldn’t touch me. My step dad always parked the car really close to the end of the driveway so that was my goal to do, I pulled in, parked the car, and got out. Then I realized I wasn’t close enough and they would have notice something funny. So I decided to get back in the car and park it correctly. Backing up I didn’t notice that I was that far away so I pushed on the gas because our driveway was more of a hill so I needed a little help getting up there. When I pushed the gas I went to fast and had hit the trash can that was in front the house, I thought it was funny and didn’t really worry about it because I could have switched it out with someone else’s. I got out and I noticed I parked the car correctly so that was a good thing but when I walked towards the trash can I heard some noise behind it and I saw that the front window was shattered, that’s when I realized things just got real. I started to panic and come up with lies to explain the window since the car didn’t look damage. My friend Shawn came outside and stared making fun of me because he knew I was going to get in trouble. As he walked in my house to go get something to drink he noticed something that I should have took a look at. His exact words were â€Å" umm Laci I think you should come take a look at this†I know I was inside but I couldn’t understand why I could see outside, that’s when I knew I was dead but I still felt cool for some reason. Explaining this to my mom wasn’t easy at all so I stayed a few feet away from her. When my step dad arrived home he did a little bit more investigation and saw that not only did I brake the trash can, the window, and ran the car through the wall but I also smashed the hose pipe that was connected to the house inside the bricks so there was no water in the house at all. It took them a long time to forgive and trust me again and it also took a lot of butt whippings to relive all that anger out of my mom. Out of all that happened in that week in a weird way I still felt pretty cool for that since it was a fun story to tell to the class. So I am glad to say that was the dumbest, scariest, and coolest thing I ever done.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Features of Temperate Forests
The temperate forest is an area of the world that has high levels of precipitation and humidity. They contain a wide variety of deciduous trees, which are trees that lose their leaves in the winter. The temperatures of the temperate forests vary based on the four seasons. It is typically hot in the summer with high temperatures of 86 degrees and cold in the winter. These areas receive large amounts of precipitation in the form of rain and snow. Eastern Asia, Central and Western Europe, and the Eastern United States are some areas of the world that are made up of this type of biome. Since there are large amounts of rainfall in the temperate forest regions there is a wide variety of plant life in the temperate forests. There plants can be considered the producers for this biome and include maple trees, walnut trees, birch trees, dogwoods, redbuds, azaleas, mountain laurel, huckleberries, blue bead lily, indian cucumber, linchens, and mosses. These different plants are divided into several layers including the forest canopy, small tree, shrubs, herbs, and floor tier. There are also a wide variety of animals that live in the temperate forest region including insects and spiders, wolves, foxes, bears, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, eagles, rabbits, deer, skunks, squirrels, raccoons, squirrels, moose, and hummingbirds. Many of these animals hibernate during the winter in order to survive in the cold temperatures and wake up in the spring when there is more food. available. Some store food and burrow underground and some migrate to warmer regions to escape the cold in the winter time. These animals can be considered the consumers of this specific environment. In the winter the leaves fall off of the trees. In the spring time the sunlight quickly warms the plants that grow on the ground since there is a lack of shade. These plants take advantage of the abundance of sunlight because once the leaves grow back on the trees photosynthesis does not occur as quickly and their food supply goes down. In the spring the animals that have been hibernating for the entire winter wake up and begin to search for food again. The vegetation of the temperate forest is a major food source for many of these animals. One major threat to the temperate forests of the world is development and agriculture. Since this region receives plenty of rainfall and has soil that is ideal for planting it is the main environment for humans to occupy. Forests are chopped down to create housing and roadways and the plants and animals that live there are affected. Another threat to this type or environment is logging. The large amount of hardwood trees are cut down in order to make lumber. These trees are denser than other types of trees and therefore they grow much more slowly. Another threat for this region is acid rain that is caused by burning coal. This creates global warming which changes the rainfall patterns and affects the vegetation of the area. All of these threats affect the biodiversity of the entire system. The changing rainfall patterns, logging, and construction affect the vegetation, which is a major food source for the animals that live in these regions. Some abiotic factors of the temperate forest include temperature, water, cloud cover, soil, and light. These abiotic factors play a major role in the forest and affect all of the living creatures that live there. The temperature in the temperate forest are typically mild and comfortable. This is because of the moist air from the Pacific Ocean. The summers are normally hot and the winters are cold. There is plenty of rainfall in this area. Other forms of precipitation include ice and snow. This is a very foggy region due to all of the moisture even in the dry season. This area contains large amount of nutrient rich soil since there are large amounts of decaying organic matter from the leaves that fall from the trees and dead vegetation. The large amount of rainfall and nutrient rich soil allows trees to grow very tall and plants to be plentiful. Even though much of the sunlight in these areas is blocked by clouds and fog the vegetation still thrives.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Internal analysis of Apple Corporation Essay
Apple Inc was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne and has its headquarters based in Cupertino, California. The company is well known for the manufacture of computer software and hardware. The computer hardware manufactured by Apple Company include: iPod, iPhone and iPad. The computer software produced by the company are Mac OS X operating system, iTunes, iLife, iWork, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, and Logic studio. By the close of the financial year 2009 the company had employed 34,300 permanent workers and 2,500 temporary workers globally in all its subsidiaries. Most of the employees are located in the United States while others are located in the subsidiaries of the company world wide (Linzmayer, 2009). Steve Jobs is the president of the company and has acted as the chief executive officer since 1997. Recently, Steve Jobs delegated his duties to Tim Cook due to the health problems he has encountered. Apple Inc is headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is assisted by a board of directors; to manage and make supreme decisions about the organization. Various committees are elected to coordinate the operation of the projects and strategies of the organization. There are various departments which are used in the daily operation of the organization. Officers have been elected to head the departments. Some of the departments are the finance department, operations department, product marketing, industrial design, retail, engineering, applications, and other departments (Linzmayer, 2009). Financial According to Menn (2010), Apple has dominated the United States market for personal computers and a sales revenue of more than one million is being made each moth in the US market alone. As competition in the personal computer industry continues to intensify, there is need to have a strong financial background. Apple has increased the sales volume for most of its brands and this has provided a good foundation for manufacturing better products which are competitive (Menn, 2010). In the capital markets, the company has been performing well and this has been a source of capital for carrying out different innovations. The stock price of Apple’s stock has increased from $6 per share to more than $80. The market performance of the shares of the company has surpassed that of Dell (Colvin, 2010). Marketing Supporters of Apple Company have suggested that it has made great success in dominating the domestic and international markets through better marketing strategies. It is estimated that the company can sell more than ten million iPads in one year due to the appropriate use of marketing strategies. The US market has indicated strong support for Apple products since it has been the major market for iPod and other brands. Sales target of more than one million for iPod are achieved every month. More than six million iPod and iPhone brands are sold on a monthly basis and this suggests that the company has been able to capture a large market for its products. According to Menn (2010), the company has maintained a very high customer loyalty for most of its brands. Many consumers in the market are ready to re-purchase products from the company. This trend has been generated by manufacturing brands which match the market demand. Sales trend for other traditional products has been progressive, for example in the quarter ending March 2010; the company sold almost three million Macs. Menn (2010) estimated a sales value of one million for the Macs during this period. Generally, the total sales of the company have been increasing over the years. The success of Apple Inc has been indicated by the increase in sales that have been reported by the company over the last one decade. In the financial year 2009, sales value of US $42. 91 billion was registered by the company. In 2010, an increasing trend was observed in the overall sales volume of the company (Colvin 2010). Apple’s Strategy Menn (2010) is of the opinion that Apple has been very successful by introducing competitive technologies. The company has carried out innovations which have placed the products at a very competitive position in the global market. Apple has been able to compete with Microsoft Company, the major company in the industry, by introducing the iPad brand. The company has been introducing differentiated products in the market and this has intensified the competitiveness of the products manufactured by the company. Before the introduction of iPod brands, the iPhone brand had captured a huge number of customers, both in the domestic and global markets. The use of new technologies has been the main strategy adopted by Apple to sustain stiff competition in the market. To accomplish technological progress, the management of Apple Inc has established partnership with universities and research institutions. A team of researchers has been established as well as collaborating with research and development department of the company to come up with products which are acceptable in the global markets. To accomplish these strategies, the management has put in place better management processes and human resource management strategies to ensure all aspirations are achieved (Linzmayer, 2009).
