Friday, May 31, 2019
Free Gullivers Travels Essays: Hypocrisy in Government Exposed :: Gullivers Travels Essays
Free Gullivers Travels Essays - Hypocrisy in Government ExposedCorruption of political systems in one of the primary themes in Gullivers Travels. This corruption is a result of selfishness as well as the inability to see things from any other perspective rather than ones own. The developning voyage of Gulliver takes him to the isle of Lilliput. There, he must play to a petty and ineffectual government. Swift uses several devices to highlight the Lilliputian stupidity. First, they are physically flying and graceful in comparison to Gulliver, who is portrayed as cumbersome and brutish. When I found myself on my Feet, I looked about me, and must confess I neer beheld a more entertaining Prospect. The Country round appeared like a continued Garden, and the inclosed Fields, which were generally Forty Foot square, resembled so many Beds of flowers. These Fields were intermingled with woodwind instrument of half a Stang, and the tallest Trees, as I could judge, appeared to be seven Foo t high. I viewed the Town on my left Hand, which looked like the painted Scene of a City in a Theatre. This passage is quickly followed by one expressing Gullivers needs to disburdenth himself I had been for some Hours extremely pressed by the Necessities of Nature which was no Wonder, it being almost two Days since I had last disburthened myself. I was under great Difficulties between Urgency and Shame. The best Expedient I could signify on, was to creep into my House, which I accordingly did and shutting the Gate after me, I went as far as the Length of my Chain would suffer, and discharged my Body of that neural Load. By setting up this contrast (it is interesting to point out that this is the only time that Swift makes any reference to Gullivers needs) the reader begins to waitress the Lilliput to have a higher form of society. When, later in the book (that is the first book of four), the Lilliputians show their true selfish nature it is more of a surprise to the reader be cause of the great buildup. The very fact that this book is put into an adventure format is to lull the reader into believing Gulliver... of course, because Gulliver is Gullible this takes the reader serial to insanity at the end. Swift challenges the reader to make their own decision by taking them from right to wrong and asking them to, at some point, begin disagreeing with Gulliver.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Importance of Aggression in Animal Existence Essay -- Aggression V
The Importance of Aggression in Animal Existence Aggression is a critical part of animal existence, which is an inherent driving force to humans, as we, too, are animals. The source of ill will within humans is a long summative list, but before trying to understand its source unity must(prenominal) apply a working definition of aggression. Aggressive behavior is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as any action of an animal that serves to injure an obstructor or prey animal or to cause an opponent to retreat. (7) David G. Myers states that aggression is any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy.(9) There are many types of aggressive behaviors, which can be differentiated from the factual act to the hidden motives. For example, an aggressive behavior can be negative or positive, accidental or intended, and physical or mental. Aggression can take numerous forms, the act of hitting a wall to release aggression has some of the comparable roots as playing football a nd enjoying hitting the quarterback. A child yelling at his parents could be equated, in its aggressiveness, with hitting ones horn when one is cut off on 495.Aggression is also a sex act construct. What qualification seem like a terribly aggressive act to one person, most often the victim, might seem like an induced response to the perpetrator.(3) Psychologist Arlene Stillwell performed an experiment where she assigned ordinary college students at ergodic to play the role of a victim or a perpetrator in a small incident. Then she asked the students to describe the situation that had just transpired. What she ensnare was that both victims and perpetrators deformed the truth equally to present their sides in a better light. Victims would dwell on their lasting traumas from the incident while the perpetrator might make the act seem like a one-time action provoked by insurmountable circumstances. The resulting implication is that aggression is in the eye of the beholder.(3) Due to its relative nature aggression is extremely hard to isolate and study. Some acts are very easy to categorize as aggressive, a first degree bump off or first degree rape, but is negligent manslaughter aggressive? The mere act of not shoveling ones side flip might have the same effect as a cold-blooded murder but is it an aggressive act? For the purposes of this paper aggression will be related to the four conditions presented by Gerd... ...act stand alone, there is almost always mutual fault and/or shared blame. David Luckenbill found, in one of his studies, that the major part of criminal homicide revolved more or less some sort of reciprocal provocations in which collective hostility escalated until one person murdered the other.(3) Murray Straus found the same circumstance appeared in marital violence. In half of the reported cases of domestic violence it was found that both spouses were violent, it just tended to be that one person was considerably stronger than the other.(3) Aggressive behavior has been a Brobdingnagian part of humankind since people first starting walking somewhat erect. From our predecessor the killer ape to the intricacies of nuclear warfare. Whether it is a caveman clubbing his opponent for stealing his food, or a highly paid sniper sitting atop a roof waiting for a South American dictator to walk out of his house, aggression follows us wherever we might go. Aggression is a force that is hard to imagine and even harder to harness. Should people ever learn to stop and thereby use their aggression towards greater good, the walls we now know would crumble easily under the forcing of such a force.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Postmodernism in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran
Where does rightfulness lie? Postmodernism is a literary movement of the twentieth century that attempts to show that the answer to this interrogatory cannot be completely determined. Characteristics of postmodern works include a mixing of different genres, random time changes, and the use of technology that any aid in presenting a common postmodern theme that truth doesnt lie in one story, place or person. The refreshed Extremely Loud and fabulously Close by Jonathan Safran Foer encompasses these postmodern characteristics combining together show how the truth cannot always be attained.Intertwined within the novel is the presence of many different genres including letters, articles and cartridge clippings, and pictures. At first sight there is the whole book, a novel written in Oskars point of view, which tells of his trials and tribulations growing up in a post-September eleventh world. After closer examination, numerous letters from different characters are found placed with in the story to provide an insight into the feelings of other characters. in that location is a letter from Oskars grandmother, letters from prisoners and other people for handwriting samples, and letters from Stephen Hawking among many. Also within the book are magazine and newsprint articles that relate to the story in different ways. For example the article about Chandra Levy parallels Oskars story of loss and continuous search. The other articles are isolated of the game Oskar played with his dad. Oskars dad circled newspaper articles in red as clues to the answer to a search for item. Finally tactically Foer placed pictures relating to the novel throughout the book. The picture of the Sixth Borough (or lack of it) complements the story of the sixth borough and the picture ... ...of others. In todays society, the Internet is the primary means by which people search for truth. Foer tries to point out that in the society based on the truth still cannot always be found.Through the use of many postmodern characteristics Foer has created a book that concerns with the questions, where does the truth lie? And how does someone obtain the truth? At the end of the novel Oskar never really finds what he was looking for, His questions are all left unanswered. By ending in this manor Foer suggests that the truth cant be found not every question has a yes or no answer. People can choose to go through life constantly attempting to achieve the answers to life or they can choose to accept things for what they are. fair play can be defined as the body of real things, events, and facts. But knowing the definition still leaves the question does truth exist?
Comparing History for Hawthorne and Brent :: comparison compare contrast essays
Understanding History for Hawthorne and Brent Knowing and understanding social, political, and cultural history is extremely important when reading many novels, particularly Incidents in the Life of a break ones back Girl by Linda Brent and any short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both of these authors had many extinuating helping surrounding their writings that should be noted before reading their works. Without knowing what was happening both in the outside world and in the compliancyed authors life, wizard cannot truly grasp what the author is trying to say or what the author truly means by what he or she is saying. In this paper, I leave alone show how important it is for the reader to understand the social, political, and cultural happenings in the writers lives and in the world surrounding them during the times that their works were written. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an incredible example for what I am trying to show. This book was written durin g a time of extreme racial segregation and the hatred and abrasiveness shown, in general, towards blacks from whites is extremely important to understand before reading the story. This book tells the story of the life of a young, black, female slave in the south and focuses on trying to explain the trials, tribulations, and emotional and physical suffering that she, and many others like her, endured while being involuntary members of the institution of slavery. Brent, like every other dupe of the atrocity we call slavery, wished those in north would do more to put a stop to this destructive practice. As she stated, slavery is de-constructive to all who surround it. It tears apart families not just families raised in slavery, but the masters family as well. How could the free men and women of the north remain silent while such a great atrocity is still in practice? Brent confronts her reader one on one in order to reemphasize her point. She uses the family and sentiment to appeal to and challenge the 19th century white women reader in order to effectively gain their support in the movement for abolition. Understanding what was going on in our nation, in the southern states, and in the northern states is incredibly important when reading this story. Slaves were nothing more than property and, in many cases, were treated with less respect than the family dog.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
arranged marriage: for america? Essay -- essays research papers
Arranged Marriage For America?Both arranged marriages and romantic marriages have good and bad points. Cultures such(prenominal) as India, Japan, and Ethiopia have had arranged marriages since the interpenetrate of time. In America we allow our young adults to make their own decisions on whom to marry. Would Americans accept the practice of parents deciding whom they are going to marry without considering their wants or feelings? The cause is an emphatic NO Americans are hopelessly romantic and fiercely look at in freedom of choice. Arranged marriages would never be accepted in American culture. Most of the time, if not all, the decisions we make concerning marriage are based on the concept of romantic love. Most young people tend to believe the only way to choose a mate is to date until you fall madly in love, plan a wedding, and get married. We follow our hearts veritable(a) if it is impractical and doesnt really make any sense. We do not feel that we need the wisdom and exper ience of anyone, let alone our parents, to make such an important decision. Love is more important and powerful than practical issues. However, by relying on our hearts, and not the wisdom and experience of others, we risk what could be the disastrous consequences of do an emotional decision instead of a rational one. Go back a few years (for some of us, many years) and think about how such(prenominal) stress we felt trying to make ourselves attractive to the opposite sex. We spent most of our days worrying about our looks and w...
