Friday, May 15, 2020
The Problem of Evil in Our World Essay - 1302 Words
During World War II about 65 million people died, during the famines in British India about 27 million people died, during the fall of the Ming Dynasty about 25 million people died, during the Stalin Dictatorship about 20 million people died (White), during the Boston Marathon Bombing three people died (â€Å"Boston Marathon Terror Attack Fast Facts†), and according to the Central Intelligence Agency out of 100,000 people, 839 die per year (â€Å"The World Factbook†). Have you ever wondered how many of those 829 people are actually murdered, stripped out of their lives? 5.3 out of every 100,000 people are murdered yearly and most of them are innocent people (â€Å"Assault or Homicide†). Even though the world has always strived to enforced justice in†¦show more content†¦During times were evil arises God is placed under great scrutiny. People wonder and people question, some people even end up losing their faith all together. There is a constant doubt in God; if god is omnipotent and good, why is he not stopping evil and defending his creation? Why is he letting evil take over people who are innocent? If God is morally perfect and powerful and even still he is not stopping evil from spreading, does God really exist? It is with that line of questions that people lose their faith with. They lose their trust in God, and his existence. The Holocaust is one if not the most prominent example of the issues with theodicy. The Holocaust was a systematic persecution and murder of approximately 6 million Jews during World War II by the Nazi regime. This persecution was sponsored by Germany and leaded by Adolf Hitler. The ideology behind the attempted extermination of Jews was that Germans believed that they were the superior race and the Jews were not only inferior but they also presented a threat towards the German race. But they did not only persecute Jews, they also went after Gypsies, Poles, Russians, Communists, Socialist, Jehovahâ€℠¢s Witnesses, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled people, among others. All the people who got incarcerated by the Nazis were brutally abused, starved,Show MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God And The Battle Between Good And Evil1386 Words  | 6 PagesGod and the battle between good and evil has been a topic of much discussion for centuries. Through the philosophical scope, there is a â€Å"Problem of Evil†that challenges the existence an all-powerful God if there is evil in the world. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, was a German philosopher who argued about the topic of the problem of evil. Leibniz argued that (1) evil is not necessary; (2) that there is evil in the world because as humans we are restricted in our knowledge since we are merely made inRead MoreEvil, Moral And Natural Evil1408 Words  | 6 Pagesremove all evils but not able to? 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