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Effects of Music in Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Effects of Music in Therapy - Essay Example In addition, individuals who have difficulties speaking after stroke, music therapy can stimulate language canters within the brain; thus, promoting the ability to sing. Playing music develops coordination of both gross and fine motor within people with impaired motor or neurological trauma because of stroke or head injury. Music therapy brings relaxation and has positive effects that enhance communication and emotional comfort; moreover, it enables recall of life experiences and emotional experiences. Music accompanies many, significant life events and in most cases the musical memories get stored for long periods compared to those that are not accompanied by music. Therefore, if words are no longer recognizable, familiar music offers a sense of comfort and safety thus decreasing anxiety. While cognitive and language functions deteriorate with age, many musical abilities seem preserved for longer periods. Music is universal to all human cultures and the capability to comprehend musi c is innate similar to communication. Melody in vocal communication results from roots of oral language and is possible to trace it together with human development; thus, music and language seem to have special features that offer music a chance to shape and improve language processing (Moreno 334). Both music and speech represent complex uses of sound by people and scientists have found that language and music share common areas in brain. Moreover, time organizes music and language; thus, language and music together with synapses that support them increase with time. Therefore, music and language rely on exposure to expand and they are both specific to culture since how English speakers organize words and music differs from how Japanese speakers organize their music and words. Learning through music is useful in strengthening non-musical areas like communication and physical coordination, which are essential to the functioning of everyday lives (Moreno 334-340). Music therapists us e music to foster self-expression among patients with emotional disorders, as well; they use receptive music listening to aid in training and physical rehabilitation of people suffering from neuromuscular conditions (Aldridge 18). Thus, music therapists employ lyric discussion to demonstrate and emphasize language thoughts in children or adults with brain injuries. Music therapists use developing knowledge to determine effective strategies for using music in rehabilitation of individuals with neurologic dysfunction resulting from traumatic brain injury. In this setting, music therapy is coordinated in accordance with other therapies to aid patients attain their cognitive, sensory-motor, communication and social aspirations of rehabilitation. Research shows that pairing music and physical therapies can improve cognition, communication and ease discomfort (Aldridge 25). Music is a sensory medium able to arouse the nervous system and cueing altered states of awareness in individuals (M oreno 339). Music therapy is an effective treatment for someone with low awareness states, whose receptive and expressive communication skills have severely been compromised. Music therapists believe that the fundamentals of communication are similar to those involved in music. Patients who have low awareness sta
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Demonstration of the Value of Health, Safety and Environmental Essay
Demonstration of the Value of Health, Safety and Environmental Programs in Corporate Settings - Essay Example 75 million working days are lost because of on-job-hazards. $50 billion are given as compensation for injuries and deaths in organizations. $50 billion is spent on indirect costs like replacement, training and so on (Bohlander, 2004). On average $23,000 per serious accident- is the cost incurred by an employer in U.S.A. When a boiler explosion killed 6 workers at Ford's Rouge Power Plant, Ford was fined $1.5 million and directed to spend $6million on safety measures. The staggering number of work-related accidents is alarming. 6,026 U.S workers died recently in workplace incidents at work and 6.2 million suffered from workplace injuries and many go unreported. In 2004, 5,703 fatalities have been reported of which 1004 were due to contact with equipments,815 because of falls, 459 due to exposure to harmful substances and 159 due to fire and explosions. Organizations should ensure a safe work environment which protects employees from physical hazards, unhealthy situations and violence from other personal. This can be achieved by Safety and Health Programmes which strives to preserve the physical and emotional well-being of the employees. This is important because employees are the Human Resources of an organization who contribute towards organizational success. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was passed in 1970 to assure so far as possible every working woman and man in the Nation safe and healthy working conditions and to preserve human resources. The Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970 created (OSHA) the Occupational Safety and Health Administration within the Department of labour. The importance of such laws can be well documented by the statistical survey of Occupational hazards. In 2000, 5.7 million injuries were reported in private sector alone. 5,915 fatalities were reported in 2000 alone due to industrial injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Act laws cover all the employers and their employees except a few federal governments, or states or political sub-divisions of a state. However, even in such cases, each federal agency is required to establish a Safety and Health program monitored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. One of the key responsibilities of the Occupational Safety and Health administration has been the development of mandatory job safety and health standards, enforce these standards and monitor them. These standards have been classified into four categories. 1. General Industry 2. Maritime 3. Construction and 4. Agriculture. These standards cover the workplace, machinery, material, power sources, processing, protective measures, first aid and administrative requirements. The 'Federal Register' is the main source of information on proposed, adapted, amended and deleted OSHA standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has the power to set standards on its own account or on petition from other parties, namely, The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Other bodies like state and local governments, nationality recognized standards organization, employer or labour representative can also initiate standard setting. The Secretary of labour is the person authorized by OSHA to conduct inspections of workplaces, to
BHS 499 (Senior Capstone Project) Module 3 SLP Essay
BHS 499 (Senior Capstone Project) Module 3 SLP - Essay Example One major implication of health care fraud and abuse is the monetary loss due to e improper activities which endanger patient safety. The United States Attorneys' offices (USAOs) are held responsible for the civil and criminal prosecution of health care providers, professionals, and other specialized business agencies who engage with health care fraud and abuse. The US government has appropriated certain amount (DOJ, 2000) from the United States Treasury general fund and they in turn must appropriate the Account for transfer some to the federal Bureau of Investigation in order to carry out the purpose and processes as described in above statements. Another implication is the intensification of health care fraud enforcement. This can never be achieved without the cooperation of other stakeholders. In fact, the FBI is one organization involved in the said cooperative effort. Federal agencies needs to collaborate with health care fraud working groups, have a liaison program among organizations and attend trainings as well as conferences. New statutory tools are believed to support ad be provided in order to combat health care fraud. Although Around $451,000 was budgeted to HCFA ($395,500) as well as the ASMB or Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget at the end of 2000 for the formal risk management operations.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
Employment Law - Essay Example By enacting the ERA, the government deemed employers should be able to negotiate provisions with workers that allow them to meet the needs of their customers. Businesses need to be able to adjust to changes. The ERA structure is intended to aid employers by allowing different types of employment relationships that suit the needs of employers. Enacting this flexibility should enable businesses to become more competitive in national and international markets. At the same time, according to the Department of Trade, the Act should translate to a variety of working arrangements enabling more people to participate in work suitable to their individual circumstances2.By virtue of the ERA, employees have several rights not enjoyed by atypical workers. These include the ability to take leave for a wide variety of personal reasons, guaranteed wage payments, the right to protection of wages in the event of an employer’s insolvency, to seek representation, and to receive a written statement of dismissal among many others benefits. Temporary workers may be regarded as employees under certain conditions and thus qualified for provisions contained within the ERA. Employers fill long term assignments through employment agencies. When a worker employs through an agency for one company for more than a year, the question has arisen whether the worker is considered an employee and if so, who is the employer, the agency or the company (end-user)? These workers, under contract with a hiring agency, may be considered independent contractors.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Cognitive Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cognitive Theory - Essay Example The other assumption is that prior happenings add considerably to understanding a lesson. The last assumption is that memory of a person determines the transmission of the knowledge process (Mitchell& Myles, 2004, 303). Concepts related to cognitive theories include primeval concept, lexical and typical concepts. 2 The videos watched involved a teacher and students evaluating various hypotheses and the way they relate to learning. They had to address the various ways in which learning tremendously depends on one’s memory and the connections of reasoning (Ortega, 2009, 304). They explained that manners of students were the least contributor to learning. This is because student’s manners may have several factors facilitating it. The other activity that students indulged in were identification of things read in previous lessons. Remembering was essential, in that the teacher related it to the assumption that memory was vital in learning. The other activity was trying to de fine concepts emanating from the cognitive theory. This was through evaluating the primeval way in which memory was required in learning. 3) Assumptions from the video - Memory playing a part in learning - Prior encounters determining a lesson 4) Memory assumption was widely exemplified in the video. This was through the study of a person’s brain blocks concerning education. The study involved handling of memory as an education prerequisite. For example, by asking the students to remember about previous lessons, this was in relation to the primeval theory. The fact that they could retain information reflected the way the intellect programming determines learning. Those students who did not recall the way the previous lessons were did not proceed well in the lesson. Learning contributes to one’s wits composure and the way one could advance their remembrance. The assumption that previous encounters contributed to the present lesson was also explored. The students who han dled issues similar to the lesson contributed a lot in answering. This is because they were already recognizable to the lesson running. Those students who heard the lesson for the first lesson took time to relate matters. Therefore, the teacher got a leeway of explaining the assumption with ease. This is because she asked the students about encounters that they had. The encounters played the greatest role in setting the lesson. 5) Response of the students was an explanation of the cognitive hypotheses. For example, the fact that they answered questions asked by the teacher showed that they were listening. Answering questions meant that the mind processed the questions asked. Answering questions explained the way cognitive speculation stemmed from the mind (Mitchell & Myles, 2004, 303). On the contrary, students who were not attentive did not answer questions well. This is because their common sense did not process what the teacher asked. The teacher had a hard time addressing studen ts who did not understand the lesson. When she picked on a student that was not attentive, the student encountered a hard time in answering questions. This is because the mind did not have a stockpile of any information that she said. It is because of this that such students could not retrieve any information from their brains. When the teacher gave instructions to the students, the response was different from the students. This is because