arranged marriage: for america? Essay -- essays research papers
Arranged Marriage For America?Both arranged marriages and sentimentalist marriages have good and bad points. Cultures such as India, Japan, and Ethiopia have had arranged marriages since the dawn of time. In America we allow our young adults to make their own decisions on whom to marry. Would Americans accept the practice of parents deciding whom they are going to marry without considering their wants or feelings? The answer is an emphatic NO Americans are hopelessly romantic and fiercely conceptualise in freedom of choice. Arranged marriages would never be accepted in American culture. Most of the time, if non all, the decisions we make concerning marriage are based on the concept of romantic love. Most young people tend to believe the only way to choose a mate is to date until you cling madly in love, plan a wedding, and get married. We follow our hearts even if it is impractical and doesnt really make any sense. We do not feel that we need the wisdom and experience of anyone, let alone our parents, to make such an important decision. Love is more important and powerful than practical issues. However, by relying on our hearts, and not the wisdom and experience of others, we risk what could be the disastrous consequences of making an emotional decision instead of a rational one. Go game a few years (for some of us, many years) and think about how much stress we felt trying to make ourselves attractive to the opposite sex. We dog-tired most of our days worrying about our looks and w...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Public Company and Patagonia
As resources and commoditys decrease, it is challenginger and harder to make a difference in the world today. Patagonia sustains to work hard to do their bulge with the resources that argon available. Patagonia is a privately held exterior clothing follow based out of Ventura, California that gene directs socio-economic classly gross revenue of approximately $540 million. Patagonia has genuine outdoor apparel that is marketed towards outdoor sports, travel and e genuinely day wear. The fraternity integrates Its core values into e very product that it produces. They are known for their innovative designs, and purlieual responsibility.Its high integrity and commitment to the environment has placed Patagonia on the Deciphers Institutes WorldS Most Ethical Companies list for SIX consecutive years since the list was first real In 2007 (Unknown, WOMEN Honorees, 2012). This case analysis leave behind examine the history of Patagonia, and Its furrow philosophy. Patagonians pho ne line model result be evaluated as well as the god salute and value of the come with. Next, we will examine Patagonians environmental position and its sustainability. The product lifestyle endeavor will be analyzed and how well it worked for the company.Patagonians financial statements are principal(prenominal) to determine the success of the companys financial goals. Lastly, I will share nearly lessons that I learned from Patagonia and this case study. History Patagonia was started from one entrepreneurs passion. Hypochondriac, fo chthonic of Patagonia, developed a passion for rock climbing. In 1953 his passions brought him west to the San Fernando Valley in California, where he became an expert at climbing. He knew that he couldnt explore his passion of climbing the counseling he valued to beca utilization of limited appropriate climbing gear available.The only available climbing ear were pitons, which are metal spikes that were driven Into cracks or seams In the rocks. Pitons are left In the rock, meaning that a long climb could require hundreds of these as well asls. After frustration, and financial hardship, Schoolyard became Inspired after meeting a Swiss climber that had crafted his own set of iron pitons. He turned pitons that were stronger than what was currently on the market. Word of Cinnabars invention spread, and he began selling his pitons out of the back of his machine for $1. 50 each.Although the hobby was enough to support him, he often lived on less than a dollar day. Drifting along the California coast, climbing in Yosemite, and surfing in Baja, Cinchonas was happy with his lifestyle. By 1966 Cinchonas decided to partner with Tom and Doreen Frost to create Cinchonas Equipment. They quickly became the largest supplier in the United States. For nearly a decade Cinchonas and Frost do improvements on nearly every climbing tool. Tom and Doreen worked with Cinchonas Just to pay the bills. In 1972 Cinchonas Equipment added an outdoor apparel line called Patagonia.Patagonia grew very quickly. Cinchonas and his wife Melinda knew they wanted to sell items that would feel a minimal impact on he environment. So they made legion(predicate) decisions in their business surface that would admirer the environment such as using organic like to make t-shirts. Soon after the establishment of Patagonia, it became its own company, no longer under the ownership of Cinchonas equipment. However, like many start-up companies, Patagonia tried to expand too quickly. Growing its sales from $20 million to $100 million as well as expanding its services into Japan and Europe.This wide-scale expansion placed Patagonia into a dire financial situation. The recession that took place in the asss forced the company to lay off round 20% of its staff. Patagonia continue to grow despite some of the financial troubles that they faced (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010). Cinchonas did non take into account the recession or the financial tr oubles of the company to stop his wad for Patagonia. Instead, he chose to go in a to a greater extent sustainable direction. The company switched to the more expensive organic cotton in 1996, a risky business move con berthring it increased the firms supply costs.However, no other company was producing clothes with organic cotton. He invested in other sustainable materials and decided to make products more durable. This session a risky move beca white plague companies often rely on consumers coming back to get replacement products. Plausibly, the more durable the product, the less customers will need to purchase for replacement. However, the exact opposite occurred consumers were more willing to do business with Patagonia due to its environmental consciousness and the detail that they could trust Patagonians products to last a long time.Connoisseurships on Business Cinchonas used Patagonia as an experiment to challenge conventional wisdom and present a new style of responsible bu siness (McAllen, 2011). He wanted to taking into custody bearing from the traditional way of doing business, and centreed his efforts on doing the right thing, rather than on wins. Doing the right thing for Cinchonas meant ensuring that every decision that was made regarding the business, was environmentally sound and responsible. One decision that he made was to no longer use anti-odor technology because it was non safe for the environment.The opposition Patagonians products were comparable to those of their competitors. Other stores in the industry such as North Face, Marmot Mountain, and Mountain Hardware, all shared the same interest of selling outdoor apparel. However, because of quality, environmental impact, and innovation, Patagonia is able to charge more for their and some of the top outdoor sportswear companies in the industry during 2009. Patagonians porcine profit margin for 2010 was 52. 6%. Whereas the average gross profit margin of the other five companies (Col umbia Sportswear, V. F.Corporation, Nikkei, and Timberland) was $44. 95%. Not to mention Patagonians 12- month Net In grapple Growth for 2010 was 42. 5%, which was substantially higher than the average wampum income growth of its competitors at 26. 525% (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010, p. 12). This goes to show that despite the companys more expensive product, consumers were willing to pay more for higher quality, and items that were environmentally safe. Marketing isnt that important Patagonia used a much different marketing forward motion than its competitors, using less than 1% of its sales towards marketing and advertising.They contain strengthened their brand based upon their environmental commitment, and profit sharing with environmental causes (Alienist & Door-Near, 2012). As social media becomes more popular, and ads are now a part of what one sees when scrolling down their timeline, any companies get free advertising. The company took advantage of this and used it as an outlet to communicate to consumers and the public. Although it would have implementn them possibly some advantage, Patagonia did not use its environmental posture as part of their marketing tool.However they educated the public on the impact that their company had on the environment. Doing so attracted more consumers. Patagonia uses its website not Just for selling outdoor apparel that also as an educational tool about the environment, and the products that the company uses in its production. The type of info that Patagonia put on their website shows that the company has beginn their business very serious and that they are aware of their environmental responsibility. They use the website not Just to sell the items, but to showcase that they items that are produced show corporate responsibility.In addition to the information on their website, Patagonia at times did put out ads for their company. The advertisements were usually very short and included educational messages. They believe that it is more important to show sight useful information that will help enhance their lives. In a recent interview Patagonia UP Joy Howard stated that their position is to solve problems in the world, and that advertising is the dead last thing to the company (McAllen, 2011). This goes to show that the company is more centeringed on the environmental sustainability than on profitability.Educating consumers about what they are purchasing and how it affects the environment, sells the product itself. Exhibit Use of organically grown cotton Patagonians concern for the environment also caused them to decide to use organic cotton in their clothing. They wanted to continue to follow their mission tenement of Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis (Unknown, association Info, n. D. ). Cotton is one of the worlds most insect dependent crops, therefore cause a risk to the environment because of the pesticides that are used.In 1996 Patagonia switched apparel to 100% organic cotton products. They already had clothing that was made with conventional cotton, and made up about 20% of the companys sales, but switching to organic cotton was a risk that they were willing to take. Patagonia was not the first company to use organic cotton. The decision to clothing companies decided to cancel their organic cotton line, so it was perfect timing for Patagonia to switch their line. Although initially Patagonia found success in introducing its organic cotton products, they also faced some challenges.Because of the items and styles that were unavailable for production using organic cotton and because some of the suppliers refused to switch to organic cotton citing lack of supplier alternatives and skepticism about the market authorisation, Patagonia had to decrease its product line in order to stay in line with the 100% organic cotton initiative that they made. Due to the increased price for organic cotton, the companys costs increased. proceeds costs increased 25-30% with the use of the organic cotton. Organic cotton had a drastic decline in production, therefore costs were higher than normal.In addition, Patagonia struggled to maintain the quality of its product, once they switched. With cotton products devising up more than 20% of the companys sales (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010), they were forced to get it right, and to make their product desirable enough to sell. Business Model Does it really work? A business model is a model that is designed for the successful operation of the equines, identifying customer base, revenue sources, products and details of financing. Patagonia seems to have a business model that has helped the company be very successful and outride relevant amongst its customers and competitors.They have stayed true to their core values which is to provide quality, integrity, and environmentalism. Since the start- up of Patagonia, th ey have never operated under conventionalism, and has continued to stand out from every other outdoor