Saturday, December 28, 2019
Lolita vs. Frankenstein Free Essay Example, 1500 words
The novel Lolita consists of multifaceted themes such as love, pain, sex, puritanical ideas, art, psychology, exploitation, use of language and so on. The basic content of this novel is the desire for sex that permeates all throughout the story and the author knits together the other themes into it very nicely. The strong passion of Love is the basic instinct of sex that is displayed on various forms on this novel. A close reading of the text reveals that almost all the characters in the novel are seeking for love and this tends many to underestimate the book as pornographic. Here the characters, both Humbert and Charlotte, are seeking love but not from each other. For instance, Humbert looks love from the young girl Lolita, the mother of Lolita, while Charlotte seeks love from Humbert. In the same way, one can also come across multitudes of themes in the book Frankenstein too. The basic theme of Frankenstein is most widely accepted as ignorance is bliss. The novel also posses chall enges to many conventional precepts about the nature and one’s beliefs of god through science and technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Lolita vs. Frankenstein or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The author mixes the emotions of love, hatred, guiltiness, romance, sadness and so on into the novel extremely well. Frankenstein and his cousin Elizabeth loved each other with the permission of his parents. He wanted to marry her after the completion of his study in Germany. â€Å"Tears gushed from the eyes of the Elizabeth†as she is unable to control herself when her lover Frankenstein leaves her (Shelley 67). Here the author mixes up the emotion of sadness, sorrow, and the affection and the pain of separation very effectively. The narrative style of both the novels also deserves one’s attention. The novel Frankenstein starts with the communication between Captain Robert Walton and his sister passing across letters. These letters consist of the story of Frankenstein and his creature as Frankenstein describes it to Robert. The novel Lolita, on the other hand, is totally a record of Humbert Humbert. He always lives in his fictional world and he spends his maximum duration of time in different sanitariums. He has undergone a mental treatment that made him hungry for teenage girls. The narrative structure of Lolita is as similar as Frankenstein because the main characters of both of the novels are conversing theirs past behavior to future occurrences as a form of confession. For instance, utterances like â€Å"I was born in 1910. In Paris†(Nabokov part 1: 2) and â€Å"I am by birth a Genevese. †(Shelly, 39) depicts similarities in the narrative styles even though different motives prompt the characters.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Increased Levels Of Physical Activity - 2932 Words
During increased levels of physical activity, the human body responds by altering various cardio-respiratory variables to supply the skeletal muscles with an adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients to sustain the increased metabolic demand. If individuals engage in frequent exercise, the cardio-respiratory system and targeted skeletal muscles become stronger and more efficient relative to individuals that do not engage in exercise. It was hypothesized that at rest athletic individuals would have a lower resting heart rate and at peak performance athletic individuals would have a higher VO2 and a-v O2 difference with a lower TPR, compared to non-athletic individuals. Both male and female subjects, between the ages of 20-23, were placed into two groups based on their weekly amount of time engaging in exercise (Group 1 being zero hours per week, and Group 2 being more than ten hours per week). These cardio-respiratory variables were measured as each subject, sitting on a cycle ergometer , went from rest to peak performance. It was found that athletic subjects did not differ significantly from non-athletic subjects for any of the tested cardio-respiratory variables. However, it was seen that both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems displayed an increase in efficiency for athletic subjects compared to non-athletic subjects. This increased efficiency is not only beneficial for exercise performance, but also for sustaining and improving a healthy life.Show MoreRelatedCardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases779 Words  | 3 Pagesbaseline measurements [20]. Thus, increase in physical activity will decrease cardiometabolic risk factors [8]. Several studies indicate a positive correlation between physical activity and decreased cardiometabolic risk markers [2,4,11,16]. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Johnny tremain free essay sample