Monday, September 23, 2019
Economics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Economics - Case Study Example For example, selling Roundup explain Monsanto’s ability to develop GM herbicide-tolerant crops. A maturity of crops industry is a well-known fact and there is an evident growth of R&D costs, stricter legislation and more approval and support from the government. Moreover, the pricing policy of Monsanto can be explained by the company’s ability to develop Roundup in the post-patent period. Therefore, a fostering of GM products and success of Monsanto can be illustrated in the following way: Roundup is responsible for provision of plants with required herbicides and there is a growth of plants productivity providing a more favorable environment to the crops. As far as we can see, there is a clear strategy of Monsanto developed at different levels (social, economical and technical). Innovations in the company led to an evident increase of prices. Unfortunately, Monsanto did not have such kind of privileges in the earlier years. In 70s OPEC restricted nations in the amount of oil coming to America. Price per barrel of crude oil was very high. Due to the fact that Monsanto needed petroleum for the major part of its developments, and price increase could not be easily passed on to consumers. Monsanto got a trend of 90s and made an emphasis on clear environment. At that time it was a great advantage of the company. Moreover, Monsanto became a monopolist thanks to patent policies of America. Price reduction of Monsanto between 1995 and 2000 is the result of patent law in America, tolerant policy to companies developing eco programs and products. Therefore, price elasticity of Monsanto can be correlated with the best chosen pricing decision strategy: in case a price is low, more units of goods are sold; in case a price is high, fewer units of goods are sold. It is a well-developed mechanism of pricing strategy and Monsanto gained huge profits decreasing their prices for
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Drug Legalization in the United States Essay Example for Free
Drug Legalization in the United States Essay Abstract This paper will explore four websites and one online newspaper addressing the subject of drug trafficking in the United States and why legalization is a profitable alternative. The various ways drugs are bought into the country, information on how and why drug trafficking has increased in the United States, statistics on the number of people that are addicts, and the problems related to foreign countries on this issue. The reasons why illicit drugs should be legalized and what the income from the taxation from them could do to better our health care reform and our economy. Keywords: drug trafficking, economy, legalization Drug Legalization in the United States Illegal drugs are exports and deported out if our country everyday by different groups such as high profile criminal gangs or groups such as the cartel. Law enforcement has yet found a suitable way in controlling the war on drugs and have in past years, up until now, have made and passed bills and policies within the government that has made it worse. The legalization of illicit drugs, such as marijuana, would dramatically save, if not make our country more money.The Department of Justice reports the trafficking of drugs has increased in the United States (2012). Criminal groups from other countries, such as Mexican, Cuban, and Asian, including the groups in our country, grow, manufacturer, and distribute marijuana and other illicit drugs. Meth being in such high demand, leads to the growing number of addicts. Domestic cannabis growers and producers provide marijuana as easy completion for such drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and heroine. Since the price of the final product increases to abnormally high values, because of the black market status, this together with the powerful effects of drug addiction causes users to commit crimes in order to fund their addiction. The ways that illicit drugs are brought in to the country are by passenger ships at United States ports and shipping containers, criminal groups operating from South America smuggling cocaine and heroin in the United States. Self-propelled semisubmersible vessels are maritime vessels used by traffickers to transport illicit drugs. These vessels typically protrude only a few inches above the surface of the water, making them very difficult to detect visually. SPSS’s typically have a four-man crew and are capable of carrying multiton quantities of cocaine. The primary threat from drug smuggling via private vessels is from Caribbean-based traffickers exploiting the Puerto Rico and Florida coastlines. Traffickers transported mostly cocaine from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico, although they smuggled lesser amounts of heroin, sometimes combined with cocaine loads. Caribbean traffickers also smuggled cocaine, heroin, and marijuana from the Bahamas to areas of South Florida bet ween Miami and Palm Beach. Seizure totals and routes remained relatively constant compared with those of previous years. These routes have been opened and used frequently since the 1970’s. Traffickers used private maritime vessels to smuggle drugs into the United States during 2009 through Puerto Rico, South Florida, South Texas, and southern California, and Mexican DTOs sometimes smuggle drugs by maritime means to avoid law enforcement scrutiny along the Southwest Border. According to Drug Addiction Facts and Statistics, the statistics on the number of addicts that we have in the United States are also growing rapidly. These numbers are solely based on the harsher illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine. â€Å"2010 estimated 22.6 million Americans over the age of 12 that were currently or formally illicit drug users are equivalent to about 8.9% of the population†Over 6 million children in the United States live with at least one parent with a drug problem. Since the 1980’s the numbers of people that used illicit drugs that ended death either by overdose or some other type of reaction has risen to over 540%. A 1996 U.S. government study claims that heavy marijuana use may impair learning ability. The key words are heavy use and may. This claim is based on studying people who use marijuana daily–a sample that represents less than 1 percent of all marijuana users. This study concluded: 1) Learning impairments cited were subtle, minimal, and may be temporary. In other words, there is little evidence that such learning impairments even exist. 2) Long-term memory was not affected by heavy marijuana use. 3) Casual marijuana users showed no signs of impaired learning. 4) Heavy alcohol use was cited as being more detrimental to the thought and learning process than heavy marijuana use. (2012). Drug raids in the United States happen on the average of hundreds of times a day. The policies are a lot more dangerous and dramatic then public use of drugs. These policies harm not just families of the users and dealers, but the neighbors and general public that surround them. It has been known that law enforcement has gotten wrong addresses, and bad leads to help them follow through enforcement. Drug task force units have their equipment such as big guns and bullet proof amour, for their defense, but to a child of the suspect, it can seem very intimidating and scary. This also has been known as traumatizing to the youth and families involved. It has also been classified as terrorizing. This is not what these policies were set out to do. Prohibition on illicit drugs brings more gang violence, murder, and violence from dealers, users, children, families, and law enforcement made to enforce policies. There are approximately 17.4 million users of marijuana between 2007 through to 2010 . The numbers increased to 6.9% up from 5.8% or 14.4 million to 17.4 million users. â€Å"To allow policy experimentation, the federal government should permit states to legalize the production, sales, taxation, and consumption of marijuana. While testing this policy shift, authorities should redirect scarce law enforcement resources to focus on the more damaging and socially unacceptable drugs such as heroin, cocaine and meth. From which Mexican drug trafficking organizations derive more than 70% of their proceeds (Moffat, 2012). Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation similar to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce combined savings and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion per year. The revenue from marijuana sales after legalizing for the government could be lucrative. If the tax of marijuana cigarettes was substituted for equal to the difference between the local production cost and the street price currently paid, transfer the revenue from the crime groups to the government, we would have revenue of abo ut $7 per unit. This adds up to over $2 billion on the Canadian sales and even more on an export tax then we can forgo the cost of enforcement and deploy our policy assets elsewhere. By providing legal supplies of currently illegal drugs the price will fall, leading to a collapse in the illegal drug industry, and a reduction in crimes committed by both drug suppliers and users. Some could also argue that the reduction in the price will lead to little, if any, growth in drug addiction, due to the inelasticity of demand. In a strictly regulated market, drug use may fall overall, by removing the marketing activities of the illegal drug industry. There are a growing number of law enforcement professionals speaking out for legalization. LEAP (Law Enforcement against Prohibition) is an international organization founded in 2002 made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies. According to Betty Taylor, former Chief of Police of Winfield, MO and a speaker for LEAP (Law Enforcement against Prohibition) â€Å"If you can’t control the problem then regulate it. Regardless of law enforcement expenditures, the negative effects of prohibition include violence and other criminal activity†(Bozarth, 2012). The prohibition of marijuana is taking away from our economy in many different ways, such as financially. It is also taking our law enforcement officials away from being able to enforce the more dangerous crimes such as murder and enforce the policies of the more dangerous drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Taxes from the product can bring in more revenue and create another cash crop for farmers to contribute to the economy and also help with drug care reform in making a prescription drug that is affordable and easily acquired. These things are beneficiary to our country as long as it is monitored and maintained by its own policies put in place by ou r government. References DEA Briefs Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Drug Descriptions, Drug Trafficking in the United States. (n.d.). Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Drug Addiction Facts and Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Moffatt, M. (n.d.). Should Governments Legalize and Tax Marijuana?. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Bozarth, M. (2012, 02 23). LEAP Helps Launch Marijuana Initiative. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Delta Airlines Tourism Essay