apparel chain. Focusing more on environmental sustainability and social responsibility rather Han profits, Patagonia has become the oecumenical leader of environmentally responsible business. They have continued to remain innovative in their approach to doing business, as well as in the product ontogeny and marketing.Creating and Capturing Value Achieving Growth, creation Profitable, and minimizing ecological expenses are somewhat contradictory goals but somehow Patagonia has been very successful at achieving these goals. Their business model is based on making minimum environmental impact but creating products that have create value, without compromising the companys capital. In order to stand apart from competition, Patagonia has effectively positioned itself as a supplier of superior quality products and has continued to commit itself to minimize its impact on the environment, once again staying true to its core values, and mission statement.On the supply side of the business the company uses activities and relationships along the value chain that provide the finished goods and create value. The company has been able to create value by creating integrity in its product and products performance. The company shows confidence in the product that they create, by offering warranties and as well s the promise to provide replacement products when items become too worn. They also creates value by using only quality materials such as organic cotton when manufacturing its products.They have also created value by influencing the customers experience. Patagonians uses catalogs that dont focus so much on selling their product as other companies do, but the catalogs are informational in nature regarding the environment (Wang, 2010). Patagonia also only works with suppliers responsibility, therefore never compromising the value of the company or its products. Patagoni a has also created a social and psychological factor through their advertising, educational messages, donations, and campaigns.This has helped the company capture value because the company differentiated themselves from its competitors and other apparel companies, and it gave consumers the willingness to purchase a product with quality despite the fact that their apparel was more expensive than its competitors. The fact that Patagonia cares about the environment, and customers feel that they can trust their product, consumers are willing to pay more for Patagonians products.Sustainable future Patagonians business model is not one that is begging for consumers to come in a arches their product on an impulse. In fact their model is designed to do the exact opposite. In 2004 Hypochondriac, wrote in a black Friday ad Dont buy this shirt, unless you need it (Exhibit 1). This statement was not made because Cinchonas doesnt want his items to sell, or doesnt want the business, he made the s tatement because he wants his consumers to make responsible decisions that will have a positive effect on the environment.He helps consumers make those smarter decisions by producing items that last longer and that do not need to be replaced as often. Patagonians environmental Position Patagonians business model supports environmental position in that the company makes a deliberate attempt to focus more on the products that they sell rather than on the profits that they make. They do so by launching such initiatives as their Product life style Initiative where they encourage consumers to veer, repair, reuse, and recycle their Patagonia purchased products.This particular initiative does not focus on profit, it actually costs the company more money, however, they choose to stay focused on acting environmentally responsible, and not causing unnecessary harm to the environment. For the most part, Patagonia has used the same business model since it opens its doors in 1972. Their focus has always been the same, inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis (Unknown, Environmental and social Responsibility, n. D. Over the last 40 years, Patagonia has become a leader in the industry have implemented many environmental and social initiatives such as using only organic cotton in its cotton products since 1996 redefining corporate transparency through its Footprint Chronicle website documenting what is working in the supply chain, whats not, and travel the company is doing to address TTS challenges launching its Common Threads Partnership, which invites customers to take mutual responsibility for the entire life cycle of the companys products through the 5 Ors reduce, repair, reuse, recycle and remained sightly the first brand member of the emailprotected system being one of the first California companies to switch to wind nix upon deregulation and adding on-site solar energy systems being the first company in California to incorporate as a benefit c orporation launching $20 Million & Change, a farm animal to help like-minded responsible start-up companies and Becoming one of he first U. S. Outdoor apparel companies to introduce Fair Trade Certified* garments (for fall 2014). (Elks, 2013) resources to help the environment and still maintain its integrity as well as follow its mission statement. They have continued to remain as the leading outdoor apparel company with more than $600 million revenue in 2013. Patagonia has not slowed down.Their business model has worked for them over the last 40 years. As times continue to change and other retailers pick up on Patagonians business practices, such as being more environmentally conscience, the use of organically grown cotton, he product differentiation threatens the sustainability of Patagonians business model. Other retailers offering a similar product as Patagonia, affects their gross profit margin, therefore causing Patagonia to continue shoot and spend more money to create prod uct differentiation within their face. Patagonians business model does place some pressure on their environmental stance and could cause some conflict in providing high quality products.Although consumers are willing to purchase products from Patagonia at a high price, with initiatives such as the Product Life Cycle, consumers are purchasing less, and Patagonia will overall have more overhead, due the repairs that they are offering their consumers. If consumers arent buying as often, it will be punishing for Patagonia to continue to purchase the high quality materials that they use to produce their garments. Product Lifestyle Initiative Reduce, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle The Product Lifestyle Initiative was a visualize by Patagonia to help customers to buy only what they really needed, and encourage them to reduce their consumption.Patagonia would promise to provide their customers with high quality garments, and roved a guarantee that would allow customers to have their items re paired if anything ever happened to them as many times as needed. Once the products are no longer wanted, the customers are asked to facilitate its reuse (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010). The store planned on doing this by creating an online swap meet. Once all options were exhausted and there is no longer use for the product, customers are asked to recycle their items with Patagonia. In planning for this initiative to take off, the executives acknowledged many obstacles that would hinder the success of the initiative.Analysis of the Initiative As Patagonia stays focused on doing their part to not cause unnecessary harm to the environment and plans to reach and maintain 10% annual growth in sales other a five year timeshare, starting in 2010, their Product Lifestyle initiative would likely hinder the type of above average growth that they are seeking. The initiative is expected to cost $60,000 over the course of the first year of implementation (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010) . Although that amount is very minuscular compared to the amount of profit the company makes, sales would drop and cost of labor would increase. Patagonia is one of the only companies that offers to fix discredited items for customers. Through the Product Lifestyle Initiative, they will repair products from other brands, and encourage customers to limit their consumption to only essential products, (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010, p. 8).The Product Lifestyle Initiative however, it seems as though it will cost more to implement and maintain the initiative, than revenue that will be generated from the initiative. The initiative will cause a higher rate of product returns, and new team members will need to be hired in order to create a repair department or use a third-party vendor. In 2010 the company was insignificantly staffed to handle the existing returns. In order to accommodate the increase of returns, the stores were told to provide replacement products in order to reduce wa it times. Furthermore, in order to increase the percentage of recyclable products from 65% of products in June 2010 to 90% in spring 2011 investment in research and outgrowth would have to increase (Reinhardt, Cascades, & Hymn, 2010).All of the things that are involved in this portion of the initiative cost more money for the company, but it does not mean that there would be more profit. The initiative does not seem to generate any venue. Although Patagonia focuses more on the environmental footprint than on profits, realistically, in order for them to stay in business and continue to grow at a steady rate, it is not beneficial for them to implement initiative that cost a more than they will be able to bring in. The replacement portion of the initiative could increase revenue for the company. Since Patagonia is willing to allow customers to bring in garments purchased from other retailers for repair, they could charge those customers a small fee.Customers who purchased their produc ts directly from Patagonia and are able to provide a except or some proof of purchase, could get their products repaired for free. For customers who own Patagonia products, but bought them from other sources such as used clothing stores, could still bring in their garments for repair, but at a small fee. The initiative would have no affect on the way that customers purchase products in the store nor customer behavior, but it could potentially have a negative effect on the business if implemented. Although implementing the initiative will erect responsible behavior for customers and the company, it may do more harm than good to gross profit margin.If the company is serious about continuing to grow the company 10% over the five year time frame, they would want to think about how they can implement initiatives that not only help maintain their environmental position, but also that increase their profit. Has Patagonia been successful in achieving its goal of profit? Although Patagonia spends most of its efforts focusing on its environmental responsibility, in order to remain in business and profitable they must also set financial goals. While focusing on their environmental responsibility, they set a goal to increase sales by 10% annually. Patagonia has been successful at achieving this goal. For 2011 fiscal year, Patagonia reported annual sales of $417 million.During the 2012 fiscal year Patagonia recorded its best year financially. They increased their sells by 30% earning $543 million (Shannon, 2013). As of 2012 Patagonia has doubled its revenue and tripled its profits since 2008 (Martin, 2012). They continue to perform financially although not at a consistent rate. However they have come very close to their sales goals each year and some years far exceeding that goal. Patagonia has done many things to continue to remain competitive in the outdoors apparel industry. In 2010 Patagonia Cost of goods sold and the companys sales have not been truly consistent, bu t they remain successful in their efforts.Although Patagonia has a history of doing well financially, Yves Chicagoan admitted in 2012 that he did not expect the company to continue to grow at the same rate as other retailers are catching on and trying to adopt some of their philosophy. Richard Jeff, a retail and apparel expert, says that Patagonia is doing things incrementally better (Martin, 2012). Which means that the competition is lurking closely behind. As Meanys catch on to their philosophy, Patagonia will need to be more innovative in its approach in order to continue to grow at a steady rate. What if Patagonia were in public traded? Some of the most successful organizations are publicly