Read to find out how Johnny and other characters play important roles in historical events. BACKGROUND Time and Place Bostonians responded with outrage to the closing of their port and the arrival of British soldiers and warships. The Committees of Correspondence that Sam Adams began in the early asses evolved to play an even more active role. In September 1774, all the colonies except Georgia sent representatives to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. The Congress decided on a boycott of British goods and promised to stand together in defense of Boston.One result of this promise was the forming, arming, and training of Leonia militias. The Congress also prepared a summary of its complaints for King George. The king, however, was not interested in reviewing these complaints and sent more soldiers and ships to Boston. Did You Know? Colonial militiamen had no uniforms and had to supply their ovum guns and ammunition, as well as food and other accessories. Many had learned to shoot while hunting for food or fighting Native Americans in the countryside.As you read, follow the progress of events by noting the main actions of the characters listed below. Paul Revere Sam Adams and John Hancock A silversmith and a rebel. He eventually becomes a spymaster for the rebel event and fights bravely in the Revolution. Continue as leaders of Patriot movement; in March, leave Boston for Concord to attend Provincial Congress Johnny Arab An apprentice to Mr.. Alphas, a silversmith. After his hand is burned by some melted silver, Johnny starts working at the Boston Observer and apart of the rebel movement A printers apprentice at the Boston Observer.Arab becomes a friend to Johnny. He participates in many rebel Acts and movements, including the Sons of Liberty and the Boston Observers. Dove Dry. Warren One of Alphas apprentices, He is fired and goes to work as a stable boy for Colonel Smith. A skilled surgeon that offers to give Johnny back the use of his thumb by cutting away the scared skin Colonel Smith General Gage A high-ranking British officer who employs Dove as a stable boy and leads the assault on Lexington and Concord. How is later wounded.A general that replaces Governor Hutchinson as the person in charge of Boston, General Gage, to the surprise of the townspeople, is not as strict as they expected him to be. Responding Personal Response Think about Esther Forbears statement that she wanted to give Johnny room enough to change and grow. Do you think she succeeded? Why or why not? Way think she did. She gave him a lot of places to fit in and to come out as he wanted to be in the end. Analyzing Literature Recall and Interpret 1 . What are some ways that the Patriots prepare for war?How would you describe the mood between Bostonians and the British troops occupying their city? Well the Patriots prepared in the form of minute men and acts of defiance. Such as the Boston tea party 2. Explain how the Minute Men learn Of the British armys actual battle plans. What do these efforts reveal about the Patriots commitment to independence? Johnny takes his job as a spy hanging out at the African Queen. Dove lets slip that he has been ordered to polish Colonel Smiths campaign saddle rather than his usual saddle.Johnny pieces together that the Brats are going to attack Lexington and the Minute Men are alerted. This small band of patriots are willing to flight the mighty British army for independence. 3. Summarize what happens after Johnny finds Arab at Lexington. At the end of the novel, what decision does Johnny make about his future? What does this decision reveal about his values and character? By this point in the story, Johnny has come full circle. He no longer shies away from physical pain or ark, as he did in the early chapters set at the Alphas house.He is also able to think rationally about his behavior rather than surrendering to his first impulses; he is stoic about Arabs death and agrees to the operation because he knows that doing these things will be better in the long run, even if they are difficult now. Responding Analyzing Literature (continued) Evaluate and Connect 4. How does the author create suspense during the final chapters of the novel? Throughout Chapter Eleven, Johnny remains in the dark about Arabs fate. The emotional anguish he experiences from not knowing shows that one f wars greatest costs is the psychological toll it takes on the living. . According to Johnny, at sixteen he is A boy in time of peace and a man in time of war. Do you agree with this statement? Do you think more is expected of young people when a country is at war? Explain. Yes, Johnny is just a teenager. In times of peace, he can go about his business with a limited amount of responsibility. Unfortunately, at sixteen, he is also expected (and wants) to fight for the independence of his country. He is a boy fighting in a mans war because he is needed. Literature and Writing Battlefield Report Imagine you are a reporter for either the Observer or for a British newspaper.Write a news report about the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Remember to cover