The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Delta Airlines Tourism Essay Since the establishment of Delta Airlines in 1928, it has played a pivotal role in what the aviation industry is today. Delta airlines can be considered without a doubt one airline that has stayed in business through ups and downs throughout its near 90 years and continues to thrive in the commercial airline industry. Even though Delta Airlines has faced many obstacles throughout its history, Delta Airlines has had many success and triumphs. It is one of the major airlines that have accomplished many things that other airlines has not. One of the major points to Delta Airlines success is its ability to serve more than 170 million passengers a year as stated on Delta Airlines website. Strengths Of Delta Airlines Delta Airlines is constructed around many of its strengths such as currently being the largest airline in the world today as stated on the index of Delta airlines Website, but many of its strengths revolve around it being able to fly to 567 worldwide destinations in over 100 different countries. One of the strong points of Delta Airlines being the worlds largest carrier today is having 10 major hubs in all the major cities in the United States. Some cities include New York, Cincinnati, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, Detroit, as well as major cities in different countries such as Amsterdam, and Tokyo. This is one of the major stepping stones for a U.S. based airline company as it is able to expand to different continents around the globe. Another strength of Delta Airlines lies in its current fleet of aircrafts that currently consist of 449 airplanes majority of which are Boeing 757-200 series. Other aircrafts at Delta Airlines consist of Boeing 737, 767, 777, MD88 and MD90. Another advantage of using Delta Airlines is that throughout the companys history, to date there has only been one fatal accident back in 1996 as statistics show on the website. Compared to other airlines history of fatal accidents Delta Airlines rates number 1 due to the fact there has been only one fatal accident and it has over 16 million flights a year. Being number 1 in passenger customer service alone is just another part that helps to make Delta Airlines what it is today. Passenger service, a clean history of flying, and flying to over 6 different continents around the globe leads to Delta Airlines having one of the highest gross revenue in the airline industry. The company recorded revenues of $19,154 million during the financial year ended December 2007, an increase of 9.3% over 2006 as stated on the companies and markets / delta airlines website. Delta Airlines is one of the only main carriers that expected a drop in profits for the year 2008 yet it was able to still have a higher revenue than other carriers in 2008. Delta Airlines has also come up with many innovative business moves that has helped it to become one of the most dominating in the airline industry today. Delta Airlines came up with their own private airline within the company on April 15th 2003. Song Airlines was a low cost airline for the lower and middle class people and its main creation was to compete directly with Jetblue Airways. Not only has Song Airlines been a smart move for Delta Airlines but one of the most historic move in the airline industry has been the merger of Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines. The merger came about as a way to prevent the growth of airline competition in the industry and also to battle cost of fuel prices. In 2008 after both airlines merged together, Delta Airlines would have an increased fleet of 800 aircrafts, and 75,000 more employees as stated by the LATIMES.Com website. Last but not least is Delta Airlines being a part of the Skyteam Alliance. Delta Airlines has an anti-trust immunity an d what that mean is it can sharing marketing, pricing and its network with other airline companies within the Skyteam Alliance. Delta Airlines has a variety of competitive advantages at its arsenal compared to its competitors. Another distinct advantage for Delta Airlines is the scheduling, pricing, and departure as well as arrival times. For example on website, a round trip to Toronto, Canada would cost $331.88 with Lan Airlines, $307 with American airlines, and Delta Airlines would cost $228.28. Like all carriers, Delta Airlines offers many different flights to many different countries throughout the world, but what gives Delta Airlines another distinct advantage over competition is majority of the time when Delta Airlines is forming its schedule it will either try to depart 15 minutes earlier, or arrive at its destination 15 minutes earlier over its competitors. There are many significant advantages within Delta Airlines today and some that are a strong point within Delta itself are many long-term advantages over its competition. Delta Airlines has started to offer wi-fi service for in-flight passengers as well as on-board shopping as well as Delta on Demand and other features in the economy class flight, for first class passengers it offers the same as economy class but more comfy pillows, and blankets, free cocktails, and on the more pricey business-elite class its offers flat bed seats as provided on the Delta Airlines website. Another long-term advantage of Delta Airlines is its worldwide route system which Delta is codeshared with many airlines in North America such as Northwest Airlines, Continental Airlines, Alaska Airlines for flights from Seattle to Alaska, Aero- Mexico for trans-border services as well and domestic Mexico services, and Air Jamaica for service for flights between Jamaica and the U.S. Delta Airlines codeshare partners worldwide include Air-France for flights to Paris, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Alitalia Airlines for service to Europe via Italy, Air-Japan for service via Transpacific such as Japan, and China, Avianca airlines for Colombia domestic services and Czech Airlines for service from Prague to Eastern Europe. Incorporating the BCG Matrix, Delta Airlines has many so-called Stars within its company for example its Worldwide Route System, Pricing, and its current fleet of over 449 different aircrafts, but there are also many other Stars within Delta Airlines such as it has partial ownership in both Orbitz and Worldspan websites when purchasing tickets online and Delta also offers a 3-5% discount for purchasing tickets online and 2% discount for check-in using self service kiosks. Compare to other airlines Delta airlines is best airlines and also, Delta gives better packages and other requirements. Delta Air Lines, Inc. is the third largest air carrier in the United States and the largest U.S. carrier serving Europe. Its route network serves 317 destinations in 55 countries. Its domestic network operates around a hub system at airports in Atlanta, Cincinnati, New York, and Salt Lake City. The Delta Shuttle serves business travelers flying between New York City, Boston, and Washington, D.C. (and other continental airlines. The company has a strong network infrastructure enables it to gain access to key market as well as enhance the quality of its delivery services. However even though delta airlines may seem to many as the dominant airline, there are many flaws within Delta Airlines itself. Some of these flaws are very minor while some affect Delta Airlines drastically. It is safe to say that no airline is without flaws and some of these flaws include high maintenance cost. Some examples of opportunities to Delta Airlines include internal as well as external factors. The rising fuel price could have a direct impact in the companys margins. Though almost all carriers are expected to post negative earnings in 2009, however it is the most successful low cost carrier in the U.S. has maintained continued profitability for the last 30 years even during periods of industry downturns mainly due to its strong fuel hedging strategies. Low-cost airlines are expected to get a higher share of revenue in the future, which will see structural changes in the industry and consolidation as a result of competitive pressures. I think anyone will agree that wherever you are entertainment matters. Think about ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦consider the number of movies youve seen, the countless hours of television youve watched, the thousands of songs youve downloaded and the video games youve played. (Maria. F. 2008). The world would be a seriously boring place without entertainment. Im not sure how many of you have had a chance to fly on one of our aircraft equipped with the Delta on Demand digital entertainment system, but if you have then you know what a huge difference it makes to have a ton of stuff to watch on your own personal screen. Weve got satellite TV, movies, HBO, 2,500 MP3s and games all on demand (Babb, C.2007). Some International flight have long been cash cows according to the BCG Matrix, but some have become burdens to be unloaded as quickly as possibly as business travelers cut back, taking with them the high-end fares that subsidize tourist-friendly discounts. In Delta Airline industry the passenger traffic in largest Asian carrier by revenue, have been battered by a drop in passenger traffic because of the global economic crisis. Almost other airlines have played an immense feat, juggling both the legacy and low-cost carrier segment with unwavering commitment in going through the test of times during the last seven years and especially through 2008. The year 2007 was a year of regaining profitability for the airline industry after the uphill struggle of cutting off redundant infrastructure and going through various mergers and acquisitions and recovering from the post 9/11 downturn in volume of passenger air traffic. The exponential surge in fuel price and present volatility in financial sectors have significantly affected the aerospace industry as a whole. (Zack E). Delta Airline corp. will be able to rationalize and offer efficient services with gradual freedom to operate in open skies if governments look to deregulation as a way to pro mote the industry as a whole. The previous drop of 50 percent in airline share prices might just reach their initial levels, post all the merger and infrastructure cutbacks by early 2009. Delta airline prices of air tickets globally will have come down to initial levels by end of 2008. On a positive note, the Asia Pacific players will not face any loss for 2009 and might even be left with few cents in the pocket. The market will still see reasonable growth in Low Cost Carrier passenger traffic within Asia Pacific and even in the long haul segment. Delta Airlines 6 Despite the worst economic recession in our lifetime, the fundamental strength of Deltas business allowed us to deliver breakeven results this quarter, excluding fuel hedge losses and special items. These results would not be possible without the hard work of all Delta employees they are running a great airline while executing a seamless integration in the midst of this very difficult economic environment. We remain focused on making disciplined decisions about capacity, costs and capital, achieving merger synergies and finding new sources of revenue. Delta airlines reported that a $794 million first-quarter net loss, or $0.96 per diluted share. Delta cited slower demand for travel brought on by the current recession as reason for the loss. On the cargo side of the business, cargo revenue declined 44 percent or $146 million during the first quarter. Again reasons for the decrease were attributed to the current global recession, decline in fuel surcharge revenue, and decreased demand for air cargo services. Delta travelers have lately been complaining more often about frequent-flier programs, namely the lack of award seats on desirable flights, escalating fees for ostensibly free tickets and quicker expiration dates for miles. Airlines counter that they are giving away more awards than ever, despite generally fuller planes, and that most programs allow members to book any open seat on any flight, albeit in exchange for more. We at Delta and as an industry cannot