traded. Companies that are publicly traded allow the market to determine the value of the company through daily take market trading (Unknown, Public Company, 2014).Publicly traded companies have less control over the organization structure and must answer to shareholders on certain decision s. They also give less control to the owner and company presents. Patagonia has an organization structure that is different than any other organization out there. The structure of the organization allows the company to focus on environmental awareness as opposed to profits as most companies. If Patagonia were publicly traded, the dynamic of the organization would be completely different. Being a private company, Patagonia is not required to report to stockholders or gain their approval in any way. This is one of the biggest advantages for Patagonia and their business structure.If Patagonia were publicly traded they would have to change the organization Truckee to focus more on the profit, as shareholders would have an interest in the company, and would want to ensure that they are able to profit from any decisions that are made regarding the organization. The decision to use only organically grown cotton may not have been approved had Patagonia been publicly traded, because to shar eholders they could see it as a potential risk. They are able to take on greater risk because there is no one to tell them that they cant. As a publicly traded company Patagonia and its founder would have much less control over the business structure, ND every decision would be about how to gain profit. Publicly traded companies have many pressures on them including how quickly the company is expected to grow. The business model would not focus on being responsible.Not to mention as a private company, Patagonia is not required to make their financial information public, as publicly traded companies are. With sales growth stretchability an average of 6% each year, and the company closely reaching their sales growth goal of 10% the current strategy works very well for Patagonia. The decision to utilize organic grown cotton in its garments, has been very successful. Patagonia has been innovative and works diligently to stay ahead in sales as well as it environmental operations. Being a private company has allowed Patagonians decision-makers to not only focus on what they want, but also on what is best for the company.Patagonians market strategy, though exceedingly bold, is sustainable in the disposition that eccentric ideas have become their norm. In Cinnabars book Let My People Go Surfing, he said, its okay to be eccentric, as long as you are The sustainability of Patagonia also falls in line with the sustainability of the planet. There are many companies that can learn from Patagonians business model forever in order to remain successful it would be difficult for some of the top retailers to remain competitive in the market should they change and adopt Patagonians practices. Patagonia has built their business and brand approximately a philosophy instead of around products.Their business strategy has driven up sales to 6% and continues to offer high-quality premier garments. Patagonians business model being much different than its competitors, leaves room for continued growth and innovative ideas. Would other firms choose to follow Patagonians environmental practice? Although Patagonia has been successful in its business approach and environmental practice, it would be difficult for already established firms to successfully fully take on Patagonians environmental practices. All things being equal, if Nikkei and Patagonia were to share their practices, they would reach a Nash equilibrium. Lessons Learned Patagonia continues to focus on the environment and making a difference one step at a time.This action is commendable, especially because they are not following the norm for the industry. With the success of Patagonia I have learned that in order to be successful, you must also do what you are passionate about, and allow everything else to fall into place. That is what Cinchonas did with Patagonia. He was passionate about the environment and the affect that his decisions had on it. Although he wasnt as focused on profits as other organiz ations, he was able to follow his passion and have the most successful outdoor apparel company in the country. The type of passion that Yves Cinchonas has for the environment and Patagonia can by all odds be applied to many aspects in life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Financial managing application Essay
IntroductionI am making a budget plan and am going to recommend financial managing application for the line of merchandise as a business manager. The company is named Houzit Pty Ltd, it is a retailer for home w bes. It is a growing business. It has 15 stores in Brisbane area. It has 150 staff members. It is registered with ASIC. As per the inspection of financial structure of this company the report below has been made.1. The statutory requirements for tax compliances are listed below * 9% of wages and salaries is to be calculated as retirement benefit for every tail * 4.75% is payroll tax of wages and salaries for every quarter * Worker compensation is 2% of salaries and wages for every quarter * For every quarter the company tax is 30% of net profit before taxes.Current LiabilitiesGST Goods and service tax is a value added tax of 10% in most(prenominal) services and goods, it is imposed on most of the transactions but refunded later with certain process. Fringe benefit tax thi s tax is applied to most non notes benefits that an employed provides. It is imposed on the employer. Payroll tax it is a tax paid by employers to g overnment. It is calculated as per the wages and salaries. It is contrasting in different states in Australia. PAYG Withholding pay as you go withholding is a way of paying ones tax in a year should one be an employee. Income tax its a most important revenuestream in Australia. Income tax is imposed in earnings. 2.* Company must be registered as per the corporation Act 2001 * Tax must be paid regularly 13% of total income.* Auditing should be done.* Financial reporting to ASIC.3. The name of parcel is arrow business software creators features are user experience with standard and dynamic menus dock able panels and seamless integration to Microsoft office application. * MYOB* Quick booksBoth these software are impressive at what they do. But both have similar strengths and weaknesses. But after being sophisticated in the accounts of business there mountain be few criticisms made in one of these products as for houzit. Quick books is not supported in Apple Macs, MYOB allows multiplication inventory where as brisk books fades in this character. MYOB also allows multiple entities at a time but quick book does not. Hence, after looking at all this advantages and disadvantages, Id recommend MYOB for Houzit.4. Matching principle the business that adopt matching principle can accurately evaluate their pin point financial performance and profitableness for a certain time by cancelling the difference in the accounting entry timings. Account groups assets, liabilities, owners equity, revenue and expenses makes up all of the statement of financial maculation and statement of financial performance. They show us the budgets and also the profit/ loss. Time period to make a sound economic and financial decision we collect time period. A business needs a timely decision in todays world. The accounting period is the pe riod of time over which5. The implication of probity when revising and preparing budgets is financial probity. It involves insuring that there is full accountabilities with the funds management whether or not it is transaction related or in aform of an advice. It is also important that all of it is lawfully met as far as financial responsibility is concerned.6. The dates are listed below* Loan of $100000 on 31 dec* Advertisement budged increased by $70000 over 2010/11* Salaries and wages rise $172500 in 2010/117. The items that are recommended for inclusion in budget sheets are listed below * Water bill* Transportation* Staff amenities* Office expenses8. The modified internal controls that could improve risk management for the company are* We need to follow rules and regulations* Also we have to apply and implement all the procedures* The time sheets and operating hours should be noted tooExplanationThe reason for the departed profit and losses could be the problem of the financial management software. As per the given care study, the software that has been used was not able to provide comfortable analysis of the generated revenue and the expenses which has made poor estimates about future profits and decision making. The growing of the customer base has helping loyalty sales and also new references of upcoming customers. This has reduced the advertisement cost. However the new software system is to be used to catch up for the companys procession more efficiently. MathematicsCGS = 16971237 7297632 =
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Bell Hooks
She is proud to c both herself as disgraceful woman intellectual, revolutionary activist. Not a firebrand revolutionary, who wields the gun, notwithstanding an individual who sits crossways the table with paper and pen to kindle intellectual revolution chime hooks belongs to the later category and she has proved how indeed the pen is mightier than the sword. She has thrown thinly on many forms of racialism, open and with a hidden agenda. For the prevailing, pathetic conditions of the Black Women, she does not blame the snow-covered supremacist capitalist patriarchy alone.She takes the cudgels against the Black liberation press and the mainstream Feminist movement. She is aware of the strength of her opinions and has succeeded in creating the impact by using the electronic mediashe has appeared on televisions, participated in the radio programs. She is interested in interacting with the intellectual class, but she is highly concerned to reach the common man. Therefore she sa ys, We are looking at a shade where millions of peck dont read or write. She has thankfully used the mass media for propagating what she believed to be the truth, at the same time she has not spared it, for the dubious roles they play in many situations to promote racism and sexism. Growth-the socio-spiritual Bell Hook She imbibed the poets idealism by extensively reading poets like William Wordsworth, Langston Hughes, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Gwendolyn Brooks, right from childhood. The fervor and emotions in her talks and writing may be ascribable to the benevolent influence of the literature of such poets.Each and every molecule of her body and spirit seems to have been surcharged with idealism. This apart, the practical, hard experiences of her life have made her a dominate realist. She wrote in Sisters of the Yam that life in her community involved an ever-present and deep engagement with the mystical dimensions of Christian faith and that, despite the sexism of t hat segregated Black world, the world of spirituality was one where Black women teachers, preachers, and healers worked with as much skill, power, and second sight as their Black male comrades. (Article, Black. )Bell hooks is an original creative thinker and she is willing to challenge any set-up that gives the secondary status to the Black Women. She doesnt wish the nasty women to be followers, howsoever bright may be their ideas for emancipation of the women. She wishes raw women to be first among the equals. She is ever ready to fight false representations. She emphasizes how race and class play as big as a role as genderand vividly draws picture of the subordination of poor and non-white women. To argue her points, she takes the case-studies from the most unexpected place-her own personal experiences and examples.She knows how bitter the bark is, because she has been compelled to chew its juice Her main grouse and concern is ab bulge the fear of the black people. The psychol ogical suffering of the black people is more important for her than their economic plight. Are the Blacks inferiors to the white people? Such a dangerous and humiliating thinking regarding the Blacks, profoundly worries her to the core. She wishes for a social response from the whites, where one evict feel the genuine changes in their intellection process.Only when their thoughts are changed, their minds will change. When the minds change, the men will change. When men change, the society also changes. When society changes for the better, one can expect the genuine, humane changes in America, as for family between Whites and Blacks. Black women have often turned to drugs and alcohol rather than acknowledge their need for viable support systems. . When wounded individuals come together in groups to make change, our collective struggle is often undermined by all that has not been dealt with emotionally.