the facts by answering these questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Though a news report should be unbiased, you will want to consider your audience. For example, a London audience would be more interested in the brave deeds of its own troops than in those of colonial troops. Share and compare your report with those of your classmates. Extending Your Response Literature Group as Though the Battles of Lexington and Concord are historical events, in the evolve you learn of them largely through Johnnys personal experience.With your group, review the text. Try to distinguish between Johnny s experience Of events and the objective events themselves. How might the events in the novels final chapters be different without Johnnys presence? Review your response to the Focus Activity on page 20 as you discuss these questions. Share your ideas and conclusions with the members of another group. Performing: Impersonation When Billy Dates impersonates a drunk and sneaks out of Boston, he succeeds on the strength of his acting ability. Try your hand at impersonation. Choose a character and a passage of dialogue from the book. Using minimal props, try to re-create your characters personality with body language and tone of voice. Share your impersonation with class members. Can they tell who you are? Save your work for your portfolio. Johnny Terrain Johnny Terrain is full of real-life people who changed their world-?and ours-?with their Ideas and actions. Which of these people did you find most fascinating? Why? In your opinion, which ones played the most important roles in the historic events of the American Revolution?
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Travel and Tourism in Society Tourist Experience
Question: Discuss about theTravel and Tourism in Society for Tourist Experience. Answer: Introduction This study focuses on providing tourist experience by highlighting the scientific description of culture and people with their habits, customs and the mutual differences in Batam, Indonesia. Thus, this study covers the trip details and the literature review in regards to this study topic. Moreover, this study also analyses the destination, trip as well as the motivation with the help of the proper theories and models. The Trip Itself The major and the most important aspect of this trip is to be familiar with the culture, customs as well as the people of a certain place (Miller, 2016). This trip was planned for visiting Batam in Indonesia, which is referred to the place of combination of island and municipality. It is an industrial boomtown, a part of a free trade zone and an emerging transport hub. Figure 1: Geographical Map of Batam, Indonesia (Source: Nahman, 2013) Ferry has been chosen as the mode of transport to travel the Island, Batam from Singapore as the ferries are available almost in every hour and it takes 50 minutes to reach Batam. The overall experience to travel Batam, Indonesia is good. The transport system from Singapore to Batam is well-available and comfortable enough. On the other hand, this island is a very good place to visit (Evans, Stonehouse Campbell, 2012). There are several tourist spots located in Batam such as Sentosa, Waterfront City, Galang Island and many others. Literature Review Ethnography Ethnography is study for the cultures as well as people, which is made in the systematic manner. It has been designed for exploring the cultural incidents where the researcher can make an observation regarding the society from the viewpoint of the subject of the study. According to the viewpoint of Hammersley, (2013), Ethnography was pioneered in the cultural, social as well as biological branches of anthropology as the presentation of the empirical data on the human cultures as well as societies. Howe, it is also famous in the social sciences in general. The ethnographic method is mainly utilized over the range of several distinct disciplines by primarily the anthropologists but also by the sociologists occasionally. According to Pink, (2013), Ethnography is the study of the socio-cultural aspects, meanings as well as the processes within the cultural systems. Ethnography is the iterative process to learn episodes and the process of continuing inquiries, making inferences as well as the process of discovery in the attempt for achieving the emic validity. Cultural?Systems?Paradigm? According to Street, (2014), the purpose of the Cultural?Systems?Paradigm?is for defining the concept of culture as well as the way through which the concept is utilized in the Cultural Ecology of Health and Change for better understanding the broad notions of well-being as well as human health. On the other hand, another purpose of the Cultural?Systems?Paradigm?is for informing the comprehensive approach to the CEHC program in the research of community assessment that is utilized for analyzing as well as collecting the community data that is utilized for informing the evaluation, implementation and the