continue to have customers earn a significantly greater number of miles year after year without providing customers some flexibility in ways to use those miles, Airlines are also offering more ways for members to use their miles, like bidding for things like Broadway tickets at online auctions, trading miles for merchandise or using a combination of cash and Miles for air travel. (Susan S, 2008) While most carriers have customarily been tight-lipped about how much they earn from these programs, more details are starting to emerge. United reported revenue of $800 million last year from selling miles, while Qantas earned $218 million in the last half of 2007 from mileage sales to third parties. (Susan S, 2008) These are some very important aspects to keep in mind when you look at the strong points in Delta Airlines as well as the weak points in Delta airlines, but then again there are many other factors that affect Delta Airlines. One example is threats, such as competition, and the main aspect of supply and demand. Delta Airlines 7 One threat Delta Airlines faces vs. US Airways on-time departure performance. US Airways has an average of 95% on time departures vs. a 93% from Delta. At arrival performances both are at the same percentage, 94%. US Airways does not exceed Deltas workforce (employees) however, they have close to 32,151 total employees. US Airways only serves 25 countries and 196 destinations, 41 international and 155 domestic. Their fleet is the closest they get to ours (Delta), they possess 600+ aircraft. Delta surpasses US Airways daily flights by almost 5 times, they only have 3,043 daily flights. Delta has superior advantage over US Airways, Delta was established on 1924, US Airways was established 1939. Delta traces its roots back to 1924, when Huff Daland Dusters was founded as the worlds first aerial crop dusting organization (Delta, 2009). We have several airline accidents, through our history. These accidents have resulted in fatal accidents. Is a threat, because whenever a customer looks a t our flying history that may incline them to look for another airline. One remarkable accident happened on August 2nd 1985, flight departed from Fort Lauderdale, Florida bound Los Angeles Intl airport, the aircraft crashed with only 27 survivors out of the 163 people on board (Leo Beber, 2009 ). The factor for this accident as per NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) was microburst induced wind shear. One of the ethical threats against US Airways is airline quality and passenger satisfaction. Delta is on the number 10th place and US Airways is on 8th (Airline Quality Rankings, 2008). This means that Delta Airlines is not keeping up with the on-time performance, customer service, baggage handling and/or bumping people around due to overbooking. For this year (2009), Delta airlines only rose its customer service by 6.7 percent, while US Airways rose a 9.3 percent. That is not so good news for Delta airlines, we need to improve our customer service, may be a way of doing so would be giving our Delta representatives weekly training, in order to rise our customer service satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is vital to the administration because if customers are not well satisfied, we will lose customers and that would make a big impact in our economic status. A major exterior factor that every single airline faces today is terrorism. One of Deltas biggest threats are bomb and highjack threats. This gives Delta Airlines, a disadvantage and bad reputation, Why and how it that? Well, most passengers or for the most part, the public does not know or may think that every airline has its own security. Therefore customers may think our security system is incompatible and unreliable. Truth is, no airline has its own security, airports Delta Airlines 8 Offer and provide the security system for the whole entire airport. But people may fail to see that or in other cases even get scared on flying with Delta Airlines just because of the terrorist threats Delta has faced throughout its history. For example; the latest threat was on a flight making its final decent into LAX, Airport in Los Angeles, January 09. Individual was yelling out he had a bomb. Passengers actually tackled the individual immediately without hesitation. At the end guy never really had a bomb, just to show you bomb threat or highjack threats are out of ones hand. The Port Authority of NY NJ has TSA personnel at La Guardia, JFK and Newark. TSA do screening on luggage, metal detectors for individuals, etc. checkpoints are operated by Transportation Security Administration, the checkpoints are there to make sure that terrorists cant bring anything aboard the plane that would enable them to take it over or destroy it (TSA, Travel Assistannt-2009) Terrorist threat is a f actor that no one has power on stopping it. Only thing we are able on doing is providing with the latest and sophisticated equipment to detect any hazardous threats that put the airport, aircraft and of course passengers life in jeopardy. Predatory pricing is one of the most competitive threats between airlines and other businesses. There is no specific price rate, due to seasonal flights, due to competitions. Airlines must keep their prices as close as possible to each others. In some cases new airlines may go out of business real quick if senior airlines decide to lower their prices just to keep the customers. When this senior airlines decide to lower their prices than average, one fact is that they losing money just trying to keep customers. Seasonal flights are a very competitive battle between airlines trying to catch as many customers as possible by giving great deal at cheaper prices as possible and as profitable as well. Seasonal flights can also stress an airlines structure due to competition. The Big Six airlines United, US Airways, American, Northwest, Continental and Delta have divided the country into local fiefdoms centered around fortress hubs (Leah Platt, 2001) Advertising the airline is a very important thing all airlines must do. From personal opinion, I always see T.V. advertising commercials of Delta Airlines. This is a factor some airlines fail to realize. Delta airlines is very well known thanks to its advertising on TV, radio and internet. Few airlines that are a threat to us just for the fact that they advertise as much as we do (Delta) are Continental, Jet Blue, American Airlines. Those are the most advertised on television. For some reason US airways doesnt advertise as much. This is a threat as well, because if an airline wants customers, it needs to put it out where the public sees it. Other airlines copying over a successful structured airline is a threat. For Delta Airlines 9 instance, if Delta decides to advertise on TV, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines, put lower prices, offer great deals and the rest of the airlines decides to do the same. That puts us in a spot where we have to improve our current structure. Every day, in newspapers across the country, airlines advertise flights at attractive and competitive prices. Every day, in newspapers across the country, airlines advertise flights at attractive and competitive prices (Public Interest Advocacy Centre, 2003). Overall, an airline biggest threat is the rising of fuel prices. Delta as well as other airlines, add a surcharge to the base price of the route its been flown. In some cases airlines struggle to set a price on a route due to the up and down of the fuel prices. Luckily, as of now (2009) fuel is not as high as previous times. It affects the customers when fuel prices are sky high, because an airline must raise its prices in order to keep the profits. Several airlines offer the same route and one has lower price tickets, like Southwest and Delta. Both Southwest and Delta charge $148 for L.A to Salt Lake route. But US Airways, which like Southwest, is a lower-cost airline, has less invested in the L.A. to Salt Lake route; for this airline, the route is a simple connecting flight, so it doesnt mind tacking on a $50 surcharge to its $148 base price à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Southwest, true to its lower-cost carrier status, doesnt have a fuel surcharge. Delta often adds a fuel surcharge, but knowing that Los Angeles to Salt Lake is a very competitive nonstop Southwest route, the legacy carrier eschews the surcharge in this instance, to stay competitive (Rick Seaney, 2008) Last but not least, no company is without its weakness. Delta Airlines has established its dominance in the aviation industry as one of the best airlines in the world today, but being the best doesnt necessarily mean Delta Airlines doesnt have its own drawbacks. This report examines Delta Air Lines Weaknesses, Inc.s key business structure and operations, history and products, and it provides summary analysis of key revenue lines and strategy. Use this report to understand the internal and external factors that affect Delta Air Lines, Inc.s performance in achieving its business goals. After eighty years of success history , On September 14 2005, Delta files for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Northwest Airlines files for bankruptcy on the same day.After the bankruptcy, Delta spent millions to rebuild morale, flying in many of its 47,000 employees for a series of events that were equal parts team-building and tent revival. And Delta convinced creditors to cede 15% ownership to employees. They saw the importance Delta Airlines 10 of having the pilots and employees on board to unlocking the synergies of the deal, says Delta CEO Richard H. Anderson, a board member at the time who got the top job in August 2007. It was equally important for the employees to know that we followed through on everything we promised. Delta Air Lines plunged into bankruptcy in September 2005, marking the culmination of more than a decade of management missteps made largely out of hubris. The Southeastern airline allowed itself to go through many of the stages of decline outlined in Jim Collins new book. Its sense of infallibility helped foster an undisciplined pursuit of practically every new jumbo jet that aircraft manufacturers rolled out, forcing it to fly large planes even on one-hour routes. Add to that a distinct denial of the increasingly grim realities of the airline business, exemplified by the errors made earlier this decade by then-Chief Executive Leo F. Mullin. He launched the trendy Song discount airline, which fizzled amid high costs and stiff competition from JetBlue Airways. Worse, Mullin negotiated a 2001 labor deal that paid top pilots a record-shattering $300,000 a year. Management always had to have the biggest and the best, recalls a former exec. It was the Delta way. That strategy helped the Atlanta-based carrier rack up billions in losses, pushing it into bankruptcy. And management was so slow to accept its humbling fate that one bankruptcy judge told executives: I have not heard anything that I will say remotely impressed me that you have the money, the talent, or the thought that you could successfully reorganize in this case. Admits President Ed H. Bastian: There were periods when Delta could have been just 24 hours from disappearing. If the pilots had walked out, Im not sure we could have pulled through. Delta Airlines 12 Deltas people issues are best exemplified by a specific person, Leo Mullin, named CEO in 1997. A highly-publicized executive compensation scandal marred the trust between management and the rank and file. Delta filed for bankruptcy less than 18 months after he abruptly retired. Certain actions by Delta have not endeared the company to its employees. Massive layoffs in 2004 continued through 2005 and 2006 and have led to messy court actions. Employees and pilots have picketed airports. Recently the bankruptcy court terminated their pilot defined benefit plan. Delta also had a highly-publicized conflict with an employee develop into a court action when they fired flight attendant Ellen Simonetti (aka Queen of the Sky) who had become a well-known blogger. Delta has spent a lot of valuable time and resources in answer to low-cost fare competitors in the U.S. such as JetBlue and Southwest. Like a large 18-wheel truck trying to follow a motorcycle around town, this has been an awkward waste of energy. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Delta Express was started in 1996. Delta Express was not successful for two reasons. First, the fares were not as low as JetBlue or Southwest, and secondly, there was a perception problem since this was a deviation from Deltas image. Delta President Fred Reid We really found out that customers want to see something distinctive. We still found that people had this edge of skepticism about it that (Delta Express) was just part of Delta. . . . This is truly different. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Song followed in 2003. The business model was that it was cheaper to use larger planes if they were full. 757s are cheaper to operate than small planes if all the seats are filled.They upgraded the seats to leather and encouraged the staff to be friendlier. Passengers had a better experience on Song (the low-cost carrier) than on Deltas main operation. Delta Airlines 12 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Delta Shuttle was started in 1991 with the purchase of used Pan Am aircraft and continues today. The Delta Shuttles fly only between limited east-coast city pairs. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Delta Connections is a current subsidiary. Flights are flown by SkyWest, based out of St. George, Utah using Delta Connections branded Canada Regional Jets. Their website shows only airplanes in Delta Connections livery. These planes dont allow full-sized carry-on luggage; anything bigger than a laptop computer needs to be checked through the regular baggage claim or checked planeside. None of these attempts at a low-fare subsidiary have been entirely successful, and have detracted from rather than contributed to Deltas overall success as an airline. Presenting these multiple faces is confusing to the flying public.These repeated attempts to enter the low-fare market detract a significant amount of focus and resources from what Delta does best. In This Bird Wont Fly, The Travel Insider blog (in 2002 and updated in May 2006) calls this a Futile Act of Self-Cannibalism, indicating that the low-cost options have actually been competing against the main Delta service; and may have made its shortcomings more apparent. The most important part of the progress and survival of an airlines customer service Is listening to opinions and complaints from the customers, the airline can reinforce the weak spots. then reviews a inappropriate customer service ends up the image of the airline publicly. Some Complaints From Passengers Of Delta Airlines Sharlyn of Atlanta, GA July 30, 2009, I had a 4 1/2 hour flight from ATL to SFO on a 767 aircraft. I called the flight attendant using the help button on the computer screen to inform her that my overhead light would not come on. The flight attendant told me she would rebut my computer so I could use the overhead light and once she did, the light still did not come on. I told her I needed to use the overhead light to read business materials, etc. for a meeting and throughout the entire flight leaving at 21:15 pm (EST) to 23:30 pm (PST), I could not read over my business materials. The flight was not full, yet the flight attendant did not move me to another seat so I could read. I had eye surgery for a retina problem and had to strain my eyes in the dark, because the flight attendant refused to move me. This is very unacceptable considering that I have been a Delta Skymiles member since 1995. Lindsay of Los Angeles, CA July 20, 2009, We arrived an hour before our flight, checked-in using the self service kiosk, paid for an additional bag, and got in line to drop it off. The line was long and personnel continued to take those who were late and cut them in front of us. I told the stewardess that we ourselves might need to get to the front of the line and were likely later than those she was allowing to cut in front of us. She refused to listen to me and kept me in line. When we arrived at the counter the woman did not want to let us check our bag because it was less than 30min. before the flight. We asked to speak to her supervisor. She moved as slowly as possible and it took another 10min for her to actually take our bag which she finally had to do because we had already paid. When we got to the gate the plane was still there but they would not let us on as the gate had closed. I dont understand how they could hold us in line, and allow other people to cut in front of us because they may miss their flight, not do the same for us, and then not take responsibility when we missed our flight because of this. Usha of Finksburg, MD July 15, 2009, my husband, daughter and I went to Seoul in June 19th and scheduled to return to Baltimore on June 27th, so my daughter can fly to Chicago on 28th. But when we arrived at Atlanta arougn6:40, the flight stood on runway for about 2 hours because of gate issues. We all missed our flight and delta do not have another flight until next morning at 9:00, so my daughter missed her scheduled flight to Chicago and we have to pay full fare for the after noon flight ( which was about 250. They gave us a hotel which was so crappy, it stunk. Nathan of Hof Hacarmel, CA July 10, 2009, I must congratulate Delta airlines for being the first paperless fleet Ive had the discomfort of flying with. My flight DL87 leaving Tel Aviv, July 2, 2009, had reached a bit more than the halfway point when the hand towels, tissues and TOILET PAPER (!) all ran out in all four toilets. I walked to the rear of the plane and informed the service crew of the problem. They were woken out of the obvious stupor: Thank you sir for informing us. On of the lovely marched over the to toilette area with a hand full of paper towels, and, I assume, inserted them into the correct receptacle. The hygienic for a population of some 250 men, women and children was despicable and at best reprehensible. We have decided never again to fly Delta. Less than four years after it was left on life support, Delta is now the picture of health. Thanks to a management overhaul, a rigorous shift towards more profitable international routes, aggres
Friday, September 20, 2019
Personal Narrative - Suicide and the Death of My Father :: Personal Narrative Essay Example
The Death of My Father My father and I went hiking together just about every year since I was born. Some years it would be just the two of us, and some years my brother David would come too. When we first begin doing this, we used to stay in our own tent that we would carry upon our backs, but as my father got older, we gradually shifted from tents to staying in lean-tos, then log shelters, and finally to the comfort of the huts that the Appalachian Mountain Club runs on some of the ranges in the White Mountains. With these huts, you get to the top of a peak and find blankets and a hot meal waiting for you. My father and I left three days ago for our annual hike. On our second day, two days ago, we had had a long, but good, day. We had made it most of the way up Mount Lafayette on the edge of the beautiful Pemigwaset wilderness, and we pulled into the Appalachian Mountain Club hut there for a meal. We were enjoying our dinner together, and he was looked comfortable and content. Just before dessert was to be served, my father suddenly slumped forward in his seat and died. Halfway through our hike on the day that he died, I thought my father might have looked a little tired, and I suggested that perhaps we should turn around and take an easier route to a different hut, but he didn't want to. He said that he was doing fine and that besides, we had already made reservations at this particular hut. I said to him: "If something happens to you, do you want people to say `He kept on going because he didn't want to lose his hut reservation?" And he replied, "I think that if something happened, they'd say: `he did it because that's who he was.'" I can say that he died peacefully in a beautiful place and I can say that he probably died proud, not just proud of the determined recovery he had made from a car accident this past winter, but proud of living his life as he always had - making his own choices and choosing his own path. But these things will never be any real consolation to us for the 20 years more that my father should have been with us, sharing his unique mix of stubbornness, humor, wisdom, cynicism, and especially love - a love of life, a love of his family and a love of his community.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Analytical Response to Male Pregnancy Essay -- Science Technology Essa
Analytical Response to Male Pregnancy Male Pregnancy by Dick Teresi and Kathleen McAuliffe support that the technology and the demand for male pregnancy will be possible in the future. They specifically state that, "Someday a man will have a baby". They have written this article in an attempt to show why they believe this will one day become accepted and widely practiced. However, I disagree with Teresi and McAuliffe. I feel male pregnancy will never be freely practiced or accepted by any means. Teresi and McAuliffe start out their article by explaining what their general idea is for male pregnancy to occur. They state, "What we're talking about is implanting an embryo into a man's abdominal cavity, where the fetus would take nourishment, grow to term, and be delivered by an operation similar to a cesarean section. Already, this idea seems illogical to me. As a result of a man being pregnant, there must be a cesarean section to remove the baby. Even for women, this is a risk doctors prefer to avoid if possible. It puts the mother at a much greater risk of injury or death as well as the baby. Going to great lengths to make a man attempt to do something that has a high risk seems foolish when the same results can be achieved naturally with a much lower risk. Slightly further into the article Teresi and McAuliffe discuss how a researcher, Dr. Cecil Jacobsen, injected a fertilized egg of a female baboon into the abdominal cavity of a male baboon. He then states that "with very moderate chemical support, the male baboon was able to carry the pregnancy toward term". Again this goes back to the fact that women can go through the process of child birth natural in most cases. However, for a male to car... ...erring to why they would not want to carry a baby in the summer but any other time is okay. It is not just themselves they are affecting if the operation and procedure is a success, it is also the child who will have to grow up in a society where everyone else's mother is a female, but his mother is dad also. Overall, I felt Teresi and McAuliffe's arguments for pursuing the technology of male pregnancies is not strong enough to actually do further research in the area. I feel that females are biologically established for birth where men's bodies naturally can not give birth. It seems illogical to try to change a system that has worked so well for so many years. If there is a technology dealing with birth that should be researched it should be increasing the safety of it, not a step backwards since the abdomen is a much more dangerous and illogical way.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pop control :: essays research papers