(Article, Black) Here, Bell Hooks speaks as if she has donned the mantle of a r evolutionary trade in union leader But again she defends her line of action a novel way. She is not happy with the word struggle. She terms it caring, loving, and flourishing. With such fine exalt expressions, Bell appeals to the head and heart of the Black populace. She proclaims that participation in action with cheer is better than withdrawal and renunciation of action for self-development. My idea of a delicious time is to read a book that is wonderful.And then I have the usual passions romance, fashionIm a big fashion girl. And Im really into art and deeply into culture. I am passionate about living my life with a certain quality of elegance and grace. But the ruling passion of my life is being a seeker after truth and the divine. That tempers everything else. (Article, Black) She speaks with the authority of a genuine spiritual leader. Only those individuals, who are internally strong and morally correct, can be that philosophical and practical.She is on the threshold of the mind-barrier and she will experience the divine once she transcends it. She has the makings of an international socio-spiritual leader. Bell Hooks and gangsta roast As for her programs, Bell Hooks is intensely liked or bitterly hated. Having once invited for any lecture assignment/interview, she doesnt get repeat invitations. It is the reward for her bitter criticism of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. She says, To white dominated mass media, the controversy over gangsta rap makes great spectacle.Besides the exploitation of these issues to attract audiences, a central motivation for highlighting gangsta rap continues to be the sensationalist drama of demonizing black youth culture in general and the contributions of young black men in particular When I takings this deionization of black males by insisting that gangsta rap does not appear in a cultural vacuum, but, rather, is expressive of the cultural crossing, mixings, and engagement of black youth culture with the va lues, attitudes, and concerns of the white majority, some folks stop listening. (McGee, 1994) Conclusion Bell Hooks speaks with lots of conviction, and says in clear terms what is the mission of her life. She cautions the Black Women and warns about the dangers ahead. She hits out at the black males as well, for their betrayal for the genuine cause of welfare of the black race. She doesnt spare anyone including the Clinton administration, when she says, Feminist critiques of the sexism and misogyny in gangsta rap, and in all aspects of popular culture, must continue to be bold and fierce.Black females must not be duped into supporting shit that hurts us under the guise of standing beside our men. If black men are betraying us through acts of male violence, we save ourselves and the race by resisting. Yet, our feminist critiques of black male sexism fail as meaningful political intervention if they seek to demonize black males, and do not recognize that our revolutionary work is to t ransform white supremacist capitalist patriarchy in the quintuple areas of our lives where it is made manifest, whether in gangsta rap, the black church, or the Clinton administration. (Article, 1994) ========= References Cited Article Black woman, Intellectual, Revolutionary Activist-Bell Hooks www. allaboutbell. com 7k McGee, Arthur R. Article Race & Ethnicity hooks Misogyny, Gangsta (March 9, 1994). .. race. eserver. org/misogyny. html 28k Article Bell Hooks Misogyny, gangsta rap, and The Piano. Z Magazine, February 1994 www. allaboutbell. com/Misogyny. htm 22k
Friday, May 24, 2019
Personality Theories Essay
Psychosocial theory brings in the understanding and appreciation with people who have to fulfill a unavoidableness when they collaborate. Each person who is involved in fulfilling a requirement in the workplace place should fulfill the requirements before advancing. This means that in the workplace in that respect be many people who come from contrary age group brackets. In the analysis of Erickson, there are eight stages that a human has to pass. For showcase the needs for each age brackets differ from the other age bracket. There may result a conflict in the work place when a young man encounters an older person.In most cases, the people who are between the 20-40 years tend to have different needs when compared to older community. Hence, the bother of psychosocial theory revolves in understanding of ones ego and appreciating it. Hence, in a work place where different age sets are working in concert there many result problems. Each age set should understand what the other age set views accomplishment of the assignment and giving a inert view in which it completely reduces the chances of conflict. Basic requirements such as respect, recognition and appreciation ensure that the social environment is compatible between the age different workers.Humanistic theory brings in the understandings of Maslow in accomplishing a task. This means that a person has a right in employing own behavior rather than attempting to get into reinforces or environmental stimuli. Hence, the major principle is facilitating personal development. Humanistic theory has been expounded by Maslow and Carl Rogers and is easily applied in a workplace environment. In a work place a worker is supposed to be firstly be satisfied before doing something else. This means that there are stages which may be referred to as needs that are supposed to be fulfilled in hierarchical manner in way of each importance.When the needs are fulfilled, the workers are to extend are motivated in which it res ults in them fulfilling there responsibilities. If a job satisfies and fulfills the needs that a person what ensures that the person is motivated in the work place. Increasing the amount of salary or wages in relevance to the prevailing economy ensures that the person is at pace with the economy which means that the introductory needs are available which results in the person filling being loved and is encourage automatically to fulfill the requirements that the person is supposed to fulfill.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Third Leg in the Strategy Tripod †Institutional Based View
THE THIRD LEG IN THE STRATEGY TRIPOD Institutional Based View Introduction Strategy has observe to represent a significant role in international clientele (IB) in recent times. This is predicated on the fact of complexities associated with globalisation. The interplay of various factors of production in an environment could suck up been sufficient for MNEs in taking investment decisions. However, experience has shown former(a)wise. In this light, strategising in the international backing arena has been dominated by industry and resource base passels, somewhat ignoring the magnitude of institutional impact on investment decisions.EVALUATION OF THE THIRD LEG IN THE STRATEGY TRIPOD According to Peng et al (2008), citing Porter(1980) Barney (1991) the industry-establish view is rooted in the assumption that the dodging employed by MNEs is determined by the conditions within the industry of focus. Also, the resource based view tends to narrow performance and international busin ess strategy to resources in specific firms. The aggregated views are functions of research findings carried out in environments whose institutions are seemingly standardised and stable.Meanwhile these views energize not been able to draw with the nagging questions posed by strategy as regards investment locations. Recent research directions have established remarkable differences in the institutional frameworks of emerging economies copulation to developed economies. This is largely payable to long history of cultural, legal and political platforms that organise their businesses. According to Peng et al (2008), the effect of these formal and informal institutions are rather remarkable in shaping strategies and performance even in developed economies.This may not have come to the front burner without recent research on the relationship between institutions and organisational strategies in emerging economies. Peng et al (2008) are of the view that earlier approach to internation al IB strategy did not offer institutions appropriate puzzle in the strategy discourse. In furtherance to this, Peng et al (2008) argue that the institutions should actually be recognised as the third leg in the strategy tripod. The different legs being resource based and industry based views.Let us explore the institutions and how they impact IB strategies. In understanding an institution, the renowned Economist Searle (2005 pp. 21) defines an institution as each collectively accepted system of rules (procedures, practices) that enable us to create institutional facts. It follows that the institutions set the rules for doing business in any(prenominal) environment. As such an MNE is only issue to be successful w here(predicate) it understands, assimilates and applies the rules of the environment for war-ridden advantage.Peng et als (2008) argument on the institutional view of strategy focuses on legal, social and political aspects as these have been found to change quite sign ificantly in emerging economies upon both internal and external impacts. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FOUR CASES OFFERED IN SUPPORTING THE cardinal ARGUMENT Peng et al (2008) posit that in transacting business in a developed economy, the supporting institutions operate albeit silently at the background. This is in contrast to the side in emerging economies where the weight of institutions plays visible roles in consummating transactions.These visible roles have tendencies to alter the business equation in favour of MNEs who have taken proactive steps in influencing the institutional outcomes. Place this fact side by side the growing importance of emerging economies, it becomes imperative that institutional view of strategy becomes as important as the traditional views. Emerging economies like China and India are great examples where institutions actions and inactions play great roles in balancing the IB strategy tripod. suppuration The Firm In ChinaPeng et al (2008) note that it is puzzl ing to see China growing economically in the midst of underdeveloped institutional framework. This growth could not have taken place on the strength of the industry and resource based views alone. Peering deeply, Peng et al (2008) Wong (2012) recognise the cultural influences that abound in Chinese business climate which border on social and family networks otherwise referred to as guanxi. This may have phenomenally replaced the formal institution, as such affects the success of businesses within the environment.Peng et al (2008) suggest that in economic environments where institutions are week, norms and cognition take over as game changers. This highlights the import of institution based view in IB strategies. Competing In And Out Of India The meteoric rise of India in the area of IT and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) was attributed to resource and industry based view of IB strategy (Peng et al 2008). These views are based on the discernment that cheap labour, excellent skill s and virtuality are major factors responsible for their growth.Nonetheless, institutional considerations are found to be quite relevant in Indias context. Considerations in the areas of education subsidy to top Universities and various economic reforms including liberalisation by government institutions played crucial roles in making India a competitive environment for investments (Peng et al 2008). These institutional references can conveniently stand as the third tripod of the IB strategy. Antidumping As Entry Barriers Market-based variables as noted by Peng et al (2008) have been alleged as the basic entry barriers in IB.Meanwhile non market based institutional variables have been largely ignored in IB startegies.. Trade barriers have come to play important roles in IB strategies. Countries in protecting their local business players against foreign competition usually set up institutional policies aimed at stemming imports