planning of CBIs. Demographics of Batam As per the ethnicity, Batam is heterogeneous in the Indonesian context as well as it is very diverse. Chinese, Minangkabau, Batak, Javanese as well as Malays are the predominant ethnicities. On the other hand, as per the religion, in Batam, Islam is the majority religion with the 74.25 % of the population, followed by the Buddhists, Christians and Hinduism. Malay origin are the native people of Batam (Spindler, 2014). It is still the Malayan Culture as well as Islam, even if Batam is multi-ethnic that forms the root of the local culture. Application of the Literature to the Trip Experience The Botam trip has helped in gathering huge experience in terms of Ethnography. In other words, this trip has helped in understanding the scientific description of culture and people with their habits, customs and the mutual differences in Batam, Indonesia (Pink, 2015) . While people go for a trip in a different place then they can get the scope to come in touch with the culture by interacting with the local people of that particular spot. From the point of view of the ethnography, such a trip is always significant to the travelers to be familiar with the culture, customs as well as systems of the visiting place. Hence, this particular fact can be established with the help of the proper analysis of Cultural?Systems?Paradigm model, which has been discussed in the literature review. Cultural? Systems? Paradigm? The Cultural?Systems?Paradigm?is the prime conceptual framework or the attribute of the ethnography that is significant for both of the cultural and the social systems. Cultural?System?Paradigm?provides the framework in order to initiate the study. On the other hand, it also provides an effective paradigm to store the ethnographic data. Therefore, the boundaries of this particular framework are not rigid. Hence, in case of this Batam, this framework can easily provide the ethnographic view of this trip. Figure 2: Cultural Systems Paradigm (Source: Miller, 2016) As per the Cultural?Systems?Paradigm, stories, values as well as the rituals are the major factor of this particular paradigm of Ethnography with the help of which, it would become very easier for the travelers to be attached with the people in the place where they are visiting. Hence, in case of the Batam trip, it is very important for the travelers to know the culture or to study the culture of that place. In order to do so, it is important to be very friendly with the people live in Batam. In batam, people are very religious (Nahman, 2013). Both of the ceremonies as well as the daily lives of the people in Batam have mythical as well as religious elements expressed in music, dance or other forms of art. Therefore, in this regard, it must be stated that the visitors must observe the local practices as well as customs while visiting Batam in Indonesia (Street, 2014). The use of Cultural Systems Paradigm in order to analyze several social units of Batam as the cultural systems have made possible while these system have the few significant factors. These are as follows: The preferred social structures as well as relationships off Batam The preferred systems of idea as well as the patterns of behavior Valued as well as the other objects those have been synthesized with the help of the group The existence within the social as well as physical environments The shared sense of needs that the group attempts for meeting and The shared historical processes as well as events that the group members in the trip either know explicitly or are influenced by tacitly. Conclusion This study has a complete analysis of a tourist experience by highlighting the culture, habits of the people and some essential difference in Batam, Indonesia. According to this study, it can be concluded that it covers all the details of a trip in Batam, Indonesia. The culture of the Indonesia is discovered in this paper, and it includes a brief study of their transport system. They are moving many places such as Galang Island, Sentosa, Waterfront City, Singapore. However, the overall experience of this trip is concluded that Indonesia is much better than discovered other places. References Evans, N., Stonehouse, G., Campbell, D. (2012).Strategic management for travel and tourism. Taylor Francis. Hammersley, M. (2013).What's wrong with ethnography?. Routledge. Miller, K. (2016). The accidental carjack: Ethnography, gameworld tourism, and grand theft auto.Game Studies,8(1), 147. Nahman, M. (2013).Extractions: An ethnography of reproductive tourism. Springer. Pink, S. (2013).Doing visual ethnography. Sage. Pink, S. (2015). Mediated sensory ethnography: doing and recording sensory ethnography in a digital world. Spindler, L. (2014).Interpretive ethnography of education at home and abroad. Psychology Press. Street, B. V. (2014).Social literacies: Critical approaches to literacy in development, ethnography and education. Routledge.
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