In the essay â€Å"Population, Delusion and Reality,†Amartya Sen discusses two opposing approaches to population control. These two approaches are â€Å"collaboration†and â€Å"override†The collaboration approach calls for a voluntary choice as well as a collaborative solution to controlling the population growth. The collaborative approach relies on more choices for men and women, a more educated and rational decision on the part of both men and women, and an open arena for a more extensive discussion on such subjects. These men and women are able to make such rational decisions based on the opportunity to be more educated and with a sense of self-confidence when presented with the ability to do so by having public policies such as family planning, health care, bigger and better education facilities and a sense of economic well being. Our ability to solve problems by making rational and educated decisions seems like a better alternative than to forcing a reso lution. The â€Å"override†approach works by means of legal or economic coercion, such as the means that China forces with their â€Å"one child policy.†With this approach, the government may deny individuals of job opportunities or deny housing. These people are left with no other choice but to follow along with what the government would want them to do. Although the collaboration method results in a higher standard of living with higher levels of consumption as well as increases threats to the environment, Sen believes that it is still the preferred method of controlling and curbing the population at hand. For one, â€Å"override†leaves the individual with very few choices. It limits their freedom. As with China, it can lead to neglect and often endangerment to a second child. More often than not, since a male child is favored among the Chinese, female children have been reported to have been severely neglected and speculations that female infanticide may occur. A higher level of consumption isn’t big enough of a problem as some may assume. As Sen puts it â€Å" the worldwide trend of output of food per person has been firmly upward.†The places that have an increase in population are the ones that also seem to have an increase in the production of food. The average American does pose as a bigger threat on the environment than dozens of Third World individuals, but yet these individuals raise a red flag for complications for a denser population on rural resources such as forests, fields, and other greenery.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Mountains Beyond Mountains
In the book, Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder, Paul Farmer made and continues to make a profound difference in the world. He was extremely successful because of the help he received from people who surrounded him. Partners In Health (PIH), Farmer’s organization, gives healthcare to people who cannot afford it and treatment to those with tuberculosis and AIDS. Although he was a founding advocate to the success of Partners In Health, Farmer would not have accomplished all that he did without the aid from others. Usually, it takes a group of people with the same goals in order to make a change in the world.Not everyone in the world can drop his/her entire life and put as much effort into saving the world as Paul Farmer did. However, he had many dedicated people who helped him. Without Ophelia Dahl, Tom White, and Jim Yong Kim, Paul Farmer would not have been nearly as successful as he is today. Ophelia Dahl sacrificed a great deal to make Partners In Health the success it is. Ophelia met farmer when she was just eighteen years old working as a volunteer for Eye Care Haiti. Ophelia and Farmer fell in love while both in Haiti.They both decided their relationship was not going to work due to the amount of time Farmer spent helping others. She realized that her needs as his wife would get in the way of his desire to be the best doctor that he could be. In a letter that Ophelia wrote to Paul she said, â€Å"The qualities I love in you-that drew me to you-also cause me to resent you: namely your unswerving commitment to the poor, your limitless schedule and your massive compassion for others†(Kidder 66). This quote proves how much Farmer put himself before others and put his personal life last on his priority list.Ophelia described Paul Farmer as someone whom is a pleasure to work around. She explained there is always a way to avoid being a bystander because Farmer constantly needs help. In response to that, Ophelia helped start Partners In Heal th and still manages the organization today. Tom White was also an essential part in the starting and continuance of Partners In Health. Kidder wrote, â€Å"Some of the cash came from grants but most of it from private donations, the largest from a Boston developer named Tom White, who gave millions over the years†(Kidder 22).White was a wealthy man who owned a construction firm in Boston and helped Farmer get enough money in order to start the hospital that he thought had much potential. He met Paul Farmer when Farmer was still training to be a doctor and the millions of dollars he gave supported Partners In Health for several years. Although Tom White did not directly take care of any of the patients, he saved millions of lives due to his generosity. Without his money there would have been numerous tragic deaths that could have been treated with just a few supplies.Kidder explains, â€Å"Farmer and his staff of community health workers treated most tuberculosis patients i n their huts and spent between $150 an $200 to cure an uncomplicated case†(Kidder 22). Thus, this quote goes to show how many lives Tom White technically saved with the millions of dollars he put forth. Jim Yong Kim is what we would call Paul Farmer’s â€Å"partner in crime†in carrying out Farmer’s ideals in medicine. Kim was a founder of Partners In Health with Farmer. He worked beside Farmer and is also a Brigham doctor who puts much of his life into saving patients with tuberculosis and AIDS.Farmer also played a prominent role in curing several cases of AIDS and HIV through World Health Organization. In addition to his help in Haiti, Kim also started a clinic in Peru to help cure severe cases of tuberculosis. In Peru, he helped create a treatment program for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. He successfully solved many tuberculosis cases in Peru and proved to many it is possible to cure severe cases that may seem untreatable. Kim still continues helpi ng with Partners In Health and contributing to the expanding medical field.Without the help of these individuals, Paul Farmer would not have accomplished nearly as much as he did. The more support and help that one has the more goals they are likely to accomplish. Although Dahl, White, and Kim may not have been as extreme as Farmer they still changed many lives. They created organizations that still stand today and continue to help sick dc-=-people. If everyone helped someone just once at some point in their day like Farmer did, more and more lives could be changed.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Human Resources Planning for Hospitality and Tourism
Graduate School Trisakti Institute of Tourism Final Assignment (Problem Solving) Course : Human Resources Planning for Hospitality and Tourism Lectrurer : Prof. Syamsir Abduh, PhD Case Study 1 Brunt Hotels, PLC, owns more than 60 hotels throughout the United Kingdom. They recently acquired a small hotel chain headquartered in France. Brunt’s chief executive decided that half of the new hotels in France would be retained and rebranded as part of the Brunt Hotels Group; the other half will be sold.This will support Brunt’s strategic objective of growing the organization slowly to make sure that new ventures are well supported and opened on time and on budget. Brunt’s hotels are considered budget accommodations; they are functional, clean and reasonably priced. Additional information about UK hotel standards is available at Most guests stay for one to three nights and are a combination of business and leisure travellers. The hotels are typically situated in downtown locations that are easily accessible by mass transit. Relevant materials: Hospitality and Tourism RelationshipTourists are attracted to these hotels in popular visitor destinations where the many local attractions mean that they will not be spending much time in their hotel rooms. The organization has decided to use an ethnocentric approach and send some of their existing UK-based managers to France to lead the changeover of the new hotels and then manage them after they re-open. If this new overseas venture is successful, Brunt may decide to acquire other small hotel groups in other European countries. The organization would like to own 150 hotels in the next five years. Their 10-year plan is to own 300 hotels across Europe.This is an ambitious target, so it is important that the organization finds an effective formula to operate successfully in other countries. The management team decides to select only one of the three proposed training programs, confident that it will be useful and informative for the new expatriates. However, they would also like to provide external support for the new expatriates to make their transition to a new country as smooth as possible. They are aware of some of the services that can be offered to support employees on both a personal and professional level, but do not have a comprehensive overview.Question: The management team asks you to conduct Internet-based research to find out what expatriate support services are available. Case Study 2 (see the case study 1: Brunt Hotels) The management team liked your recruitment advertisement, but realized that they did not consider the salary for these new positions! Since the organization has never hired managers to work outside the UK before, they do not know how to start determining the compensation. They provide you with the following information that they found on the Internet: * Existing salary for managers is ? 0,000 (45,000 Euros) plus bonuses. * Surveys show that the average salary for hotel managers in France is 60,000 Euros with no opportunity to earn bonuses. The directors want to have a consistent approach as to how they compensate expatriates because they expect their overseas business to expand in the future. They also want existing employees to be enticed into working abroad and want to have a good range of incentives. Question : Design a compensation package for the hotel management position. Explain the rationale for your design.You may also include non-financial benefits. Case Study 3 This is a case of two competing hotels, Sunrise Hotel and Beachside Hotel that are both located in a medium sized, tourism based town in the Northeast U. S. The hotels are both competing for the same set of guests, as well as the same set of potential employees. They are both budget hotels, right next door to each other, with 60 guest rooms each and a view of the beach. The occupancy during peak season for the Sunrise Hotel is 98%, but during the winter months goes down to 65%.The Beachside Hotel has peak season occupanc y of 90% and off peak occupancy of 50%. Joe is the General Manager of Sunrise Hotel and has been in his current position for 5 years. He has been with Sunrise Hotel for a total of 10 years. He worked his way up at Sunrise Hotel from front desk agent to front desk supervisor, and finally to Assistant General Manager before he became the General Manager. He does a good job of screening potential employees for his front desk area of the hotel because he realizes the importance of that area of the hotel, especially in tourist areas.He also has incentives set up for excellent performance of the front desk agents and training and development programs designed to give everyone information that will help them do their job better. There is a sense of teamwork at Sunrise Hotel and that helps everyone want to do a good job. His guest satisfaction ratings for his hotel are overall excellent. On a rating scale of 1–10, his hotel averages a 9. The average length of tenure of his employees is 4 years, and his current front desk supervisor was promoted from within, along with his Assistant General Manager.Because of the small size of the hotel, Joe is actually involved with all of the hiring decisions and helps to give training programs himself, along with his leadership team. The employee turnover at the Sunrise Hotel is 25% overall and that is primarily when hourly employees graduate high school or college and leave the Sunrise Hotel for a career somewhere else. Brian is the General Manager of the Beachside Hotel and deals with a very different situation. Brian was brought in from another hotel in the same hotel group about 6 months ago.He was told by his boss that he needed to â€Å"fix†this hotel so that it would start having better customer satisfaction ratings and more return guests. Despite the fairly high occupancy noted during peak seasons, the off peak season occupancy is only 50%. Also noted by his boss, the occupancy should be as good as the Sunrise Hotel. Brian has been with his hotel group now for 2 years and he came out of the accounting and finance department in his old hotel. He has a great understanding of the numbers in the lodging industry, but has not been involved with the human resource aspects of the job.The turnover of hourly employees at Beachside Hotel is 120% and that means that Brian is constantly running the hotel short