by foreign MNEs. These MNEs are alleged to compete unfav ourably through the process of dumping. Davis (2009) citing the 1947 GATT agreement defines dumping as a situation where goods originating from a country are imported into another country at less than normal values.The use of anti-dumping laws by developed countries against MNEs from developing countries is a good example of how an institutional indemnity could be a tool of trade barrier in IB. Western countries have used this tool of protectionism against competition from Asia quite effectively. The issue here is that when market-based forces fail, antidumping laws could be deployed by local firms to ward off MNEs, thus firming the position of institutional based view as the third leg in the IB strategy tripod. Governing The Corporation In Emerging Economies Corporate governance is highly a determinant in firm performance in developed countries.This is due to the fact that the agency theory focuses on separation of ownership and control. These are exemplified by principal-manager dates (Peng et al 2008) quite unlike a lot of emerging economies where principal-principal conflict is the norm. The ability of an MNE to invest in such an environment would mean understanding the value and complexities of concentrated ownership and strategising accordingly. CONCLUSION It is evident from the work of Peng et al (2008) and other researchers that institution-based view has come to occupy the third leg of the IB strategy discourse.It is pertinent to note that the emergence of the institution based view does not in any way diminish the importance of the traditional based views in IB strategy. Instead it complements the traditional views, thus balancing the IB strategy in form of a tripod. It is my opinion that this tripod leverages on industry-based view, resource-based view and institutional-based view for balance. While Peng et al (2008) referenced most of their arguments on developing economies, the institutional effects are found to be applicable in developed countr ies as well. References Davis L. 2009) Ten years of anti-dumping in the EU economic and political targeting. ECIPE Working Paper No. 02/2009 (Online) Available from http//www. ecipe. org/media/publication_pdfs/ten-years-of-anti-dumping-in-the-eu-economic-and-political-targeting. pdf (Accessed family line 26, 2012) Peng, M. W. , Wang, D. Y. L. & Jiang, Y. (2008) An institution-based view of international business strategy A focus on emerging economies, ledger of International Business Studies,39 (5), July/August, pp. 920936. (Online) Available at http//dx. doi. org. ezproxy. liv. ac. k/doi10. 1057/palgrave. jibs. 8400377 (Accessed September 23) Searle J. (2005) What is an institution? Journal of Institutional Economics (2005), 1 1, 122 (Online) Available from http//www. laisumedu. org/DESIN_Ibarra/desin/pdf-seminario2006/seminario-2006-04d. pdf (Accessed September 24, 2012) Wong J. (2012) The Guanxi Strategies of Taiwanese Firms in Chinas Economic Reforms The Journal of Global Bus iness Management Volume 8 * Number 1 * February 2012. (Online) Available at http//www. jgbm. org/page/15%20Jeng-Min%20Wong. pdf (Accessed September 24, 2012)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Christian vocation coursework Essay
Describe how a Christian whitethorn follow the call to discipleship through daily life and deformVocation is the idea that people relieve oneself a call from god to do a certain ponder this can also be said ab erupt being called into Christianity by god, it may non be an actual call or a big flash of light but just s feeling that you have created by god. Vocation comes from the Latin word meaning to be called. Some Christians may say that they were called to Christianity and so were all Christians. For example saviour was called by god, he comprehend his voice when he was baptised by John.Discipleship is another term used my Christians used to mean following Jesus like his disciples did, aliveness a Christian lifestyle and serving others also apply to discipleship. Christians follow Jesus by following his examples like his love, service and compassion towards others. Someone who has chosen to follow Jesus should be living a caring helpful life, possibly in a caring professi on such as a doctor, nurse or teacher.Any traffic can be a vocation, some Christians say god has a plan for everyone and he may call you to a job that isnt related to Christianity at all. St. Paul said in Colossians 323 whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the lord, not for men. Possibly meaning that god has called everyone to their jobs because he knows its right for them so work for him and do the job well.A Christian may choose his or her job just simply because they want to do the job although this want or urge to do a job could be put down to god. I dont think there are any jobs unsuitable for Christians, Jesus loved everyone anyway even if they were a sinner he did not commend what they did but he still loved them. I do not think your religion should constrain your job opportunities. A Christian may serve god in an ordinary job by obeying the 10 commandments in their job and generally being caring and helpful.Christians can put Christian teachings i nto their family peppys by following Pauls teachings and the 10 commandments. Pauls teachings say, A wife, must put her husband first. This is her duty as a attendant of the lord. A husband must love his wife and not abuse her. Children must always obey their parents. This pleases the lord. Parents, dont be hard on your children. If you are, they might give up.(a)(ii) Explain why some Christians join communities and scratch vows or poverty, chastity and obedience.Christian communities are a group of Christians who withstand together. A convent is where a group of female Christians would live also known as nuns and male Christians or monks would live in a monastery.A musing high society is riveting your life on god, in entreater and everyday life. An example of a contemplative company is the slimy clares. The normal day in the measly clares association may consist of many things, gardening, housework, cooking, cleaning, share the patriarchal and sick, praying or working in the shop making candles, encaustic wax cards, as well as cards created and printed on a computer, turning woodwind and plain garment on their knitting machine. The nuns do this type of work involving their hands because it leaves their minds free to focus on god and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 624 how no one can serve two masters, you cannot serve both god any money so the nuns in the poor clare community decide to serve god and his people and help them rather than work for money.An busy commit is doing something about what you believe in, for example if you want to be one of Jesus disciples you would follow in his footsteps and his examples and help people maybe by helping out at a hospital or a school.People or monasteries and convents today are living like the first Christians as recorded in the book of acts because the first Christians lived out alone in the desert, Christians live in s slightly similar way today. They have no possessions, they cannot have evoke and the y dedicate their time to thinking if they are contemplative, as you would alone in a desert, or doing things to help others. Living in a Christian community would help a Christian to follow their call to discipleship because of the vows they take when they join, they have to do things in a similar way to Jesus therefore helping to follow their call to discipleship.Some Christians may say joining a Christian community is a vocation because whatever they do as a job or joining a community is a vocation. God has a plan for them and they follow it via vocation. Some Christians believe that god want them to live in a religious community rather than an ordinary one because its better for them and other who they would be helping.A vow is an oath or compact you make. Nuns and monks take vows when they join a religious community they take a vow of poverty so they are not tied down by possessions and money and can focus on god. Christ was poor to make us rich so they follow in his footsteps and enforce discipleship. They also take a vow of chastity, which means they must remain celibate so they can devote themselves to god as Jesus did. Also a race with someone from the opposite sex will get in the way of god and praying St. Paul advises Christians to be celibate so they can be accustomed to the lord. Obedience is the third vow they take, by this vow they give to God their freewill. They must be obedient to their abbot or abbess. Again wake their discipleship, because Jesus was obedient until the point of death on the cross for god.It is important for Christians to make these vows in front of a community because then there is witnesses so you cant get out of the cargo and also if you are doubtful they can remind you about them.(a)(iii) Explain the purpose and practice of one extra religious community.The poor Clares are a religious community for women who want to dedicate their lives to god. They originated in 1212 by St Francis and St Clare in Assisi in Italy. Th e poor clares are a contemplative community. The contemplative community of nuns started as a way of being united with god and to follow Jesus.The aims of the poor Clare community are mostly to pray for the world and the Church, to live a life through their suppliants, dedicated to god and to live out the Gospel command of love which means to live their lives as god wanted helping others and loving them.The normal day in the poor clares community may consist of many things, gardening, housework, cooking, cleaning, helping the elderly and sick, praying or working in the shop making candles, encaustic wax cards, as well as cards created and printed on a computer, turning wood and knitting garment on their knitting machine. The nuns do this type of work involving their hands because it leaves their minds free to focus on god and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 624 how no one can serve two masters, you cannot serve both god any money so the nuns in the poor clare community decide to serve god and his people and help them rather than work for money.Their timetable is shown below5.00 Rise5.45 Readings a morning invitation to prayer composed of some sing and two readings, one from Scripture and one from a Christian teacher or saint. These nourish our spirits for the day ahead. A quick breakfast followed by time for personal prayer, reading, study until 7.307.30 Morning Prayer, the Prayer of Praise to God followed by Spiritual reading8.30 Holy Mass followed by a short-change Office and then work until 11.5011.50 A short Prayer written by Francis of Assisi and Scripture reading12.30 Dinner some free time until 2.152.15 patronize to work with a tea break at 3.30 and a short prayer together in the refectory at 4.00 to sanctify our work5.50 Evening prayer6.30 Supper followed by an hour of personal prayer time until 8.158.15 Compline or Night Prayer, which closes the day.The poor clares take three vows as a sign of their commitment and consecration to God. The vow of chas tity allows the nuns to focus their love on god, they give god their bodies and souls and their right to marry. They also take the vow of poverty so they are not tied down by possessions and money and can focus on god. Christ was poor to make us rich so they follow in his footsteps and enforce discipleship. Obedience is the third vow they take, by this vow they give to God their freewill. Again showing their discipleship, because Jesus was obedient until the point of death on the cross for god.