handed and with new employees. The Beachside Hotel has been doing the hiring through a human resource practitioner in the hotel that was put in the position because she really could not handle serving guests at the front desk very well. Mary was promoted to human resources a year ago after she had one too many altercations with the guests at the front desk. The owner of the hotel wanted to make sure that she would not make any of the other guests angry, so he promoted her to a human resources practitioner.Since that time, she has been busy trying to keep up with hiring and she has had no time for training employees. Because she is so busy, paychecks often come out to employees late, there are no policies written down for employees to use as a guide for performance, customers are treated badly by new and poorly trained employees, and the departments of the hotel do not communicate very effectively and therefore everyone blames everyone else when things go wrong. The average length of tenure of the front desk agents at the Beachside Hotel is 3 months and the customer satisfaction rating at the Beachside is a 6 out of a 10 possible rating.Most of the front desk agents that are hired come from other hotels in the area after they quit or are fired. Brian is not involved in the hiring for the hotel at all, and does not get involved with training and development. He spends most of his days looking at the financial reports for the hotel and analyzing average daily rate, occupancy rates, and REVPAR. Brian knows that he has many problems to deal with and so he goes to the Sunrise Hotel to observe things over there for a while. He sees a happy crew and talks to Joe about how he is making that happen.Joe is happy to help, but wants Brian to go back and observe his employees first and come up with ways that he specifically can help guide Brian. Questions: 1. What could Brian learn from Joe in terms of the human capital aspects of running a hotel? 2. What human resource planning initiatives could be undertaken by either the Sunrise Hotel or Beachside Hotel in order to help with the overall performance of their respective organizations? Available from:| Monday, 3 December 2012, 07:00 AM| Due date:| Monday, 3 December 2012, 12:30 PM|
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Financial Careers Essay
What does the job involve? Well, it’s very varied, but basically fund-raisers organise special events like concerts and fun runs, ask governments for money, try to get support from local companies and organisations. Most major charities have fund-raising departments, which employ teams of workers. Some of these people do office work  others organise publicity, visit companies or arrange special events. Sounds interesting? Tycoon. A wealthy and powerful person in business or industry. If you are the independent, creative type, why not start your own business? Lots of people do these days. Some aren’t successful, of course, but plenty are â€â€j and if you do succeed, the rewards of being your own boss can be. enormous. To become a business tycoon you need to have an original idea; be practical, reliable and well-organised; understand the business world; keep control of your finances. After that it’s all a question of hard work and luck, but then that’s the key to success in any job. Financial journalist. Financial journalists work in three main areas  newspapers, radio and television. Their job is to understand what’s happening in the financial world and explain it as quickly and accurately as possible. Economic journalists don’t just report today’s news, though. They need the ability to predict future events, too. â€Å"Will interest rates rise or fall? Will the stock market go up or down? And what about trade†¦ are exports going to increase or decrease? †To become a financial journalist you train as a general reporter first. Then you specialise in finance and economics. And when you’ve done that? Well, if you are lucky you’ll get a job in the media. One word of warning, though  financial journalism is a very competitive career. In Britain, for example, there are only 2,000 jobs available. Auctioneer. Two of the best-known auction houses in the world are Christie’s and Sotheby’s. The auctioneer who works there regularly sells famous paintings worth millions of pounds. But you’d be wrong to think that auctioneers just sell Rembrandts and Van Goghs. It’s much more varied career than that. Some auctioneers sell farm animals, for example. Others sell houses, antique furniture or even rock and roll ‘memorabilia’ (i. e. guitars, cars, clothes etc. , which ones belonged to pop stars). And what does it take to be a good auctioneer? Well, three qualities are absolutely essential  a calm personality, a quick mind and (last but not least) a strong voice. Dealer. Dealers work for companies which buy and sell foreign currencies, commodities like oil or steel. They work in large, noisy, rooms, called dealing rooms and do most of their business over the phone and on computer screens. The majority of them are under 35. The majority of them also earn very big salaries because their work involves huge amounts of pressure and responsibility. You don’t need a degree to be a dealer. What you do need, though, is talent, energy, confidence and ambition.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mice and men dreams
Dreams are Dreams â€Å"Part of the American Dream Is to own your own property – something no one can take from you†(Henry Bonilla). Also a lot of luck is also needed. In Mice and Men no one achieved the American yet. It is a hard thing to attain in the 1930s. In this book, the American Dream was to won property pr be happy in what you do. Everybody has a dream to be happy and own their own land In the book. The workers wanted their own farm and pursue on living their own way. They all wanted a dream to work for.When guys in the book hear about owning land, they wanted to be a part of it and try o pitch in with money. American dream is to own property, and George, Lennie, and Crook all wanted that but the American Dream In 1930s was much different today but had a few slmllarartles too. George is the main character in Mice and Men. The American Dream was hard for George. He had a huge distraction while he finds his dreams. He had to take care of Lennie and also worry abo ut himself. When they were In the woods going to find a lob, George says to Lennie, â€Å"l got you!You can't keep a Job and you lose me ever' Job I get (Steinbeck 11). So Lennie was a distraction to George and lost opportunities because Lennie always gets in trouble. American Dream for George was to keep a Job, save money, and buy land to live in with Lennie. But without Lennie he achieved it faster or even easier because Lennie Is always In the way. American Dream is all about hard work, saving your earnings, and using it to buy land for yourself. George feels like a typical American in todays society because he is a normal guy just working and trying to find his own home.Like a typical person he had hard times and istractions. He had to kill Lennie to make his dreams come true and distractions from other works trying to be part of his Dream. It also feels Ilke back than, they were less opportunities for people like George. It was much easier in today's society but not for everyo ne. American Dream can be impossible to achieve for some people. Perfect example Is Lennie, Lennie was a slow guy. He had kid Inside of his huge body. George always had to take care of him and he needed George so he can talk for him.Lennie's disability slowed him and George's American Dream. Lennie knew what his American Dream was; he wanted a farm with lots of bunnies so he can pet them. But Lennie's journey was the toughest. First It starts with getting kicked out of town because he â€Å"assaults†a girl, â€Å"Jus wanted to feel that girl's dress-jus wanted to pet it like it was a mouse (11). He always gets in trouble even if it's not really his fault. He just didn't have a clue of what not to do, and that played a huge part in American Dream. He eventually gets shot by George because he kills Curly's wife accidently.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Critical analysis paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Critical analysis paper - Assignment Example n of this is an extremely dynamic system of world politics that triggers massive changes for every little disturbance in virtually all sectors (Howarth 78). Referring to world politics, the recent past has seen a handful of events that is already shaping international perspectives. The Arab Spring is a key event that spurred an entire revolution in the Arab world. The Spring saw demonstrations and protests to the authorities that eventually necessitated some of them to relinquish power. Violence escalated, and the public outcry for a change in regime and system of governance could not be ignored. Quite evidently, the discomfort occasioned to the authorities as a consequence of the Arab Spring may have been hard to ignore, but again, it is not like they had any choice. A case in point is the Libyan dictator Gaddafi, who tried to ignore the revolutionary wave and was dislodged from power in very unceremonious circumstances. In a similar vein, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak found himself facing a revolt in what came to be known as the Egyptian revolution of 2011. He however gave in to pressure and quit power. The aggressive nature of Egyptians resurfaced in 2013 when they staged protests against the then president as a result of discontent with the administration. Elections held in 2014 were touted as the most democratic in the recent past for a nation known for political instability. The current president won with a resounding 97% of the votes cast. Definitely from this figures, one can unearth a trend of dislodging individuals who are more inclined towards tyrant behavior from power, and vesting leadership rights upon those that appear to represent their wishes and aspirations fully. A sharp contrast to the above two scenarios is seen when evaluating the US and European elections. The European and U.S elections were marred with little violence, and it was more of a peaceful transition. The prevalence of peace, however, was a consequence of free and fair elections in
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Pregnant Adult Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pregnant Adult - Essay Example If it does, all is well; but if it does not, no other source of sustenance is available and the fetus will not thrive. The single most critical nutrition period in pregnancy occurs before a woman knows she is pregnant. Improper balance of proper nutrients can not only affect the mother and the child but the child’s child and so forth. Since so many negative critical results can occur; such as, for example, Spin Bifida, the US Congress passed a law that certain foods be fortified with critical nutrients; such as Folate, Vitamins B6 and B12, iron, magnesium, and all the other major and minor trace minerals that are involved in normal cell division and replication If a woman’s nutrient status isn’t what it should be at the time she becomes pregnant; and, as a result these very early fetus developments do not take place properly, there is no second chance. Since a pregnant woman is only allowed 300 more calories than a non-pregnant one, she Just writing about a pregnant adult does not give an age range; and that can be very important as there is certainly a vast difference between a 25 year old and a 40 year old pregnant adult. However, for better or for worse, child bearing seems to have shifted in large measure from the 20s to the 30s as more and more women are furthering their education, developing their careers and travelling before settling down to motherhood. As with younger mothers--toâ€â€be, all women of child bearing years should have an excellent nutrient status in case a pregnancy occurs. Eating a balanced diet, having an exercise program, having medical conditions controlled, not smoking or taking drugs, and drinking very little alcohol, if any, should be the norm. . It is difficult to say that everyone in a certain age group has similar economic and social problems. A 35-year-old pregnant adult may be more financially
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