(b) Christians should lead active rather than contemplative lives.Contemplative means to life your life dedicated to god through prayer, to live a contemplative life. An example of a contemplative community is the poor clares. a day in the poor clares community may consist of things such as , gardening, housework, cooking, cleaning, helping the elderly and sick, praying or working in the shop making candles, encaustic wax cards, as well as cards created and printed on a computer, turning wood and knitting garment on their knitting machine.The nuns do this type of work involving their hands because it leaves their minds free to focus on god and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 624 how no one can serve two masters, you cannot serve both god any money so the nuns in the poor clare community decide to serve god and his people and help them rather than work for money.Thomas Merton was a Trappist monk he took a vow of lull amongst other vows his writings have had a big influence on many Christians. He took part in many social protests even though he had to be silent he took part in such protests as the struggle for racial equality in the USA and the struggle against nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War.An active life for a Christian is doing something about what you believe in, for example a Christian can help follow their path to discipleship by following Jesus and helping others by helping people at hospitals, nursing homes, schools etc. ordinary Christians can lead active lives b y living in a Christian lifestyle and helping others also apply to discipleship. Christians follow Jesus by following his examples like his love, service and compassion towards others so do this in your everyday life and work and you will be living an active life.Extra-ordinary Christian could do many great things for example Martin Luther King, jr. (January 15, 1929 April 4, 1968) was one of the main leaders of the American civil rights movement he was a Baptist minister, and had a huge impact on the people of America. his most potent and well-known speech is the I Have A Dream speech. In 1964, he became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. he spoke out against injustices against fateful people of america, they were not allowed to vote, not allowed in the same places as white people and got half the pay. Martin luther king changed thisAnother example of a extra-ordinary active Christian was commence Teresa (August 26, 1910 September 5, 1997), she was born a r oman catholic nun, she won the nobel peace prize in 1979. she was fascinated by stories of the lives of missionaries and their service. By the early 1970s, Mother Teresa had become an international celebrity. Her fame can be partly attributed to the 1969 documentary Something Beautiful for God. In 1982, at the height of the siege in Beirut, Mother Teresa rescued 37 children trapped in a front line hospital by negotioating a temporary cease-fire between the Israeli army and Palestinian guerillas. Mother Teresa inspired a wide variety of commemorations. Besides receiving numerous honors during her lifetime, she has also been memorialized through museums, been named patroness of various churches, and had various structures and roads named after her.In conclusion living an active life is far more beneficial to others and is more noticeable, living a contemplative life is sizable if you believe prayers work and they really were helping. Christians serve god in many different ways some m ore subtle than others. However it is to be taken into consideration that active Christians do pray and contemplate and contemplative Christians do work and help others. In my opinion active Christians are making a more semiprecious contribution to the world because I do not believe that prayers do anything and even if god doesnt exist active Christians are still doing something good for the world
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Prescription Drug Abuse Paper
Marc Boubelik Engl 102 MWF 300pm Yuan Ding 26 March 2012 Abuse of prescription drug Drugs in the U. S. Prescription drugs argon the number-one drug problem that we face today, says David Rotenberg, executive director of the adolescent treatment center at the nonprofit Caron Foundation. They atomic number 18 more widely prescribed, more widely available, and more widely abused by adolescents than they soak up ever been before. (DiConsiglio, 1) Abuse of prescription drugs is one of the fastest growing problems for progeny adults in the U. S. today.It is a concerning problem because of prescription drugs widespread availability and little known negative nerve effects. Prescription drugs atomic number 18 organism abused by many young adults and college students. This research paper will focus on the fibers of drugs abused, where these drugs argon coming from and the reasons for abuse, and the dangers of unknown side effects of abuse. many a(prenominal) different prescription dru gs are abused for pedantic purposes as well as recreational purposes. First lets pull away a note at one of the most popular abused drugs, Adderall.Adderall is by definition a prescription stimulant. It is composed of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It is normally prescribed by doctors to patients who suffer from anxiety Deficit overthrow (ADD) and people who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). To these patients, Adderall has a calming effect with an improvement in focus and potentiometer sustain attention for largeer periods of time. Adderall comes is classified by two types, instantaneous release (IR) and extended release (XR). The first has a instantaneous onset and is normally multiple doses are taken in a day.Extended is released in time controlled amounts and is usually taken at the beginning of the day. Adderall is cousin to such drugs as fixity and methamphetamines. To adolescents without either disorder, the drug has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. It debatems to increase focus and alertness in the abuser. There are no unmanageable statistics on how many college students useAdderall. A University of Wisconsin study put the number at 20 part. Our informal survey at colleges in this region suggests that whatsoever 25 percent of students have usedAdderallat least once to study or to party. (Jaffe/Chip 42) Adderall is a schedule II drug, which defined by the DEA as a category of drugs considered having a strong potential for abuse or addiction but that have legitimate medical use. Another ordinarily abused prescription pill is powerful painkillers, like Oxycodone (OxyCotin) and Vicodin. These types of medications are usually prescribed to patients with injuries of extensive pain or for patients to take post-surgery. Nearly 15 percent of high school seniors admitted abusing painkillers like OxyContin, according to the 2009 Monitoring the Future survey conducted by the University of Michigan. This is a startling statistic, especially since 24% of high schools students also impact in episodic and overeat drinking. What does this mean? Just because these pills can be found virtually the house, teenagers think that they cant be that harmful for your corpse. When taken in large doses painkillers can create a euphoric high sense of touch in the abuser. These painkillers can come in liquid, tablet, capsule, and extended release form. These types of painkillers are derived from opioids, the same stuff that heroin is composed of. Because it shares some of the same properties as heroin, it is very addictive in nature, physically and emotionally.Tolerance develops quickly to these drugs, which leads abusers to chase the same feeling as their first experience, often spiraling into full blown addiction. Now that weve covered what types of drugs are commonly abused by young adults and college students, how are these drugs obtained and wherefore would adolescents want to abuse them? In th e mind of a typical U. S. college student, drug abuse is not uncommon. There have been widespread coverage on binge drinking and alcohol abuse within college campuses, but what about prescription drug abuse?Where are these pills coming from? College students diagnosed with ADHD are popular kids around any given campus. Most college students looking to score some Adderall usually obtain it through a friend or an acquaintance. Pills can range anyplace from 3 to 30 dollars a pill. Using Adderall is seen as a way to expire an upper hand when it comes to academics. Students will pop a pill to study, take a test, and even for fun. In an age where procrastination is common, students will do anything to cut their learning curve of classroom curriculum and make up for scant(p) time management.Students report that when taking prescription stimulants they feel an increase in alertness and concentration. Students also report weight loss as a (sometimes desired) side effect. In the article Got Any Smart Pills? authors Harry Jaffe and Alex Chip tell the story of a college student at Duke University named Kirk. Kirk was an average student who worked hard to get into Dukes pre-medical program, but once he got there he found it hard to compete with the other students. Coupled with the party scene at the school, its no wonder his grades were sub-par. One day his frat brother picked up on his distress and offered him Adderall.Kirk had never popped a pill for academic or recreational purposes, but after taking the drug and cramming 14 hours straight for a test with positive results, he made it a staple in his academic routine. His abuse slowly progressed as the semester went on. During finals week he took a total 200mg of Adderall over five days and during his fourth and final test, his heart began to beat faster than normal and his temperature hit 103. 5 degrees. After a trip to the hospital, he stopped abusing the prescription drug almost entirely. The rule of moderation app lies to prescription drugs.They have done wonders for the human race, but if taken in excess, they become harmful to the body, for example, increasing heart rate, altering senses and perceptions, and many other negative side effects. As well as being used as an academic stimulant, Adderall and prescription stimulants are used as a recreational drug, usually at more higher doses, to produce a mild high effect. Adderall is also commonly taken to purposely stay awake all night during the weekends to accompany long nights of drinking, a very dangerous combination. Painkillers like Oxycodone and Vicodin are abused solely for recreation.When taken in high doses, the opiate-derived pills create a sensation of euphoria and relaxation. These prescription drugs are obtained very similar to Adderall, through friends with prescriptions. In the article chore Pill. Author John DiConsiglio tells the story of 18 year-old Chasey. Chasey started abusing OxyCotin at age 17 to a lower place the ill usion that prescription drugs were safe to abuse she became victim to its addictive grip. She used the drug to deal with her emotional pain. So why do many adolescents read to abuse prescription drugs instead of other popular substances like alcohol and marijuana?Experts believe pill popping is common because its hard to detect. Pills are odorless, abusers wont stumble over words or slur their speech, and the pills are also easy to conceal and carry (DiConsiglio 2). Another speculated reason that this type of abuse is so popular is that kids think its safe just because its prescribed by a licensed doctor. This leads us to our final topic, what are the dangers and side effects of abuse? Different prescription drugs come with different risks. Lets relate back to Kirks story. His heart rate change magnitude beyond normal and his temperature rose to dangerous levels.According to Scholastics Choices article Prescription Stimulants, Abusing prescription stimulants can also result in inc reased blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature, as well as nausea, headaches, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, stroke, and heart failure. Although students know the risks of ingesting prescription stimulants like Adderall, many still choose to abuse them. Prescription drugs are very expedient and helpful to us if we take them at recommended doses at scheduled times, however when young adults and college students abuse them they have little regard for dosage or a set schedule.Another concern is combining these pills with other commonly abused substances. Alcohol consumption is often very prevalent on college campuses. When alcohol and prescription drugs are combined, they can have potentially fatal results. Mixing pills with different pills could also land you in the hospital. As I mentioned earlier, prescription medicines can become physically and mentally addictive similar to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin,. Tolerance to these drugs can increase rapidly, resulting i n the abuser taking higher doses to turn over the same effect. Most prescription drugs come with a long list of negative side effects.Some side effects of Adderall include increased heart rate, worry sleeping, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, dizziness and many more. A few side effects of Oxycotin include drowsiness, mood shifts, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and many more. You can now see why prescription drugs are a growing problem in the U. S. Prescription drugs can be as dangerous as any drug. Ive covered just what drugs are popular choices for abuse, the reasons why they are abused, and the dangers of abuse. Putting an end to adolescent abuse of prescription drugs is a difficult problem and the resolve isnt simple.Awareness for prescription drug abuse is being raised and needs to continue being raised as the problem itself grows. All we can select is that America doesnt become a nation that runs off pills. Works cited DiConsiglio, John. Generation Rx. Scholas tic Choices25. 4 (2010) 8-11. OmniFile Full Text engage (H. W. Wilson). Web. 1 Mar. 2012. DiConsiglio, John. Problem Pill. Scholastic Choices26. 4 (2011) 14-17. OmniFile Full Text Select (H. W. Wilson). Web. 16 Mar. 2012. Jaffe, Harry, and Alex Chip. Got Any Smart Pills? Washingtonian41. 4 (2006) 41-47. OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 1 Mar. 2012. Jardin, Bianca1, Alison1 Looby, and Mitch1 Earleywine. Characteristics Of College Students With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Who Misuse Their Medications. Journal Of American College Health59. 5 (2011) 373-377. OmniFile Full Text Select (H. W. Wilson). Web. 1 Mar. 2012. Prescription Stimulants. Scholastic Choices26. 6 (2011) 16-17. OmniFile Full Text Select (H. W. Wilson). Web. 1 Mar. 2012. Rasminsky, Abigail. High And Mighty. Dance Spirit12. 7 (2008) 116-118. OmniFile Full Text Select (H. W. Wilson). Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Homework Essay
Chapter 18 p534 1.What is the key self-assertion of the basic Keynesian stupefy? Explain why this assumption is needed if one is to accept the get that aggregate spending is a driving force behind mindless-term economic fluctuations.The Keynesian model shows how fluctuations in planned aggregate expenditure can cause actual make to differ from strength output. This method is necessary because if it were not used companies would have to change prices every time there was a possible change in demand or quantity shift in inventory. With this method short term economic flux can happen when the a company does shift their price to relate demand.3. Define planned aggregate expenditure and list its components. Why does planned spending change when output changes relatively infrequently. What accounts for the difference?This is a total planned spending on goods and services including consumption, investment, government purchases and profit ports. If spending change happens infrequently then added goods go into inventory causing company to spend gravid on invested inventory. Consumption function accounts for the difference between changes in expenditure.Chapter 191. Why does the real liaison rate affect planned aggregate expenditure? Give examples.Because the raising or lowering affects the court of borrowing, which affects consumption and planned investment (which all is a part of aggregate expenditure). If the Fed raises rates the admit market will slow down buying. If the Fed lowers rates more people are in all probability to buy homes and refinance.2. The Fed faces a recessionary gap. How would you expect it to respond? Explain footprint by step how its policy change is likely to affect the economy.The Feds position is to eliminate output gaps and check low inflation. To eliminate a recessionary output gap, the Fed will raise the real stakes rate.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Learning from Mistake, Agree or Disagree
I dont resembling to bring up mistake. Everything to me has to be perfect because I felt that if mavin person made a mistake the first time, how they would be able to do anything. That is why withdrawing from mistake is impossible to me. When you make mistake and try to learn something from your mistake, you impart uncivilized lots of things, ruin the way that people run across about you. In addition, accomplishment from mistakes pull up stakes make you regret very much. First of all, learning from our mistakes exit waste you lots of things. You go away waste your time because you fork out to do again everything that you did in the wrong way.It seems too hard to start something again which is done one time already. By doing again, you will feel bored and tired. Not only doing it over, merely also, you have to nonplus where you did it wrong and give yourself a lesson in order to prevent from do that mistake once more(prenominal). poring over in this school is an exam ple. If you failed, you had to fell 16 weeks in fall or spring semester and 8 weeks in summer semester. You have to study again. In addition, learning from your mistake will waste your money. Failing in this school is an instance.You have to spend lots of money on the subject that you failed to study again. Spending 75 US dollar for distributively subject in ELS program and 150 US dollar for each subject in AAS program is the result. In learning, you always have many finds to fix your mistake but how about in working, will you have any opportunity? In reality, the real world, you will non have second chance. Especially, in the business world, where everything is a competition, you do not have the time to learn from mistakes. So, you are forced to do everything completely.Even though you can learn from your mistakes, you do not have chance to fix them. It means that you will be going to end up your career. That is the reason why I dont like to learn from my mistakes. Secondly, in daily life, learning from mistakes will ruin the way that your friends and family look or feel about you. Everyone will look at you with a strange way if you learn from your mistakes. In addition, they will laugh at you as a silly person. Even though you learn from mistakes, they will make you feel uncomfortable. My cousin is as an illustration.She failed high school exam. She said to me that her old friends looked at her with their strange eyes her neighbor and her relative always annoyed her with their questions. She seemly lost her hope though she had a lesson from her mistakes and knew how to overcome this hard situation. In life, learning from your mistakes will affect your job and your ability to success. When you work in a family and you always say that I have lots of experience from my mistakes. Then, you continue making mistakes. What will your emboss and you co-worker think about your ability?Of course, they will suspect your capability. In addition, does the company w ant to hire employees that always make mistake and say that they learn a lot from their mistakes? In my point of view, people do not care about if you learn from your mistakes or not. They just look at your mistake because caring about your learning from mistakes dose not bring any benefits to them. In a company, the boss just wants to have perfect employees- hard working and a? no-mistakea? employees. More over, your boss may think that if he allows employees to make mistakes, how will they ever learn?They will just check on making even more mistakes. set ahead more, when you learn from your mistakes, people who do not like you will hold up where you are weak. It will be easy for them to let you down. They can seize your stance in your company. Everything that you have will not belong to you any more. It belongs to people who want to harm you. So, learning from your mistakes will deteriorate yourself and bring disadvantages to your life. Thirdly, learning from mistakes will mak e you regret much. You may think that you do not willing to do any things that you face.You have not enough experience to overcome your challenges. Further more, you will be diffident when you face some hard situations. So, you do not concern much about what you are doing. Students who learn from their mistakes will be discouraged because they used to not to pay more attention to their study. They do not prepare any things for their future. In addition, felling ashamed and giving up their tendency is the affect of learning from mistakes. The more complicated mistakes they learn, the more shameful they feel. To me, if I do something, you I will do it for a reason and I will not regret.I find that regretting is a bad way. If you know results that will not good for you, why donat you try to prevent that? To me, I before doing something will always attempt to think about what Iam going to do first. In addition, I usually consider about the result of doing something. I ask myself that if doing some things will bring benefit to me or not. So, I may choose the way that will not make me regret. Right now, we are living in an achievement and success oriented world. So, a popular rule is whenever you do anything, try to do it right.That is why, to me, learning from mistakes is something unacceptable. In conclusion, I do not like learning from mistakes. Everybody can reduce as much mistake as possible. By preparing yourself and hard working, I believe that you can overcome everything in your life. In addition, do not think about learning from your mistakes because it just brings disadvantages to your life. It not only makes you spend lots of things, but also lays down the way that your relative look at you and makes you regret much. Hopefully, you will be strong and confident to overcome every hard situation.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Bullying Essay
According to cyberbullying. org, cyber bullying clear be defined as the harassment, humiliation, torment, embarrassment a child, preteen, or teen faces from another child, preteen, or teen. The perpetrator uses the Internet, interchangeable technologies, or even their cellular phones to carry pop out the illegal act. Those who are faced with such an issue should reach out and make their voices heard. Bullying by any means, is undoubtedly wrong and painful for those who are victimized by it the effects cyber bullying can have on a child or teen can be utterly risky or in some extreme cases, deadly.Quite recently, in the news, was a story about Rutgers University student, Tyler Clementi, localizeting felo-de-se allegedly due to 2 students streaming a video of him and another male being intimate. The two students who live streamed and recorded Clementi were charged with two counts each of invasion of privacy. It is reported that 9 out of 10 gay children are harassed or bullied an d are four times more likely to commit suicide than hetero familiar children. In my high school, a dear friend of mine felled prey to cyber bullying.A group of classmates discovered a video online of a girl, who looked somewhat similar to my friend, in a sexual act. These classmates then went around the entire school, showed everyone the video, and attempted to convince students that the girl recorded was in fact my friend. However, the girl in the video and my friend had significant differences about them that made it clear to me that these bullies were simply targeting her based on their personal vendetta against her.As a result, unfortunately, my friend started missing umteen school days and afterwards I discovered she was cutting not only her arms besides her legs as well. Any causa of bullying can lead to emotional distress, lack of self confidence, and thoughts of suicide these effects could last a lifetime. According to bullyingstatistics. org and statistics from the I-s afefoundation, over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.Countless amount of teens are unaware of the fact that the many things they post online, whether it be good or bad, can eventually come back and haunt them in the future, especially when applying for a job or college. What can truly be done about cyber bullying? Sadly, most incidents of cyber bullying go unreported possibly because a great number of people dont find the issue that macroscopic of a deal. In my opinion, cyber bullying can be averted by educating students on the matter, not only in schools but at home as well. Schools should set up programs and seminars educating students about bullying and its effects.The College of Mount reverence Vincent has taken the initiative of creating the counseling center where students can walk in and discuss any issues that their having with counselors who are more than willing to listen and offer their supp ort. Parents should monitor their children and their actions. They should be conscious of who their children are talking to and who their friends are. For many like my friend and Tyler Clementi, cyber bullying has already taken a dramatic toll on their lives, but if more students come forth and speak on their experiences on the issue it is without a question that this steep trend canend.
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